
Anna Vignoles - Selected Publications#

(2019). Understanding parental choices of secondary school in England using national administrative data. Oxford Review of Education vol. 45(5) pp. 690-710. (with S. Burgess and E. Greaves).

(2018). “Is improving access to university enough? Socio economic gaps in the earnings of English graduates”. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics. https://www.repository.cam.ac.uk/handle/1810/279908 (with Britton, J., Dearden, L., Shephard, N).

(2018) A comparison of sample survey measures of earnings of English graduates with administrative data. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A. (With Britton, J. and Shephard, N.).

(2018) “Building the foundations for measuring learning gain in higher education: a conceptual framework and measurement instrument”, Higher Education Pedagogies, 3:1, 266-301, DOI: 10.1080/23752696.2018.1484672 (with Jan D. Vermunt and Sonia Ilie).

(2018) “Building the foundations for measuring learning gain in higher education: a conceptual framework and measurement instrument”, Higher Education Pedagogies, 3:1, 266-301, DOI: 10.1080/23752696.2018.1484672 (with Jan D. Vermunt and Sonia Ilie).

(2017) “When and why do initially high achieving poor children fall behind?”, Oxford Review of Education, 43(1) pp.88-108 (with C. Crawford and L. MacMillan).

(2017) “Educational Production Functions” in Handbook on the Economics of Education, Dec 29:246, Edward Elgar (with Jack Britton).

(2016) Family Background and University Success Differences in Higher Education Access and Outcomes in England, Oxford University Press (with Claire Crawford, Lorraine Dearden and John Micklewright).

(2016) “The link between East Asian 'mastery' teaching methods and English children's mathematics skills”, Economics of Education Review, 50, pp.29-44 (with J.Jerrim).

(2016) “Higher education, career opportunities, and intergenerational inequality”, Oxford Review of Economic Policy 2016 32 (4): 553-575
doi: 10.1093/oxrep/grw030 (with Claire Crawford; Paul Gregg; Lindsey Macmillan and Gill Wyness).

(2015) "The socio‐economic gradient in children's reading skills and the role of genetics." British Educational Research Journal 41, no. 1 (2015): 6-29. (with Jerrim, John, Raghu Lingam, and Angela Friend). Winner of the BERJ annual Editors' Choice Award.

(2015) “What parents want: school preferences and school choice”, The Economic Journal, 125(587), pp.1262-1289. Doi: 10.1111/ecoj.12153 (with S. Burgess, E. Greaves, and D. Wilson).

(2013) ‘Social mobility, regression to the mean and the cognitive development of high ability children from disadvantaged’, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A (Statistics in Society), Vol. 176, No. 4, pp.887-906. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-985X.2012.01072.x. (with J. Jerrim).

(2012) ‘Widening participation in higher education: analysis using linked administrative data’, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-985X.2012.01043.x (with H. Chowdry, C. Crawford, L. Dearden, A. Goodman). [Cited by Wiley as most downloaded paper from JRSS Series A 2014]

(2007) ‘What Should an Index of School Segregation Measure?’, Oxford Review of Education, Vol. 33 No. 5. pp. 643-668 (with Rebecca Allen).

(2005) What’s the Good of Education?: The Economics of Education in the UK, Princeton University Press: Princeton and Oxford. (Co-editor with Stephen Machin).

(2005), ‘The Declining Relative Importance of Ability in Predicting Educational Attainment’, Journal of Human Resources, Vol. 40, No. 2, pp.335-353 and presented at the 2004 Royal Economic Society Conference http://ideas.repec.org/s/ecj/ac2004.html (with F. Galindo-Rueda).

(2002) ‘The Return to Post-Compulsory School Mathematics Study’, Economica, Vol. 69, No. 273, pp.113-142, (with P. Dolton).

(2002) ‘The Returns to Academic, Vocational and Basic Skills in Britain’, Bulletin of Economic Research, vol 54, no. 3, pp. 249-274 (with L. Dearden, L, S. McIntosh, and M. Myck).

(2002) ‘Is a Broader Curriculum Better?’, Economics of Education Review, Vol. 21, pp.415-429 (with P. Dolton).

(2001) ‘Measuring and assessing the impact of basic skills on labour market outcomes’, Oxford Economic Papers, Vol.53, No.3, pp.453-481 (with S. McIntosh).

(2000) 'The Incidence and Effects of Overeducation in the Graduate Labour Market', Economics of Education Review, Vol. 19, pp.179-198 (with P. Dolton).

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