
Susana Narotzky - Selected Publications#

Narotzky, S. (work in progress), “‘To have a life’: struggling for a future in the Spanish crisis”

Narotzky, S. (ed.) (2020) Grassroots Economies: Living with Austerity in Southern Europe, London: Pluto Press

Narotzky, S. and Goddard, V. (Eds.) (2017) Work and Livelihoods – History, Ethnography and Models in Times of Crisis, New York: Routledge, Society for the Anthropology of Work book prize 2017

Goddard, V. and Narotzky, S. (Eds.) (2015) Industry and Work in Contemporary Capitalism: Global Models, Local Lives? London: Routledge, CRESC series

Narotzky, S. (2021) “The Janus face of austerity politics: autonomy and dependence in contemporary Spain.” Focaal. Journal of Global and Historical Anthropology

Narotzky, S. (2018) “Rethinking the concept of labour”, Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, Vol.24 (S1):29-43

Narotzky, S. (2016) “On Waging the Ideological War: Against the Hegemony of Form” Anthropological Theory, Vol. 16(2-3): 263-284 [Translated into Spanish]

Narotzky, S. (2016) “Where Have All the Peasants Gone?” Annual Review of Anthropology, Vol. 45:19.1–19.18

Narotzky, S. (2016) “Between inequality and injustice: dignity as a motive for mobilization during the crisis” History and Anthropology, Vol.27 (1): 74-92

Narotzky, S. (2021) “Agricultural day Labor in Spain: The logics of (pandemic) capitalism.” In Fassin, D., Fourcade, M. (eds.), Pandemic Exposures: Economy and Society in the Time of Coronavirus. Chicago: HAU/ The University of Chicago Press

Narotzky, S.; Pusceddu, A. (2020) “Social reproduction in times of crisis: inter-generational tensions in southern Europe”. In Narotzky, S. (ed.) Grassroots Economies: Living with Austerity in Southern Europe, London: Pluto Press, pp. 143-170

Homs, P. & Narotzky, S. (2019) “Within and beyond the market system. A case of organic food cooperatives in Catalonia”. In Krista Harper & Valeria Siniscalchi (eds) Food Values in Europe: Economies, Ideologies, and Power in Practice. London: Bloomsbury, pp.132-146

Narotzky, S. (2019) “Populism’s claims: The struggle between privilege and equality” in Bruce Kapferer & Dimitrios Theodossopoulos (eds.) Democracy's paradox: Populism and its Contemporary Crisis, Oxford: Berghahn, pp.97-121

Narotzky, S. (2016) “Spain is the Problem, Europe the Solution: Economic Models, Labor Organization and the Hope for a Better Future” in Gledhill, J. (Ed.) World Anthropologies in Practice, London: Bloomsbury, pp. 19-39

Narotzky, S. (2015) “The organic intellectual and the production of class in Spain”, in James G. Carrier and Don Kalb (Eds.) Anthropologies of Class. Power, Practice and Inequality, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 125-164

Narotzky, S. (2015) “The Payoff of Love and the Traffic of Favours: Reciprocity, Social Capital, and the Blurring of Value Realms in Flexible Capitalism” in Kjaerulff, Jens (Ed.) Flexible Capitalism. Exchange and Ambiguity at Work, Oxford: Berghahn Books, pp.268-310.

Narotzky, S. (2014) “Structures without soul and immediate struggles: rethinking militant particularism in contemporary Spain” in Kasmir, S. & Carbonella, G. (Eds) Blood and Fire: Toward a New Anthropology of Labour. New York: Berghahn Books, pp.167-202

Narotzky, S. & Manzano, E. (2014), "The hisba, the muhtasib and the struggle over political power and a moral economy: An enquiry into institutions" in J. Hudson & A. Rodríguez, Diverging Paths? The Shape of Power and Institutions in Medieval Islam and Christendom, Leiden: Brill, pp.30-54.

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