Recent publications by members of Class A1 - Humanities and Arts#
The Constitution of Science#
A new publication by Professor Chrysostomos Mantzavinos, member of the Philosophy, Theology and Religious Studies Section of Academia Europaea where he offers wide-ranging and multi-pronged investigation into the many necessary conditions to foster healthy scientific inquiry.Year of publication: December 2024
Medicine and Practical Ethics in Galen#
A new publication by Prof. Sophia Xenophontos, member of the Classics and oriental studies section of Academia Europaea, where she explores the practical ethics of antiquity's most voluminous writer.
Year of publication: 2024
The Edinburgh Companion to the New European Humanities#
A new publication edited by Prof. Rosi Braidotti, member of the Philosophy, Theology and Religious Studies section of Academia Europaea (together with Hiltraud Casper-Hehne, Marjan Ivković, Daan F. Oostveen).
The book assesses the rise of the ‘New’ Humanities alongside the traditional disciplines and inter-disciplinary ‘studies’ areas.
Year of publication: 2024 (Hardback)
The Book of Esther between Judaism and Christianity: The Biblical Story, Self-Identification, and Antisemitic Interpretation#
A new publication by Professor Isaac Kalimi, member of the Philosophy, theology and religious studies of Academia Europaea.
In his book, Prof. Isaac Kalimi demostrates why the book of Esther became one of the central books of Judaism and one of the most neglected books in Christianity.
Year of publication: 2023.
The Poetics and Ethics of (Un-) Grievability in Contemporary Anglophone Fiction
Edited by Susana Onega, Jean-Michel Ganteau#
A new publication by Professor Susana Onega and Jean-Michel Ganteau, members of the Literary and Theatrical Studies section of Academia Europaea.
The working hypothesis of the book is that, since the 1990s, an increasing number of Anglophone fictions are responding to the new ethical and political demands arising out of the facts of war, exclusion, climate change, contagion, posthumanism and other central issues of our post-trauma age by adapting the conventions of traditional forms of expressing grievability, such as elegy, testimony or (pseudo-)autobiography.
Year of publication: 2023.
Italian Opera in Global and Transnational Perspective
Reimagining Italianità in the Long Nineteenth Century#
A new publication by Prof. Axel Körner, University College London, and Paulo M. Kühl, University of Campinas, Brazil. Prof. Körner is member of the History and Archaeology and Musicology and Art History sections.
The book of essays discusses the European and global expansion of Italian opera and the significance of this process for debates on opera at home in Italy.
Year of publication: 2022.
Chosen Nation. The Life and Oeuvre of Henrik Marczali#
A new publication (in Hungarian) by Iván Zoltán Dénes, member of the History and Archaeology section of Academia Europaea.
The monograph focused on Henrik Marczali's socialization, master-narrative, his lectures and seminars, reinterpretation of history during the WW1, his social activity, everyday life, his family, his Jewish connection throughout his whole life, the main characteristics of his identity, and the reception of his oeuvre.
Year of publication: 2022.
Kin, People or Nation? On European Political Identities#
A new publication by Victor Neumann, member of the History and Archaeology section of Academia Europaea.
The book shows how the variety of connotations associated with the ideas of 'nation' and 'people' have been circumscribed in south-eastern Europe.
Year of publication: 2021.
Cross-cultural pragmatics#
New publication by Dániel Z. Kádár, Dalian University of Foreign Languages, China, and Research Institute for Linguistics, Hungary and a member of the Classics and oriental studies section of Academia Europaea and Juliane House, Universität Hamburg.
The book provides a cutting-edge introduction to cross-cultural pragmatics, a field encompassing the study of language use across linguacultures.
Year of publication: 2021.
Transcending the Postmodern
The Singular Response of Literature to the Transmodern Paradigm#
Edited by Susana Onega and Jean-Michel Ganteau, members of the Literary and theatrical studies section of Academia Europea.
Year of publication: 2021.
The Temptation of Homo Europaeus. An Intellectual History of Central and Southeastern Europe#
A new edition of the book by Prof. Victor Neumann, a member of the History and Archaeology section. Prof. Neumann is a Romanian historian, political analyst, and professor at the West University in Timișoara.
His research area is in the recent cultural and intellectual histories of Eastern and Central Europe. Since 2013 he has been Director of the Timișoara National Museum of Art.
Year of publication: 2021.
Human Diversity in Context#
Edited by Ferrini Cinzia, member of the Philosophy, Theology & Religious Studies section.The University of Trieste has published an open access volume

Distinguished members of Academia Europaea contributed to the publication.
Year of publication: 2020.
Writing and Rewriting History in Ancient Israel and Near Eastern Cultures#
A new publication by Professor Isaac Kalimi, member of the Philosophy, theology and religious studies of Academia Europaea.The articles in the book discuss recent developments in the analysis of history and historiography in ancient Israel and its surrounding cultures. The scholars compare the compositional and editorial approaches evident in biblical and post-biblical writings with those shown in other ancient literature, while concentrating on a specific theme.
Year of publication: 2020.
Writing and Rewriting the Story of Solomon in Ancient Israel#
In this detailed study, Professor Isaac Kalimi, member of the Philosophy, theology and religious studies offers comprehensive literary and historical-critical reading of the biblical texts which deal with the reign and person of Solomon.
Year of publication: 2018.
Metathesis in the Hebrew Bible
Wordplay as a Literary and Exegetical Device#
A publication by Professor Isaac Kalimi, member of the Philosophy, theology and religious studies of Academia Europaea. Professor Dr. Isaac Kalimi is the worldwide leading biblical scholar, historian and Judaist.
Why did the biblical writers choose the specific words they did? The book investigates this question by exploring the use of literary-stylistic metathesis in the Hebrew Bible.
Year of publication: 2018.
Fighting over the Bible
Jewish Interpretation, Sectarianism and Polemic from Temple to Talmud and Beyond#
A new publication by Professor Isaac Kalimi, member of the Philosophy, theology and religious studies section of Academia Europaea.
Fighting over the Bible explores the bitter conflicts between mainstream Jews and their internal and external opponents, especially between particular Jewish groups such as Pharisees, Sadducees, Qumranites, Samaritans, Rabbanites and Karaites, as well as with Christians and Muslims regarding their interpretations of Jewish Scripture.
Year of publication: 2017