News Archive - Earth and Cosmic sciences Section #

Symons Gold Medal Lecture

Professor Michael Edgeworth McIntyre, member of the Earth and Cosmic Sciences section, holds his Symons Gold Medal Lecture awarded by the Royal Meteorological Society.
15 May 2024, 12:00 - 13:00 (BST), (13:00 - 14:00 CET), virtual lecture.

Prof. Dingwell ellected Corresponding Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh

Prof. Donald Bruce Dingwell, Vice-President of the Academia Europaea, has been elected as a corresponding member of the Royal Society of Edinburgh.

Donald Dingwell elected to the Chinese Academy of Sciences

Prof. Donald Bruce Dingwell, Academic Director of the Academia Europaea Munich Knowledge Hub, has been elected as Foreign Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Balzan Prize 2023

The 2023 Balzan Prize awarded to David Damrosch and Heino Falcke.

Copley Medal to Lord Martin Rees

Professor Martin Rees receives Royal Society's Copley Medal.

Junguo Liu

Professor Junguo Liu, Foreign Member of the Earth and Cosmic Sciences section of Academia Europaea, has been elected as a member of the Swiss Academy of Engineering Science (SATW).

Claude Lorius (1932 - 2023)

Professor Claude Lorius, climatologist and member of Academia Europaea since 1989, passed away on Tuesday March 21, 2023.
Read the obituary by Prof. Mike Burton, the Chair of the Earth and Cosmic Sciences section.

Volcano-Tectonic Processes

Read a new publication by Professor Valerio Acocella, member of the Earth and Cosmic Sciences section.

Mine Site Restoration

Professor Junguo Liu played a key role in the First Global Standards for Mine Site Restoration.

Junguo Liu receives TWAS Award

Professor Junguo LIU receives the World Academy of Science (TWAS) Award.

Helmut Moritz (1933 - 2022)

Professor Helmut Moritz, member of the Earth and Cosmic Sciences section since
1992, passed away October 21st, 2022.
Read the obituary by Prof. Hans Sünkel, former Rector of the Graz University of Technology.

2022 Willet Miller Medal

Professor Donald Bruce Dingwell, Trustee and Academic Director of the Munich Knowledge Hub, receives the 2022 Willet Miller Medal of the Royal Society of Canada.

Olav Eldholm (1941 - 2022)

Professor Olav Eldholm, Professor Emeritus from the University of Bergen and a distinguished member of the Earth and Cosmic Sciences section passed away on March 18, 2022, 80 years old.
Read the obituary by Prof. Eystein Jansen, the Academic Director of the Academia Europaea Bergen Knowledge Hub.

Academy of Athens

Read about the Climate Change related activities at the Academy of Athens.

Air Water Earth Fire

A new book by Angelo Peccerillo, member of the Earth and Cosmic Sciences section.
The book provides a description of the various geological subsystems and brings recent environmental problems in general context to the system Earth.

Earth Our Living Planet

The Earth System and its Co-evolution With Organisms.
A new publication by Philippe Bertrand and Louis Legendre, member of the Earth and Cosmic Sciences section.

Karl Fuchs (1932 - 2021)

Professor Dr. Karl Fuchs, distinguished member of the Earth and Cosmic Sciences section passed away on 22 March 2021 after a remarkable scientific career.
Read the obituary by Hans Thybo, MAE and Sierd Cloetingh, president of Academia Europaea.

Abraham-Gottlob-Werner Medal

Abraham-Gottlob-Werner Medal for Professor Donald B. Dingwell.

The Lithosphere

"The Lithosphere", a new book by Irina Artemieva.

New Frontiers in Integrated Solid Earth Sciences

New book by Sierd Cloetingh and Jorg Negendank on New Frontiers in Integrated Solid Earth Sciences.

Sierd Cloetingh

Sierd Cloetingh receives the 2010 Alexander von Humboldt Research Award.

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