
PhD alumni#

  1. Rob van der Veeren (PhD, 2002, Vrije U; with Harmen Verbruggen), now at Rijkswaterstaat
  2. Katrin Rehdanz (PhD, 2004, Hamburg U; with David Maddison), now at Kiel U
  3. Armi Susandi (PhD, 2004, Hamburg U; with Klaus Hasselmann), now at Bandung IT
  4. Marianne Zandersen (PhD, 2005, Hamburg U), now at Aarhus U
  5. Yuan Zhou (PhD, 2005, Hamburg U), now at Syngenta
  6. Jacqueline Hamilton (PhD, 2005, Hamburg U; with David Maddison), self-employed
  7. Jennifer Sesabo (PhD, 2006, Hamburg U), now at Mzumbe U
  8. Kerstin Ronneberger (PhD, 2006, Hamburg U), now at DKRZ
  9. Christine Röckmann (PhD, 2006, Hamburg U; with Michael St John), now at Wageningen Agricultural U
  10. Malte Schwoon (PhD, 2006, Hamburg U), now at StatKraft
  11. Maren Lau (PhD, 2006, Hamburg U), now at Zoom China
  12. Michael Link (PhD, 2006, Hamburg U), now at Hamburg U
  13. Katsumasa Tanaka (PhD, 2007, Hamburg U; with Jochem Marotzke), now at Institut Pierre-Simon Laplace
  14. Christine Schleupner (PhD, 2008, Hamburg U; with Uwe Schneider)
  15. Dritan Osmani (PhD, 2009, Hamburg U), now at Epoka U
  16. David Anthoff (PhD, 2009, Hamburg U), now at UC Berkeley
  17. Nikolinka Koleva (PhD, 2010, Hamburg U; with Uwe Schneider), now at European Chemicals Agengy
  18. Kelly de Bruin (PhD, 2011, Wageningen Agricultural U; with Rob Dellink and Ekko van Ierland), now at the Economic and Social Research Institute
  19. Timm Sauer (PhD, 2011, Hamburg U; with Uwe Schneider), last seen at Biosphere Reservation Schorfheide Chorin
  20. Alvaro Calzadilla (PhD, 2011, Hamburg U; with Katrin Rehdanz), now at UC London
  21. Stefano Verde (PhD, 2012, Trinity C Dublin; with Eleanor Denny), now at European U Institute
  22. Thomas K.J. McDermott (PhD, 2012, Trinity C Dublin; with Frank Barry), now at University College Cork
  23. Muireann A. Lynch (PhD, 2014, UC Dublin; with Mark O'Malley), now at the Economic and Social Research Institute
  24. In Chang Hwang (PhD, 2014, Vrije U Amsterdam; with Marjan Hofkes and Frederic Reynes), now at the Korea Environment Institute
  25. Francisco Estrada (PhD, 2015; with Elissaios Papyrakis and Pierre Perron), now at U Nacional Autonoma de Mexico
  26. Elsa Valli (PhD, 2017; with A.V. Chari), now at FAO
  27. Subhani Keerthiratne (PhD, 2017; with Sambit Bhattacharyya), now at the Central Bank of Sri Lanka
  28. Samantha de Martino (PhD, 2017; with Pedro Rosa Dias), now at the World Bank
  29. Cecilia Poggi (PhD, 2017; with Iftikhar Hussain), now at Agence Française de Développement
  30. Marco Letta (PhD, 2018; with PierLuigi Montalbano), now at Sapienza U di Roma
  31. Monika Novackova (PhD, 2018; with Alexander Moradi), now at American Express
  32. Michael Keller (PhD, 2019; with Sambit Bhattacharyya), now at U Copenhagen
  33. Mehmet Kutluay (PhD, 2019; with Roy Brouwer), now at ING Bank
  34. Teodoros Chatzivasileiadis (PhD, 2019; with Francisco Estrada, Marjan Hofkes and Onno Kuik), now at E3 Modelling
  35. Irene Staffieri (PhD, 2020; with PierLuigi Montalbano), now at FAO
  36. Antonia Schwartz (PhD, 2020; with Alexander Moradi and Anthony Heyes), now at PIK
  37. Ji "Maggie" Jiang (PhD, 2023)
  38. Lilia Garcia Manrique (PhD, 2023), now at Calgary

Visiting PhD candidates#

  1. Fangzhi Wang (2023-4)
  2. Jinchi Dong (2023-4)


My PhD advisors were Pier Vellinga (a student of Eco Bijker), Harmen Verbruggen (a student of Hans Linnemann), and Aart de Vos (a student of Mars Cramer).

Academic Genealogy

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