!!PhD alumni
#Rob van der Veeren (PhD, 2002, Vrije U; with Harmen Verbruggen), now at [Rijkswaterstaat|http://www.rws.nl]
#Katrin Rehdanz (PhD, 2004, Hamburg U; with David Maddison), now at [Kiel U|http://www.eare.wiso.uni-kiel.de/mitarbeiter/rehdanz]
#Armi Susandi (PhD, 2004, Hamburg U; with Klaus Hasselmann), now at [Bandung IT|http://armisusandi.com]
#Marianne Zandersen (PhD, 2005, Hamburg U), now at [Aarhus U|https://pure.au.dk/portal/en/persons/marianne-zandersen(117738a1-e24b-455e-bdfe-1ed4b56bf96e).html]
#Yuan Zhou (PhD, 2005, Hamburg U), now at [Syngenta|http://www.syngentafoundation.org/index.cfm?pageID=21]
#Jacqueline Hamilton (PhD, 2005, Hamburg U; with David Maddison), [self-employed|https://www.linkedin.com/in/jacqueline-hamilton-1066004/?originalSubdomain=de]
#Jennifer Sesabo (PhD, 2006, Hamburg U), now at [Mzumbe U|http://www.mzumbe.ac.tz/index.htm]
#Kerstin Ronneberger (PhD, 2006, Hamburg U), now at [DKRZ|http://www.dkrz.de/about/Organisation/mitarbeiter/k202060]
#Christine Röckmann (PhD, 2006, Hamburg U; with Michael St John), now at [Wageningen Agricultural U|http://www.wewur.wur.nl/popups/vcard.aspx?id=ROCKM001&lang=uk]
#Malte Schwoon (PhD, 2006, Hamburg U), now at [StatKraft|http://www.statkraft.de]
#Maren Lau (PhD, 2006, Hamburg U), now at [Zoom China|http://www.zoomchina.info/Zoom_China_Home.php]
#Michael Link (PhD, 2006, Hamburg U), now at [Hamburg U|https://www.clisec.uni-hamburg.de/staff/associated-members/michael-link.html]
#Katsumasa Tanaka (PhD, 2007, Hamburg U; with Jochem Marotzke), now at [Institut Pierre-Simon Laplace|https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=SAaZf1gAAAAJ&hl=de]
#Christine Schleupner (PhD, 2008, Hamburg U; with Uwe Schneider)
#Dritan Osmani (PhD, 2009, Hamburg U), now at [Epoka U|https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=mYj0sjUAAAAJ&hl=en]
#David Anthoff (PhD, 2009, Hamburg U), now at [UC Berkeley|http://www.david-anthoff.de/Pages/default.aspx]
#Nikolinka Koleva (PhD, 2010, Hamburg U; with Uwe Schneider), now at [European Chemicals Agengy|https://www.linkedin.com/in/nikolinka-shakhramanyan-91090557]
#Kelly de Bruin (PhD, 2011, Wageningen Agricultural U; with Rob Dellink and Ekko van Ierland), now at the [Economic and Social Research Institute|https://www.esri.ie/people/kelly-c-de-bruin]
#Timm Sauer (PhD, 2011, Hamburg U; with Uwe Schneider), last seen at [Biosphere Reservation Schorfheide Chorin|http://www.lifeschreiadler.de/mitmachen/projekttagebuch/newsartikel/artikel/juni-newsletter]
#Alvaro Calzadilla (PhD, 2011, Hamburg U; with Katrin Rehdanz), now at [UC London|https://www.ucl.ac.uk/bartlett/sustainable/people/dr-alvaro-calzadilla-rivera]
#Stefano Verde (PhD, 2012, Trinity C Dublin; with Eleanor Denny), now at [European U Institute|http://www.eui.eu/Directory/Detail.aspx?userid=7931] 
#Thomas K.J. McDermott (PhD, 2012, Trinity C Dublin; with Frank Barry), now at [University College Cork|http://research.ucc.ie/profiles/B008/thomasmcdermott]
#Muireann A. Lynch (PhD, 2014, UC Dublin; with Mark O'Malley), now at the [Economic and Social Research Institute|https://www.esri.ie/person/?userid=103]
#In Chang Hwang (PhD, 2014, Vrije U Amsterdam; with Marjan Hofkes and Frederic Reynes), now at the [Korea Environment Institute|https://www.researchgate.net/profile/In_Chang_Hwang]
#Francisco Estrada (PhD, 2015; with Elissaios Papyrakis and Pierre Perron), now at [U Nacional Autonoma de Mexico|http://www.atmosfera.unam.mx/directorio/estrada_f.html]
#Elsa Valli (PhD, 2017; with A.V. Chari), now at [FAO |https://www.linkedin.com/in/elsa-valli-b822054/?originalSubdomain=it]
#Subhani Keerthiratne (PhD, 2017; with Sambit Bhattacharyya), now at the [Central Bank of Sri Lanka|http://www.cbsl.gov.lk/index.asp]
#Samantha de Martino (PhD, 2017; with Pedro Rosa Dias), now at the [World Bank|http://www.worldbank.org/en/about/people/s/samantha-de-martino]
#Cecilia Poggi (PhD, 2017; with Iftikhar Hussain), now at [Agence Française de Développement|https://ideas.repec.org/f/ppo412.html]
#Marco Letta (PhD, 2018; with PierLuigi Montalbano), now at [Sapienza U di Roma|https://ideas.repec.org/f/ple964.html]
#Monika Novackova (PhD, 2018; with Alexander Moradi), now at [American Express|https://www.linkedin.com/in/monika-novackova/?originalSubdomain=cz]
#Michael Keller (PhD, 2019; with Sambit Bhattacharyya), now at [U Copenhagen|https://ideas.repec.org/f/pke330.html]
#Mehmet Kutluay (PhD, 2019; with Roy Brouwer), now at ING Bank
#Teodoros Chatzivasileiadis (PhD, 2019; with Francisco Estrada, Marjan Hofkes and Onno Kuik), now at [E3 Modelling|https://e3modelling.com/team/theodoros-chatzivasileiadis]
#Irene Staffieri (PhD, 2020; with PierLuigi Montalbano), now at FAO
#Antonia Schwartz (PhD, 2020; with Alexander Moradi and Anthony Heyes), now at [PIK|https://www.pik-potsdam.de/members/schwarz/homepage] 
#[Ji "Maggie" Jiang|https://ideas.repec.org/f/pji326.html] (PhD, 2023)
#Lilia Garcia Manrique (PhD, 2023), now at [Calgary|https://site.liliagama.com]

!!Visiting PhD candidates
#Fangzhi Wang (2023-4)
#Jinchi Dong (2023-4)

My PhD advisors were Pier Vellinga (a student of Eco Bijker), Harmen Verbruggen (a student of Hans Linnemann), and Aart de Vos (a student of Mars Cramer).

[Academic Genealogy|https://academictree.org/econ/tree.php?pid=59043]