
Britt-Marie Sjöberg - Curriculum Vitae#


B. Pharm. 1966, B. Sc. 1969, Ph. D. 1973, Habilitation (Docent) 1976


The Swedish Cancer Foundation, The Swedish Research Council, The Wenner-Gren Foundations


Steering committee of the Defense Research Establishment (FOI) of the Ministry of Defense (1999-2009)
Research Board (1999-2006) of the Swedish Cancer Society (2000-06)
Board of the Wenner-Gren Foundations (since 2001), Science Secretary (since 2013), CEO (since 2015)
Board of the Science Faculty, Stockholm University (2003-08)
At-large member of Gordon Research Council (2004-06), Council of Society of Bioinorganic Chemistry (2007-11)
Board of Science for Life Laboratory (2009-11)
Board of the Swedish Royal Academy of Sciences (2009-15)
Member and Vice Chairman of the Board of the Swedish Research Council (2010-2013)
THESIS ADVISOR: 25 completed PhDs (11 female/ 14 male)


Hosting ca. 30 postdoctoral scientists and professors (from France, Germany, India, Italy, New Zeeland, China, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, UK, USA)

Fields of Scholarship
  • Structure, function and evolution of the universal ribonucleotide reductase (RNR) enzyme family
  • RNRdb - RNR database (http/www.rnrdb.pfitmap.org)
  • Deoxynucleotide metabolism
  • Origin of Life on Earth
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