
Peter Siersema - Selected Publications#


1. Belderbos TD, van Erning F, de Hingh IH, van Oijen MG, Lemmens VE, Siersema PD. Long-term recurrence free survival after standard endoscopic resection versus surgical resection of submucosal invasive colorectal carcinoma – a population-based study.
Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol 2017; 15: 403-11. (5-Year Impact Factor: 10.030)

2. ten Hove JR, Mooiweer E, Dekker E, van der Meulen-de Jong AE, Offerhaus GJ, Ponsioen CY, Siersema PD, Oldenburg B. Low rate of dysplasia detection in mucosa surrounding dysplastic lesions in patients undergoing surveillance for inflammatory bowel diseases. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol 2017; 15: 222-8. (5-Year Impact Factor: 10.030)

3. Kappelle WF, Van Leerdam ME, Schwartz MP, Bülbül M, Buikhuisen WA, Brink MA, Sie-Go DM, Pullens HJM, Nikolakopoulos S, Van Diest PJ, Leenders M, Moons LM, Bogte A, Siersema PD, Vleggaar FP. Rapid on-site evaluation during endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration of lymph nodes does not increase diagnostic yield: a randomized, multicenter trial. Am J Gastroenterol 2018; 113: 677-85. (5-Year Impact Factor: 12.591)

4. Goldstein O, Segol O, Gross SA, Jacob H, Siersema PD. Novel device for measuring polyp size: an ex vivo animal study. Gut 2018; 2018; 67: 1755-6. (5-Year Impact Factor: 22.225)

5. Peters Y, Honing J, Kievit W, Kestens C, Pestman W, Nagtegaal ID, van der Post RS, Siersema PD. Incidence of progression of persistent non-dysplastic Barrett's esophagus to malignancy. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol 2019; 17: 869-77. (5-Year Impact Factor: 10.030)

6. Peters Y, Al-Kaabi A, Shaheen NJ, Chak A, Blum A, Souza RF, Di Pietro M, Iyer PG, Pech O, Fitzgerald RC, Siersema PD. Barrett oesophagus. Nat Rev Dis Primers 2019; 5: 35. (5-Year Impact Factor: 65.357)

7. Zimmermann-Fraedrich K, Sehner S, Rex DK, Kaltenbach T, Soetikno R, Wallace M, Leung WK, Guo C, Gralnek IM, Brand EC, Groth S, Schachschal G, Ikematsu H, Siersema PD, Rösch T. Right-sided location not associated with missed colorectal adenomas in an individual-level reanalysis of tandem colonoscopy studies. Gastroenterology 2019; 157: 660-671. (5-Year Impact Factor: 23.937)

8. Peters Y, Schrauwen RW, Tan AC, Bogers SK, de Jong B, Siersema PD. Detection of Barrett's oesophagus through exhaled breath using an electronic nose device. Gut 2020; 69: 116; 69: 1169-72. (5-Year Impact Factor: 22.225)

9. Levink IJM, Tearney GJ, Erler NS, Wolfsen HC, Siersema PD, Wallace MB. Barrett's epithelial thickness, assessed by volumetric laser endomicroscopy, is associated with response to radiofrequency ablation. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol 2021; 19: 1160-9. (5-Year Impact Factor: 10.030)

10. Gertsen EC, Brenkman HJF, van Hillegersberg R, van Sandick JW, van Berge Henegouwen MI, Gisbertz SS, Luyer MDP, Nieuwenhuijzen GAP, van Lanschot JJB, Lagarde SM, Wijnhoven BPL, de Steur WO, Hartgrink HH, Stoot JHMB, Hulsewe KWE, Spillenaar Bilgen EJ, van Det MJ, Kouwenhoven EA, van der Peet DL, Daams F, van Grieken NCT, Heisterkamp J, van Etten B, van den Berg JW, Pierie JP, Eker HH, Thijssen AY, Belt EJT, van Duijvendijk P, Wassenaar E, van Laarhoven HWM, Wevers KP, Hol L, Wessels FJ, Haj Mohammad N, van der Meulen MP, Frederix GWJ, Vegt E, Siersema PD, Ruurda JP; PLASTIC Study Group. 18F-Fludeoxyglucose-positron emission tomography/computed tomography and laparoscopy for staging of locally advanced gastric cancer: a multicenter prospective Dutch cohort study (PLASTIC). JAMA Surg 2021; 156: e215340. (5-Year Impact Factor: 15.342)

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