
Anne Piéjus- Biography#

A Director of research at the CNRS, Anne Piéjus is a specialist of Early Modern Music and works in a multidisciplinary perspective, involving literature, performing arts, history and intellectual history.

She has worked on Racine and the theatre with interludes (“Le Théâtre des Demoiselles”, 2000, critical editions of “Esther”, 2003, 2011/2, “Athalie”, 2005 with their original music). She curated the exhibition “Figures de la passion” (2002) and edited the catalogue; led a programme supported by the ‘Agence nationale de la recherche’ on school spectacles under the Ancien Régime (2 collective books: “Plaire et instruire”, 2007, “Archéologie d'un spectacle jésuite”, 2008), and co-edited Molière’s comédies-ballets (Gallimard, Bibliothèque de la Pléiade, 2010).

She founded and leads the “Mercure galant” programme, which produces enriched editions of text, music and images and leads a reflection on digital humanities for musicology.

She is also conducting research on Italian music (“Music and devotion in Rome at the end of the Renaissance”, Brepols 2014 (awarded 2 prizes from the Institut de France); “Music, censorship and creation”, Olschki 2017; “The Roman motet (1550-1600), a collective issue?” ‘Early Music History‘ 2022).

She is member of the executive committee of the Doctoral School “Concepts et langages” (500 students) and supervises many graduate students trainees.

She is involved in the representation of musicology in several scholarly societies and consortiums. She recently founded the European musicological seminar “Building Relationships in a changing world”.

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