
Anne Piéjus#

Anne Piéjus
Membership Number:6467
Membership type:ORDINARY
Main Country of Residence:FRANCE

Present and Previous Positions
  • 2021 - present 1st class "Directrice de recherche" at the CNRS, IReMus, Paris.
  • 2014 2nd class "Directrice de recherche" at the CNRS, IReMus, Paris.
  • 2009 - 2012 Guest Scholar, Villa I Tatti, the Harvard University Research Center on Renaissance Italy, Florence, IT.
  • 2002 - 2014 1st class "Chargée de recherche" at the CNRS, IRPMF, Paris.
  • 2001 - 2002 One-year contract at the Paris Philharmony : curator (and editor of the catalogue) of the exhibition "Figures de la Passion".
  • 2001 - 2002 Senior Lecturer, University of Fribourg, CH.
  • 1998 - 2000 Fellow of the French Academy in Rome - Villa Medici (2-year fellowship), Rome.
  • 1995 - 1998 Fellow ("Pensionnaire", ie 3-year fellowship for graduate Students) of the Thiers Foundation, Institut de France, Paris.
  • 1993 - 1995 Music teacher in Secondary schools, FR
  • 1990 - 1991 Lecturer at Paris8-Saint-Denis University (Music History and Sound analysis for teachers), FR
  • 1990 - 1991 One-year contract at the RISM-Bibliothèque nationale de France for cataloguing manuscripts from F-Pn.
  • 1990 Music Director in Music Summer camps.
  • 1989 - 1990 Agregation competition (ranked 5st). Trainee teacher in secondary schools.

Fields of Scholarship
  • Music and early modern press
  • Music and theater, music and education, music non stage
  • Early modern music criticism
  • Music and letters
  • Early modern European music
  • Sung poetry (France, Italy, 1550-1750)
  • Music and religion
  • Musical iconography
  • Digital humanities, databases, music editions, digital vocabularies, crowdsourcing, connecting digital resources
  • Music and politics
  • Music and fine arts

Honours and Awards
  • 2016 Allocation of the "Prime d'Encadrement de de Recherche", renewed in 2020.
  • 2015 Thorlet Prize from the Académie des sciences morales et politiques for "Musique et dévotion à Rome à la fin de la Renaissance"
  • 2015 Alfred Verdaguer Prize of the Institut de France, upon proposal of the French Academy, for "Musique et dévotion à Rome à la fin de la Renaissance". http://www.institut-de-france.fr/institutions/prix-amp-fondations/prix/prix-de-l039institut/prix-verdaguer
  • 2015 Awarded a André Chastel scholarship (INHA/Académie de France à Rome) http://www.villamedici.it/media/1872376/laur_ats_andr__chastel_2015.pdf
  • 2003 - 2006 Junior Research Supervision Grant, Ministry of Research (doctoral contract coupled with a Research Program)
  • 2001 "Prix des Muses" awarded to "Le Théâtre des Demoiselles" as the "best historical study"
  • 2000 Lacour Foundation Award for the edition of "Esther" by Racine and Moreau
  • 1998 Awarded the Villa Medici (French Academy in Rome) two-year scholarship in musicology
  • 1995 Awarded a Thiers Foundation three-year scholarship
  • 1991 Awarded a Young Researcher Grant from the Ministry of Culture, Paris

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