
Rianne Letschert - Selected Publications#

1) Stronger through Diversity - Inaugural speech, Maastricht University

2) Pemberton, A., Letschert, R. M., de Brouwer, A. L. M., & Haveman, R. H. (2015). Coherence in international criminal justice: A victimological perspective. International Criminal Law Review, 15(2), 339-368. DOI: 10.1163/15718123-01502004

3) Letschert, R., & Sosa, L. (2015). Re-exploring a landmark ruling on violence against women. Oñati Socio-Legal Series, 6(4), 1-25.

4) Justice for victims: Perspectives on rights, transition and reconciliation - Book by Vanfraechem, I, Pemberton, A., Ndahinda, F.M., Aertsen, I., Jammers, V., Leferink, S., Letschert, R., Parmentier, S. Routledge/Cavendish Publishing.

5)van der Velde, Z., & Letschert, R. M. (2014). Collective victimisation of stateless peoples, the added value of the victim label: Tilburg law review. In Tilburg law review (pp. 285-293). Brill Online.

6) Groenhuijsen, M. S., & Letschert, R. M. (2014). Secondary victimization and the media: Establishing victimology. In Establishing victimology (pp. 205-212). Festschrift for Prof. Dr. Gerd Ferdinand Kirchhoff; 30th Anniversary of Dubrovnik Victimology

7) Letschert, R. M. (2013). Legal Rights for Victims of Terrorism: La Delincuencia Organizada. In La Delincuencia Organizada (pp. 257-269). Thomson Reuters (legal) Ltd.

8) Letschert, R. M., & Rijken, C. R. J. J. (2013). Rights of Victims of crime. New Journal of European Criminal law, 4(3), 226-255.

9) Pemberton, A., & Letschert, R. M. (2012). Global justice and global criminal laws. Tilburg Law Review, 17(2), 296-303. DOI: 10.1163/22112596-01702019

10) Lesaffer, R.C.H. & Letchert, R.M. (2012).The global challenge to public international law : Some first thoughts
In Tilburg Law Review: Journal on international and comparative law, Vol. 17, No. 2, p.256-262

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