Siegfried Kasper - Selected Publications#

Kasper S, Wehr TA, Bartko JJ, Gaist PA, Rosenthal NE (1989) Epidemiological Findings of Seasonal Changes in Mood and Behavior. A Telephone Survey of Montgomery County, Maryland. Archives of General Psychiatry 46: 823-833

Höflich G, Kasper S, Hufnagel A, Ruhrmann S, Möller HJ (1993) Application of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in Treatment of Drug-Resistant Major Depression - A Report of Two Cases. Human Psychopharmacology 8: 361-365

Kasper S, Lerman MN, McQuade RD, Saha A, Carson WH, Ali M, Archibald D, Ingenito G, Marcus R, Pigott T (2003) Efficacy and safety of aripiprazole vs. haloperidol for long-term maintenance treatment following acute relapse of schizophrenia. International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology 6: 325-337

Willeit M, Praschak-Rieder N, Neumeister A, Zill P, Leisch F, Stastny J, Hilger E, Thierry N, Konstantinidis A, Winkler D, Fuchs K, Sieghart W, Aschauer H, Ackenheil M, Bondy B, Kasper S (2003) A polymorphism (5-HTTLPR) in the serotonin transporter promoter gene is associated with DSM-IV depression subtypes in seasonal affective disorder. Molecular Psychiatry 8: 942-946

Kasper S, Stein DJ, Loft H, Nil R (2005) Escitalopram in the treatment of social anxiety disorder: Randomised, placebo-controlled, flexible-dosage study. Br J Psychiatry, 186 (3): 222-226

Kasper S, Hajak G, Wulff K, Hoogendijk W, Montejo A, Smeraldi E, Rybakowski J, Quera-Salva M, Wirz-Justice A, Picarel-Blanchot F, Bayle F (2010) Efficacy of the Novel Antidepressant Agomelatine on the Circadian Rest-Activity Cycle and Depressive and Anxiety Symptoms in Patients With Major Depressive Disorder. J Clin Psychiatry, 71 (02): 109-120

Kasper S, Iglesias-Garcia C, Schweizer E, Wilson J, DuBrava S, Prieto R, Pitman V, Knapp L (2014) Pregabalin long-term treatment and assessment of discontinuation in patients with generalized anxiety disorder. Int J Neuropsychopharmacol, 17 (05): 685-695

Dold M, Bartova L, Souery D, Mendlewicz J, Serretti A, Porcelli S, Zohar J, Montgomery S, Kasper S (2017) Clinical characteristics and treatment outcomes of patients with major depressive disorder and comorbid anxiety disorders - results from a European multicenter study. Journal of Psychiatric Research 91: 1-13

Kraus C, Kadriu B, Lanzenberger R, Zarate Jr. CA, Kasper S (2019) Prognosis and improved outcomes in major depression: A Review. Translational Psychiatry 9:127

Kasper S, Bancher C, Eckert A, Förstl H, Frölich L, Hort J, Korczyn AD, Kressig RW, Levin O, Palomo MSM (2020) Management of Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI): the need for national and international guidelines. World Journal of Biological Psychiatry

Dr. Kasper published more than 600 papers listed in PubMed and more than 250 books or book chapters, in various areas of psychiatry. His research was and is funded by national and international foundations.

Google: Citation Index: 62.731
Hirsch-Index: 126
i10-index: 785

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