
Dmitri Basov - Curriculum Vitae#

Research and Professional Experience:
  • 2015 - present Higgins Professor, Department of Physics, Columbia University
  • 2020 - 2026 Chair, Department of Physics, Columbia University
  • 2019 - present Co-Director, Max Planck Society – New York City Center in Nonequilibrium Quantum Phenomena
  • 2018 - present Director, Energy Frontiers Research Center
  • 2010 - 2015 Chair, Department of Physics, UCSD
  • 2001 - 2015 Professor, Department of Physics, UCSD
  • 1997 - 2001 Assistant, Associate Professor Department of Physics, UCSD

Research Interests

Quantum materials, correlated electron systems, unconventional superconductors. Control of dynamical phenomena in quantum matter with light. Development of advanced experimental techniques for infrared/optical spectroscopy and nano-imaging. Ultra-fast pump-probe nano-spectroscopy and spatio-temporal nano-imaging.

Awards and Honors

1999: Sloan Fellowship, Cottrell Fellowship. 1999: NSF CAREER Award. 2004: Ludwig Genzel Prize. 2006: APS Fellow. 2009: Humboldt Prize. 2012: Isakson Prize, American Physical Society. 2014, 2020: Moore Experimental Investigator in Quantum Materials. 2019: Kenneth Button Prize. 2019: Vannevar Bush Faculty Fellowship, US Department of Defense. 2020: National Academy of Science.

Education and Training:
  • Undergraduate:1987 Physical Engineer Institute, MSc experimental physics; USSR;
  • Graduate: 1991 PhD Physics, Lebedev Physics Institute, Academy of Sciences USSR;
  • Postdoctoral: 1992-96 McMaster University, experimental condensed matter physics.

Research statistics:

320 publications, h=94, ~4100 citations/year (Google Scholar, 2023);

Significant service (last 5 years)

Physics Department Chair, UCSD (2010 - 2015). 2013: NRC Panel on the Current Status and Future Direction of High Magnetic Field Science in the United States. 2013: Buckley prize and Isakson prize selection committees, American Physical Society. 2016: Director’s review, LBNL Materials Science Division. 2016: Basic Research Needs in Quantum Materials, panel lead, DOE. 2017: Inducing and Probing Collective States, panel lead, DOE. 2018: Buckley prize selection committees, American Physical Society. Physics Department Chair, Columbia (since 2020).

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