!!Dmitri Basov - Curriculum Vitae
__Research and Professional Experience:__ 
*2015 - present Higgins Professor, Department of Physics, Columbia University\\
*2020 - 2026 Chair, Department of Physics, Columbia University\\
*2019 - present Co-Director, Max Planck Society – New York City Center in Nonequilibrium Quantum Phenomena\\
*2018 - present	Director, Energy Frontiers Research Center\\
*2010 - 2015 Chair, Department of Physics, UCSD\\
*2001 - 2015 Professor, Department of Physics, UCSD\\
*1997 - 2001 Assistant, Associate Professor Department of Physics, UCSD
__Research Interests__\\
Quantum materials, correlated electron systems, unconventional superconductors. Control of dynamical phenomena in quantum matter with light. Development of advanced experimental techniques for infrared/optical spectroscopy and nano-imaging. Ultra-fast pump-probe nano-spectroscopy and spatio-temporal nano-imaging. \\
__Awards and Honors__\\
1999: Sloan Fellowship, Cottrell Fellowship. 1999: NSF CAREER Award. 2004: Ludwig Genzel Prize. 2006: APS Fellow. 2009: Humboldt Prize. 2012: Isakson Prize, American Physical Society. 2014, 2020: Moore Experimental Investigator in Quantum Materials. 2019: Kenneth Button Prize. 2019: Vannevar Bush Faculty Fellowship, US Department of Defense. 2020: National Academy of Science.\\
__Education and Training:__ 
*Undergraduate:1987 Physical Engineer Institute, MSc experimental physics; USSR;\\
*Graduate:	1991 PhD Physics, Lebedev Physics Institute, Academy of Sciences USSR;\\
*Postdoctoral:	1992-96 McMaster University, experimental condensed matter physics.\\
__Research statistics:__\\
320 publications, h=94, ~4100 citations/year (Google Scholar, 2023); \\
__Significant service (last 5 years)__\\
Physics Department Chair, UCSD (2010 - 2015). 2013:  NRC Panel on the Current Status and Future Direction of High Magnetic Field Science in the United States. 2013: Buckley prize and Isakson prize selection committees, American Physical Society. 2016: Director’s review, LBNL Materials Science Division. 2016: Basic Research Needs in Quantum Materials, panel lead, DOE. 2017: Inducing and Probing Collective States, panel lead, DOE. 2018: Buckley prize selection committees, American Physical Society. Physics Department Chair, Columbia (since 2020).\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit dbasov}][{ALLOW upload dbasov}][{ALLOW comment All}]