Towards development of the mediatization research II #
Workshop with Professor Johan Fornäs#
Wrocław, Poland on 13th December, 2018#
Seminar Organisers:
Institute of Journalism and Social Communication, University of Wrocław

Academia Europaea Wrocław Knowledge Hub

Forum of Young Media and Communication Scholars of the Polish Communication Association
Idea of the seminar:
- closed specialized workshop lead by the expert devoted to discussions of the planned, ongoing and completed research on cultural dimensions of mediatization
Possible topics:
- mediatization theory: development and critics
- theoretical challenges: conceptualizations of mediatization
- cultural aspects of mediatization processes
- mediatization of culture: arts, popular culture and everyday life
- methodological and empirical aspects of studies on cultural dimensions of mediatization
- work in progress
- extended abstracts
- final papers
- research proposals
Proposed reading:
- Fornäs, Johan (2017): Defending culture: Conceptual foundations and contemporary debate, Basingstoke/New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 71-84.
- Ekström, Anders, Johan Fornäs, André Jansson & Anne Jerslev (2016): “Three tasks for mediatization research: Contributions to an open agenda”, Media, Culture & Society, 38:7, 1090-1108.
- Fornäs, Johan (2016): “The mediatisation of third-time tools: Culturalising and historicising temporality”, International Journal of Communication, 10, 5213–5232 (
- Fornäs, Johan (2014): “Culturalizing mediatization”, Andreas Hepp & Friedrich Krotz (eds): Mediatized worlds: Culture and society in a media age, Basingstoke: Palgrave, 38-53.
- Fornäs, Johan (2014): Chapter 21 “Mediatization of popular culture”, Knut Lundby (ed.): Mediatization of communication (Handbooks of Communication Science 21), Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter Mounton, 483-504.
- Fornäs, Johan (1995): Cultural theory and late modernity, London: Sage, 1-17, 80-94, 210-221.
More information about Prof. Johan Fornäs: