
Wolfgang Zach - Selected Publications#


(ed. together with Igor Maver, Wolfgang Zach, Astrid Floegel). Transcending Boundaries: Migrations, Dislocations, and Literary Transformations.
Tuebingen: Stauffenburg 2020. 454 pp.

(ed. together with B. Glaser). Literatures in English: Transgressions/Transformations, Literature and Beyond. Tuebingen: Stauffenburg. 2017.

(ed. together with Michael Kenneally). Literatures in English: New Frontiers in Research. Tuebingen: Stauffenburg. 2015. 482 pp.

(ed. together with M. Kenneally and Rh. Richman Kenneally). Literatures in English: New Ethical, Cultural and Transnational Perspectives. Tuebingen: Stauffenburg. 2013. 482 pp.

(edited together with J.Hurtley and M. Kenneally). Literatures in English: Ethnic, Colonial and Cultural Encounters. Tuebingen. Stauffenburg. 2011. 396 pp.

(ed. together with U. Pallua). Racism, Slavery, and Literature. Bern et al.: P. Lang. 2010. 266 pp.

(ed. together with Michael Kenneally). Literatures in English: Priorities of Research. Tuebingen: Stauffenburg, 2007. 456 pp.

(with G. Pisek). Terminologiewoerterbuch Hochschulwesen. Vol. I: Deutsch - Englisch. Wien: BMBWK 2004

(ed.) English Studies: Past - Present - Future. Hamburg: Dr. Kovacs. 2002. 196 pp.

(ed.) Rutherford Mayne. Selected Plays. With Biographical and Critical Introduction and Commentary, Irish Drama Selection Series. Gerrards Cross and Washington D.C.: Colin Smythe and the Catholic University of America Press. 2000. 255 pp.

(ed.together with R. Freiburg und A. Löffler). Swift: The Enigmatic Dean. Festschrift für Hermann Real. Tuebingen: Stauffenburg. 1998. 324 pp.

(ed. together with Ken Goodwin). Nationalism vs. Internationalism. (Inter)National Dimensions of Literatures in English. Tuebingen: Stauffenburg. 1996. 589 pp.

(ed.) English Literature and the University Curriculum. Frankfurt-Bern-Paris-N.Y: P. Lang. 1992. 228pp.

(ed.) Literature(s) in English. New Perspectives. Frankfurt - Bern - Paris - N.Y: P. Lang. 1990. 214 pp.

(edited together with U. Horstmann). 'Kunstgriffe'. Auskünfte zur Reichweite von Literaturtheorie und Literaturkritik. Festschrift für Herbert Mainusch. Frankfurt - Bern - Paris - N.Y.: P. Lang. 1989, 444 pp.

(edited together with Heinz Kosok). Literary Interrelations. Ireland, England and the World. 3 Vols. I: Reception and Translation, II: Comparison and Impact, III: National Images and Stereotypes. Tuebingen: G. Narr. 1987. 173 u. 374 u. 251 pp.

'Poetic Justice'. Theorie und Geschichte einer literarischen Doktrin: Begriff - Idee - Komödienkonzeption, Book Series of Anglia 26. Tuebingen: Niemeyer. 1986. 559 pp.

Die Darstellung der Völker und Länder der Erde bei Oliver Goldsmith, Ph.D.Diss. Graz. 1969. 456 pp.

  • Editorial Board, Canadian Journal of Irish Studies, Montreal (2001 ff.)
  • Editorial Board, Asiatic, Kuala Lumpur et al. (2008ff.)
  • Editorial Board, Journal of General Education, Enugu (2009ff.)
  • Editorial Board, Acta Neophilogica, Lhubljana (2009ff.)
  • Editorial Board, Journal of Achebe Studies, Enugu/Nsukka (2016ff.)

Series of Monographs:

(ed. together with M. Kenneally), Studies in English and Comparative Literature. Tuebingen: G. Narr. 1987ff. (up to now 26 vols. published)

(Co-editor), Series of Arbeiten aus Anglistik und Amerikanistik. Tuebingen: G. Narr. 1988 - 2011 ( 21 volumes).

(Ed.), Literature in English. Frankfurt - Bern - Paris - N. Y: P. Lang. 1990 - 1995. (4 vols.)

Book chapters and Articles in Journals (6 selected from 92):

'A Traffic Disgraceful to the Nation, and Shocking to Humanity': Edmund Burke's Contribution to the Debate about the Abolition of the Slave Trade". In: Irish Studies across Cultures and Continents: Festschrift in Honour of Csilla Bertha and Donald E. Morse, ed. Marianna Gula, Maria Kurdi, Istvan D. Racsz. Debrecen: Debrecen UP 2011. 284 – 295.

'The Controversy about the Slave Trade in Britain 1772 - 1833: Outline of the Project and the First Parliamentary Debate of 1789'. In: Literatures in English: Ethnic, Colonial and Cultural Encounters, ed. J. Hurtley, M. Kenneally, and W. Zach. Tübingen. Stauffenburg 2011. 159 - 168.

'The First Birthright of Mankind - Freedom: Daniel O'Connell's Parliamentary Fight Against Slavery in th British Empire'. In: Essays in Honour of Maureen Murphy, ed. Munira Mutran and Laura Izarra. Sao Paolo 2010. 167 – 178.

'Jonathan Swift and Colonialism', Canadian Journal of Irish Studies 26,1 (Spring 2009). 36 - 46.

'The Politics of Aboriginal Australian Theatre: Jack Davis'. In: Twentieth-Century Theatre and Drama in English.

Festschrift für Heinz Kosok on the occasion of his 65th Birthday, ed. J. Kamm. Trier. 1999. 861 - 880.

'On Postcoloniality, Intertextuality, and the Reader; Wide Sargasso Sea and Jane Eyre', in: 'Gladly Wolde She Lerne and Gladly Teche'. Felicitation Volume for Prof. Yasmine Goonerqtne, ed. D. Brendon et al. London. 1999. 139 - 144.

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