Eva Zažímalová - Selected Publications#

Citations according to WoS (without self-citations): more than 6700 (June 1, 2023); average citations per item 100.03; h-index = 34.

Petrášek J, Černá A, Schwarzerová K, Elčkner M, Morris DA, Zažímalová E: Do Phytotropins Inhibit Auxin Efflux by Impairing Vesicle Traffic? - PLANT PHYSIOLOGY 131: 254-263, 2003. Cited 97x

Paciorek T, Zažímalová E, Ruthardt N, Petrášek J, Stierhof Y.-D, Kleine-Vehn J, Morris DA, Emans N, Jürgens G, Geldner N, and Friml J: Auxin inhibits endocytosis and promotes its own efflux from cells. – NATURE 435: 1251-1256, 2005. Cited 583x

Petrášek J, Mravec J, Bouchard R, Blakeslee JJ, Abas M, Seifertová D, Wisniewska J, Tadele Z, Kubeš M, Čovanová M, Dhonukshe P, Skůpa P, Benková E, Perry L, Křeček P, Lee OR, Fink GR, Geisler M, Murphy AS, Luschnig C, Zažímalová E, Friml J: PIN proteins perform a rate-limiting function in cellular auxin efflux. – SCIENCE 312: 914-918, 2006. Cited 679x.

In July 2007, this paper became „New Hot Paper“ according to ESI (Essential Science Indicators, www.esi-topics.com. EZ - corresponding author).

Mravec J, Skůpa P, Bailly A, Hoyerová K, Křeček P, Bielach A, Petrášek J, Zhang J, Gaykova V, Stierhof Y-D, Dobrev PI, Schwarzerová K, Rolčík J, Seifertová D, Luschnig Ch, Benková E, Zažímalová E, Geisler M & Friml J: Subcellular homeostasis of phytohormone auxin is mediated by the ER-localized PIN5 transporter. – NATURE 459 (7250): 1136-1140, 2009. Cited 385x

Křeček P, Skůpa P, Libus J, Naramoto S, Tejos R, Friml J, Zažímalová E: Protein family review: The PIN-FORMED (PIN) protein family of auxin transporters. - GENOME BIOLOGY 10: 249.1-249.11, 2009. Cited 327x

Zažímalová E, Murphy AS, Yang H, Hoyerová K, Hošek P: Auxin Transporters—Why So Many? – COLD SPRING HARB PERSPECT BIOL 2: 1-14, 2010. Cited 284x

Robert S, Kleine-Vehn J, Barbez E, Sauer M, Paciorek T, Baster P, Vanneste S, Zhang J, Simon S, Čovanová M, Hayashi K, Dhonukshe P, Yang Z, Bednarek SY, Jones AM, Luschnig C, Aniento F, Zažímalová E, Friml J: ABP1 Mediates Auxin Inhibition of Clathrin-Dependent Endocytosis in Arabidopsis. - CELL 143: 111–121, 2010. Cited 302x

Krouk G, Lacombe B, Bielach A, Perrine-Walker F, Malinska K, Mounier E, Hoyerova K, Tillard P, Leon S, Ljung K, Zazimalova E, Benkova E, Nacry P, Gojon A: Nitrate-regulated auxin transport by NRT1.1 defines a mechanism for nutrient sensing in plants. - DEVELOPMENTAL CELL 18: 927–937, 2010. Cited 679x

Barbez E, Kubeš M, Rolčík J, Beziat C, Pěnčík A, Wang B, Ruiz Rosquete M, Zhu J, Dobrev PI, Lee Y, Zažímalová E, Petrášek J, Geisler M, Friml J, Kleine-Vehn J: A novel putative auxin carrier family regulates intracellular auxin homeostasis in plants. – NATURE 485: 119-122, 2012. Cited 255x

Steenackers W, Klíma P, Quareshy M, Cesarino I, Kumpf RP, Corneillie S, Araújo P, Viaene T, Goeminne G, Nowack MK, Ljung K, Friml J, Blakeslee JJ, Novak O, Zažímalová E, Napier R, Boerjan W, Vanholme B: cis-Cinnamic acid is a novel, natural auxin efflux inhibitor that promotes lateral root formation. – PLANT PHYSIOLOGY 173: 552–565, 2017. Cited 45x

(Since the beginning in 2017 of my position as president of the Czech Academy of Sciences, which is the research-performing institution with more than 50 scientific institutes and around 11,000 employees, I have finished my active research work, and so I do not publish research articles since then).

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