Rufin Vogels - Selected Publications#
Kovacs, G., Kaiser, D., Kaliukhovich, D., Vidnyanszky, Z., Vogels, R. (2013). Repetition probability does not affect fMRI repetition suppression for objects. Journal of Neuroscience, in press.
Popivanov, I., Jastorff, J., Vanduffel, W., Vogels, R. (2012). Stimulus representations in body-selective regions of the macaque cortex assessed with event-related fMRI. NeuroImage, 63 (2), 723-741.
Verhoef, B., Vogels, R., Janssen, P. (2012). Inferotemporal cortex subserves three-dimensional structure categorization. Neuron, 73 (1), 171-182.
Zivariadab, H., Vogels, R. (2011). Practicing coarse orientation discrimination improves orientation signals in macaque cortical area v4. Current Biology, 21 (19), 1661-6.
Vangeneugden, J., De Mazière, P., Van Hulle, M., Jaeggli, T., Van Gool, L., Vogels, R. (2011). Distinct Mechanisms for Coding of Visual Actions in Macaque Temporal Cortex. Journal of Neuroscience, 31 (2), 385-401.
De Baene, W., Vogels, R. (2010). Effects of adaptation on the stimulus selectivity of macaque inferior temporal spiking activity and local field potentials. Cerebral Cortex, 20 (9), 2145-65.
Verhoef, B., Vogels, R., Janssen, P. (2010). Contribution of inferior temporal and posterior parietal activity to three-dimensional shape perception. Current Biology, 20 (10), 909-913.
Verhoef, B., Kayaert, G., Frankó, E., Vangeneugden, J., Vogels, R. (2008). Stimulus similarity-contingent neural adaptation can be time and cortical area dependent. Journal of Neuroscience, 28 (42), 10631-10640.
Sawamura, H., Orban, G., Vogels, R. (2006). Selectivity of neuronal adaptation does not match response selectivity: a single-cell study of the FMRI adaptation paradigm. Neuron, 49 (2), 307-318.
Op de Beeck, H., Wagemans, J., Vogels, R. (2001). Inferotemporal neurons represent low-dimensional configurations of parameterized shapes. Nature Neuroscience, 4 (12), 1244-1252.