
Helle Vandkilde - Selected Publications#

Vandkilde, H. 2019 with H.W. Nørgaard & E. Pernicka. 'On the Trail of Scandinavia’s Early Metallurgy – Provenance, Transfer and Mixing'. PLoS ONE (doi xxx embargoed till 24 July).

Vandkilde, H. 2019. 'Bronze Age Beginnings – a Scalar View from the Global Outskirts'. Europe17 prize lecture. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society (page 1 of 27 © The Prehistoric Society, Cambridge University Press doi:10.1017/ppr.2019.7).

Vandkilde, H. 2018. ‘Body Aesthetics, Fraternity and Warfare in the long European Bronze Age – postscriptum’. In C. Horn & K. Kristiansen (eds.), Warfare in Bronze Age Society. 229-243. Cambridge University Press.

Vandkilde, H. 2018. ‘Violent Beauty in the Bronze Age’. In S. Hansen & R. Krause (eds), Bronze Age Hillforts between the Taunus and Carpathian Mountains. Tagungsband zur ersten Tagung des LOEWE Projekts „Prähistorische Konfliktforschung“ in Frankfurt am Main. Unterreihe zu den Universitätsforschungen zur Prähistorischen Archäologie (UPA). Bonn: Habelt.

Vandkilde, H. 2017. The Metal Hoard from Pile in Scania, Sweden. Place, Things, Time, Metals, and Worlds around 2000 BCE. Monograph Swedish History Museum 29 & Aarhus University Press (230 pages).

Vandkilde, H. 2017. ‘Small, medium, large. Globalisation perspectives on the Afro-Eurasian Bronze Age’. In: Tamar Hodos (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Archaeology and Globalization. 509-521. London: Routledge.

Vandkilde, H. 2016. ‘Bronzization: The Bronze Age as pre-Modern Globalization”. Prähistorische Zeitschrift 91.1: 103-223.

Vandkilde H. 2016. 'Pithoi from the Bronze Age Settlement at Kastelli Khania'. In Hallager, Erik & Hallager, Birgitta P. (eds.), The Greek-Swedish Excavations at the Agia Aikaterini Square Kastelli, Khania 1970-87, 2001, 2005 and 2008. Volume V. The Late Minoan IIIA:1 and II Settlements (Skrifter utgivna av Svenska Institutet i Athen, 4o., XLVII.II. Stockholm: eddy.se AB. pp. 341-373.

Vandkilde, H. 2015. ‘Conflict and War, Archaeology of Weapons and Artifacts’. In: J.D. Wright (ed.), The International Encyclopedia of Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2nd edition. Volume 4: 606-613. Oxford: Elsevier Ltd.
Vandkilde, H. 2015 with Suchowska-Ducke P. & Scott Reiter S.S. (eds). Forging Identities. The Mobility of Culture in Bronze Age Europe. Report from a Marie Curie Project 2009-2012 with Concluding Conference at Aarhus University, Moesgaard 2012. Volume 1-2 (540 pages). BAR International Series S2771-72. Oxford: Hadrian Books.

Vandkilde, H. 2014. ‘Archaeology, Theory, and War-related Violence: Theoretical Perspectives on the Archaeology of Warfare and Warriorhood’. In: A., Gardner, M. Lake & U. Sommer, U (eds.), History and Theory of Archaeology. Oxford University Press Handbooks Online. online May 2014.

Vandkilde, H. 2014. ‘Breakthrough of the Nordic Bronze Age. Transcultural warriorhood and a Carpathian crossroad in the 16th century BCE’. European Journal of Archaeology 17.4: 602–633.

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