
André Vander Vorst - Publications 1958 through 2009#

Books, Chapters, Collective Publications

1. Vander Vorst A.
Commutation des noyaux magnétiques (doctoral thesis)
Uystpruyst, 1965, 136 p.

2. Vander Vorst A.
Measurements on varactors (Master thesis)
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA, Sept. 1965, 78 p.

3. Vander Vorst A.
Rappels d'électromagnétisme
U.C.L., FSA, Lab. d’Hyperfréquences, Sept. 1967, 43 p.
(translated in Dutch, with R. Govaerts)

4. Vander Vorst A., Gardiol F.
Introduction à la théorie des hyperfréquences
U.C.L., FSA, Lab. d’Hyperfréquences, Sept. 1967, 204 p.
(translated in Dutch, with R. Govaerts)

5. Vander Vorst A.
Observations sur le thème développement et tiers-monde
in Technologie et Tiers-Monde, Chapitre IV, pp. IV-1 à 10
FIUC, Paris, March 1980

6. Vander Vorst A.
Electromagnétisme, champs, forces et circuits
Cabay, Louvain-la-Neuve, Sept. 1980, 339 p.

7. Abeels P., Bonboir A., Claes P., Deutsch J., Evrard C., Lipnik P., Lowenthal P., Luyckx A., Maldague P., Meuris G., van der Bruggen C., Vander Vorst A.
L'évaluation à l'université, Corps Académique U.C.L., Dec. 1980, 23 p.

8. Vander Vorst A.
Electromagnétisme. Transmission, propagation et rayonnement
Cabay, Louvain-la-Neuve, Sept. 1981, 216 p.

9. Vander Vorst A., Laloux A.
Les hyperfréquences
Cabay, Louvain-la-Neuve, Feb. 1982, 317 p.

10. Vander Vorst A.
Student activities to the benefit of electrical engineering students
Cabay, Louvain-la-Neuve, Nov. 1982, 35 p.

11. Vander Vorst A., Laloux A. (éds)
Proceedings 14th European Microwave Conference
Micr. Exhibitions and Publ. Ltd, Tunbridge Wells, Sept. 1984, 871 p.

12. Vander Vorst A., collectif
Influence of the atmosphere on radio-propagation on satellite earth paths at frequencies above 10 GHz
Final Report, COST Project 205, EUR 9923, Bruxelles, June 1985, 543 p.

13. Vander Vorst A., collectif
Foi et culture à l'Université Catholique de Louvain
Presses UCL, July 1988, 108 p.

14. Vander Vorst A., collectif
La place de la Belgique sur le plan de l'innovation dans le secteur des télécommunications
Evaluation de la politique de R-D et d'innovation technologique, CNPS, Oct. 1987, 58 p.

15. Vander Vorst A., collectif
Influence of the atmosphere on interference between radio communications systems at frequencies above 1 GHz
Final Report, COST 210 project, Ed. E. Ballabio, EUR 13407, Bruxelles, 1991, 642 p.

16. Vander Vorst A.
Electromagnétisme. Champs et circuits
De Boeck-Wesmael, Bruxelles, 1994, 368 p., ISBN 2-8041-2017-1

17. Vander Vorst A.
Transmission, propagation et rayonnement
De Boeck-Wesmael, Bruxelles, 1995, 280 p., ISBN 2-8041-2066-X

18. Vander Vorst A., Vanhoenacker D.
Bases de l'ingénierie micro-onde
De Boeck-Wesmael, Bruxelles, 1996, 470 p., ISBN 2-8041-2126-7

19. A. Vander Vorst, collectif
Regards croisés sur la liberté académique
Groupe Martin V
Academia Bruylant, June 1996, 40 p.

20. Vander Vorst A., collectif
Radiowave propagation effects on next generation fixed-services terrestrial telecommunications systems
Final Report, COST 235 project, EUR 16992, Luxembourg, 1996, 407 p.

21. Rosen A., Vander Vorst A. (co-éditeurs)
Biological effects and medical applications of microwaves
Proc. Workshop II, European Microwave Conf., Jerusalem, Sept. 1997, 123 p.

22. Gérin A., Stockbroeckx B., Vander Vorst A.
Champs micro-ondes et santé
Louvain-la-Neuve: Hyperfréquences UCL, 1999, 56 p.

23. Vander Vorst A., Huynen I.
Variational Principles and Distributed Circuits
Research Studies Press, Baldock, Angleterre, 2002, 318 p., ISBN 0-86380-256-7

24. Vander Vorst A., Rosen A., Kotsuka Y.
RF/Microwave Interaction with Biological Tissues
Wiley, 2006, 330 pp., ISBN-10: 0-471-73277-X

Refereed Journal Publications

1. Vander Vorst A.
Formation technique? ou formation?
Revue des Ecoles Spéciales, 31ème année, 1958, pp. 41-46

2. Vander Vorst A.
De funktiegenerator
Bulletin technique U.I.Lv., Tome 90, n°3, septembre 1962, pp. 29-33

3. Vander Vorst A.
Noyaux magnétiques à cycle d'hystérèse rectangulaire
Revue HF, Vol. 5, N° 9, 1963, pp. 315-324

4. Vander Vorst A.
Varactors parameters
M.I.T. Quart. Prog. Rep. MIT, Res. Lab. Electronics, October 1995, pp. 10-14

5. Vander Vorst A.
Représentation analogique de la commutation des noyaux magnétiques
Annales Assoc. Int. Calcul Analogique, janvier 1966, pp. 4-12

6. Vander Vorst A.
International Antennas and Propagation Symposium 1965
Revue HF, vol. VI, n° 8, 1966, p. III

7. Vander Vorst A., Colvin R.
The use of degenerate parametric amplifiers in interferometry
IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat. vol. AP-14, September 1966, pp. 667-668

8. Vander Vorst A.
1966 G-MTT Intern. Microwave Symp.,
Revue HF, vol. VI, n° 11, octobre 1966, pp. 335-336

9. Vander Vorst A.
Durée de commutation d'un noyau magnétique chargé par un transistor
Revue HF, vol. VI, N° 12, décembre 1966, pp. 381-394

10. Vander Vorst A.
Basic varactor diode parameters and their measurements
Revue HF, vol. VII, N° 2, juin 1967, pp. 33-43

11. Vander Vorst A.
Organisation des études d'ingénieur aux U.S.A. et à Louvain
Avenir et Opinions, 5ème année, no 3, juin 1967, pp. 4-15

12. Vander Vorst A., Govaerts R.
On the accuracy obtained when using variational techniques for asymmetrically loaded waveguides
IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., vol. MTT-17, January 1969, pp. 51-52

13. Gardiol F., Vander Vorst A.
Wave propagation in rectangular waveguide loaded with an H-Plane dielectric slab
IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., vol. MTT-17, January 1969, pp. 56-57

14. Vander Vorst A., Laloux A., Govaerts R.
A computer optimization of the Rayleigh-Ritz method
IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., vol. MTT-17, August 1969, pp. 454-460

15. Benoit A., Godfroid H., Mertens H., Vander Vorst A.
Study of the satellite/Earth station/domestic receiver chain in a satellite system for television distribution
Proc. IEE, November 1969, pp. 1797-1806

16. Vander Vorst A., Govaerts R.
Application of a Variation-Iteration method to inhomogeneously loaded waveguides
IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., vol. MTT-18, August 1970, pp. 468-475

17. Gardiol F., Vander Vorst A.
Computer analysis of E-plane resonance isolators
IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., vol. MTT-19, March 1971, pp. 315-322

18. Decreton M., Loute E., Vander Vorst A., Gardiol F.
Computer optimization of E-plane resonance isolators
IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., vol. MTT-19, March 1971, pp. 322-331

19. Vander Vorst A.
L'installation de la Faculté des Sciences Appliquées à Louvain-la-Neuve, 1ère partie
Bulletin Mensuel U.I.Lv, 1973, no 1-2, pp. 5-11

20. Vander Vorst A.
L'installation de la Faculté des Sciences Appliquées à Louvain-la-Neuve, 2ème partie
Bulletin Mensuel U.I.Lv, 1973, no 3, pp. 2-4

21. Vander Vorst A.
La Faculté des Sciences Appliquées. Présentation
Louvain A.U.Lv., 1973, n° 3

22. Cermak I., Getsinger W., Leake B., Vander Vorst A., Varon D.
The status of computer oriented microwave practices
IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., vol. 22, March 1974, pp. 155-160 (invited paper)

23. Laloux A., Govaerts R., Vander Vorst A.
Application of a variation-iteration method to waveguides with inhomogeneous lossy loads
IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., vol. 22, March 1974, pp. 229-237

24. Streydio J.-M., Vander Vorst A.
Une importante réforme des candidatures à la Faculté des Sciences Appliquées
U.I.Lv.-A.I.Lv., 1975, n° 1, pp. 5-8

25. Vander Vorst A.
Liaison satellite géostationnaire - station au sol
Revue HF, vol. X, n° 1, mars 1976, pp. 1-14

26. Vander Vorst A.
La recherche, pourquoi et comment ?
Wallonie 76, n° 5, octobre 1976, pp. 313-318 (invited paper)

27. Vander Vorst A.
Cross-polarization on a terrestrial path
Alta Frequenza, édition anglaise, vol. 48, no 4, April 1979, pp. 201-209

28. Vander Vorst A.
Slant-path propagation in Belgium
Tijdschrift N.E.R.G., Pays-Bas, Deel 45, n° 2, March 1980, pp. 105-111

29. Vander Vorst A., Vanhoenacker D., Mercier L.
Fluctuations on OTS-Earth copolar link against diurnal and seasonal variations
Electronics Letters, vol. 18, n° 21, October 14th, 1982, pp. 915-917

30. Vander Vorst A.
Le choix en recherche
Louvain A.U.Lv., n° 3/4, automne 1982, pp. 17-20 (invited paper)

31. Vander Vorst A.
14th European Microwave Conference
Mikrowellen Magazin, vol. 10, n° 3, 1984, pp. 203 and 218-219

32. Vander Vorst A.
Accross the Atlantic : networks of friendship
IEEE Potentials, October 1984, pp. 37-38

33. Laloux A., Vander Vorst A.
Acquisition et traitement de données atmosphériques
Revue HF, vol. XII, n° 12, 1984, pp. 394-403

34. Vanhoenacker D., Vander Vorst A.
Experimental evidence of a correlation between scintillations and radiometry at centimeter and millimeter wavelength
IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., vol. AP-33, January 1985, pp. 40-47

35. Vander Vorst A.
Project COST 205 : Scintillations on earth-satellite links
Alta Frequenza, vol. 54, n° 3, May-June 1985, pp. 209-211

36. Vander Vorst A.
Integrated team projects as part of the undergraduate curriculum
IEEE Trans. Education, vol. E-28, August 1985, pp. 138-142

37. Vander Vorst A.
Atmospheric and sea-surface effects from 30 to 300 GHz
Revue HF, vol. XIII, n° 3, 1985, pp. 67-75

38. Vander Vorst A.
La recherche
dans L'ingénieur civil, (éd. Ch. Wouters), Cahiers d'information C.I.D., De Boeck-Wesmael, no 6, mars 1987, pp. 21-23

39. Vander Vorst A.
MTT - EuMC: Exchange between the US and Europe
MTT Newsletter, April 1988, p. 10-11

40. Vander Vorst A.
L'avenir des télécommunications : pour ou contre l'homme ?
Revue Louvain, n° 1, septembre 1989, pp. 32-34

41. Vander Vorst A.
Teaching electromagnetism to undergraduates in Belgium
in Teaching electromagnetics around the world: a survey
IEEE Trans. Education, vol. 33, n° 1, February 1990, pp. 22-34 (invited paper)

42. Vanhoenacker D., Vander Vorst A.
A multipath model for atmospheric scintillations at microwaves and millimeter waves
Int. J. of Infrared and Millimeter Waves, vol. 11, n° 4, 1990, pp. 519-532

43. Vander Vorst A., Vanhoenacker D.
Propagation limitations for transionospheric systems from 10 to 300 GHz
AGARD, Paris, Rome, Boston, LSP-172, June 1990, pp. 3.1-19 (invited paper)

44. Vanhoenacker D., Vasseur H., Vander Vorst A.
Limitations de la largeur de bande dues aux phénomènes atmosphériques sur des liaisons spatiales de 10 à 300 GHz
L'Onde Electrique, vol. 72, mai-juin 1992, n° 3, pp. 35-38

45. Vander Vorst A.
Le téléport : outil du développement économique local
Technopole, n° 190-191, septembre 1992, pp. 6-7

46. Vander Vorst A.
Development of earth-stations in Belgium
Revue HF, vol. XVI, n° 1-2, October 1992, pp. 1-2

47. Kezaï T., Vander Vorst A.
The effect of the balun in models for waveguide-to-microstrip junctions in the range 18-26 GHz
Algerian Journal Tech., October 1992, n° 9, pp. 1-10

48. Vandersteen G., Vander Vorst A.
Nonlinear model and measurement method for microwave mixers
IEEE Microwave Guided Wave Lett., vol. 3, n° 5, May 1993, pp. 133-135

49. Kezaï T., Vander Vorst A.
The effect of the balun in modelling waveguide-to-microstrip junctions in the range 18-26 GHz
Algerian J. Technology, May 1993, n° 9, pp. 1-10

50. Kezaï T., Sciuto R., Vander Vorst A.
Experimental evidence of mounting grooves and serration patterns on fin lines characteristics
Int. J. Infrared and Millimeter Waves, May 1993, vol. 14, n° 5, pp. 1035-1046

51. Vander Vorst A.
Microwave education in Belgium
IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., June/July 1993, vol. 41, n° 6/7, pp. 943-947 (invited paper)

52. Baets R., Demeester P., Van Daele P., Martens L., Van Campenhout J., Pauwels H., Van Calster A., De Visschere P., Veretenicoff I., Thienpont H., Vounckx R., Barel A., Vander Vorst A., Vanhoenacker D.
Optoelectronic information technology
Physicalia, 1993, n° 15, pp. 167-181

53. Kezaï T., Vander Vorst A.
Modelling resonance in waveguide-to-microstrip junctions by unilateral fin line resonators
IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., February 1994, vol. 42, n° 2, pp. 223-226

54. Isac M., Marechal G., Vander Vorst A., Veraart C., Moens P.
Transformations in mouse soleus induced by chronic stimulations
J. Muscle Research and Cell Mobility, August 1994, n° 15, pp. 177-178

55. Kezaï T., Vander Vorst A.
Complex modes and wave interaction in lossless shielded waveguiding structures
Microwave Optical Technology Lett., October 5, 1994, vol. 7, n° 14, pp. 646-650

56. Lee I., Vander Vorst A.
Resonant frequency calculation for electrically thick rectangular microstrip patch antennas by using a dielectric-loaded inhomogeneous cavity model
Microwave Optical Technology Lett., October 1994, vol. 7, n° 15, pp. 704-708

57. Aksas R., Vander Vorst A.
Transverse conduction current and radiation pattern of an arbitrarily shaped symmetrical patch antenna coupled with a director
Microwave Optical Technology Lett., November 1994, vol. 7, n° 16, pp. 737-739

58. Huynen I., Vander Vorst A.
A new variational formulation applicable to shielded and open multilayered transmission lines with gyrotropic non-hermitian lossy media and lossless conductors
IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., November 1994, vol. 42, n° 11, pp. 2107-2111

59. Huynen I., Vanhoenacker D., Vander Vorst A.
Spectral Domain Form of New Variational Expression for Very Fast Calculation of Multilayered Lossy Planar Line Parameters
IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., November 1994, vol. 42, n° 11, pp. 2009-2106

60. Vander Vorst A.
A review of european research in microwave bioelectromagnetics
Revue HF, May 1994, n° 2, pp. 25-34 (invited paper)

61. Baets R., Demeester P., Van Daele P., Martens L., Van Campenhout J., Pauwels H., Van Calster A., De Visschere P., Veretenicoff I., Thienpont H., Vounckx R., Barel A., Vander Vorst A., Vanhoenacker D.
Optoelectronic information technology
Revue HF, November 1994, n° 3-4, pp. 33-42

62. Stockbroeckx B., Dellisse P., Vander Vorst A.
S-Matrix definition for microwave-optical transducers
Microwave Optical Technology Lett., December 5, 1994, vol. 7, n° 17, pp. 803-806

63. Zhu Z., Gillon R., Vander Vorst A.
A new approach to broadband matching for PIN photodiodes
Microwave Optical Technology Lett., January 1995, vol. 8, n° 1, pp. 8-13

64. Teng J., Carton de Tournai D., Duhamel F., Vander Vorst A., Platteborze R.
The influence of microwave fields on the nervous system
FSA Research, UCL-FSA, May 1995, p. 2

65. Vyncke C., Vander Vorst A.
A new approximate formula for site-shielding by a knife-edge obstacle, based on measurements from 8 to 94 GHz
Microwave Optical Technology Lett., June 1995, vol. 9, n° 4, pp. 210-214

66. Huynen I., Verstraeten G., Vander Vorst A.
Theoretical and experimental evidence of non reciprocal effects on magnetostatic forward volume wave resonators
IEEE Microwave Guided Waves Lett., June 1995, vol. 5, n° 6, pp. 195-197

67. Vander Vorst A.
Dignité et savoir
Louvain, février-mars 1996, n° 66, pp. 18-19 (invited paper)

68. Wu T., Shang B., Vander Vorst A.
A high-speed Silicon photoconductive switch
Microwave Optical Technology Lett., March 1996, vol. 11, n° 4, pp. 177-179

69. Vander Vorst A.
Belgian State-industry-university cooperation in the field of earth stations
Revue HF, September 1996, n° 3, pp. 17-24

70. Teng J., Carton de Tournai D., Duhamel F., Vander Vorst A.
No nonthermal effect observed under microwave irradiation of spinal cord
IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., vol. 44, n° 10, October 1996, pp. 1942-1948

71. Vander Vorst A., Duhamel F.
1990-1995 Advances in investigating the interaction of microwave fields with the nervous system
IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., vol. 44, n° 10, October 1996, pp. 1898-1909

72. Rosen A., Vander Vorst A.
Editorial : Introduction to the Special Issue on medical application and biological effects of RF/microwaves
IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., vol. 44, n° 10, October 1996, pp. 1753-1754

73. Wu T., Vander Vorst A.
Nonlinearities in GaInAs/InP PIN photodetectors
Microwave Optical Technology Lett., December 5, 1996, vol. 13, n° 5, pp. 297-300

74. Vander Vorst A., Vanhoenacker D.
Theoretical and experimental analysis of planar devices on dielectric and gyrotropic lossy layers, for on-board applications up to 40 GHz
Space Scientific Res. Belgium, 1996, S.S.T.C., vol. 4 Space Technology, pp. 275-286

75. Vander Vorst A., Vanhoenacker D.
Interference reduction by site shielding for satellite-earth links, in the range from 1 to 100 GHz
Space Scientific Res. Belgium, 1996, S.S.T.C., vol. 4 Space Technology, pp. 288-294

76. Vander Vorst A., Vanhoenacker D.
Modelling of atmospheric transmission, in the range 10 to 100 GHz, validated by experiments
Space Scientific Res. Belgium, 1996, S.S.T.C., vol. 4 Space Technology, pp. 296-305

77. Vander Vorst A.
L'UCL branchée sur les hyperfréquences
Athena, 1996, n° 124, pp. 102-103

78. Vander Vorst A.
Antenna considerations in Radiowave propagation effects on next-generation fixed-services terrestrial telecommunications systems
Final Report COST 235, EUR 16992, 407 p., Bruxelles-Luxembourg, 1997, pp. 251-264

79. Vander Vorst A.
System aspects in Radiowave propagation effects on next-generation fixed-services terrestrial telecommunications systems
Final Report COST 235, EUR 16992, 407 p., Bruxelles-Luxembourg, 1997, pp. 265-295

80. Vander Vorst A., Vasseur H., Vyncke C., Amaya-Byrne C., Vanhoenacker-Janvier D.
From electromagnetics to system performance: a new method for the error rate prediction of atmospheric communications links
IEEE J. Selected Areas in Communications, Vol. 15, N° 4, May 1997, pp. 656-666

81. Zhu Z., Vander Vorst A.
Microwave propagation in p-i-n transmission lines
Microwave and Guided Wave Letters, MTT-IEEE, Vol. 7, N° 6, June 1997, pp. 159-161

82. Serres M., Huynen I., Vander Vorst A.
Wideband photo-induced carriers at the end of an open-ended microstrip line
IEEE J. Sel. Topics Quantum Electr, Vol. 4, N°6, November-December 1998, pp. 948-952

83. Flandre D., Colinge J.P., Chen J., De Ceuster D., Eggermont J.P., Ferreira L., Gentinne B., Jespers P., Viviani A., Gillon R., Raskin J.P., Vander Vorst A., Vanhoenacker-Janvier D., Silveira F.
Fully-depleted SOI CMOS technology for low-voltage low-power mixed digital / analog / microwave circuits
Analog Int. Circuits Signal Proc., Vol. 21, 1999, pp. 213-228

84. Stockbroeckx B., Vander Vorst A.
Asymptotic Green's function of a surface magnetic current element on a perfect electric conductor plane covered by a lossy dielectric substrate
IEEE Trans. Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 47, n° 2, Feb. 1999, pp. 309-316

85. Storme M., Huynen I., Vander Vorst A.
Characterization of wet soils in the 2-18 GHz frequency range
Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Vol. 21, n° 5, June 1999, pp. 333-335

86. Huynen I., Vander Vorst A.
Variational nonquasi-static formulations for the impedance of planar transmission lines
IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., Vol. 47, n° 7, Jul. 1999, pp.995-1003

87. Goglio G., Pignard S., Radulescu A., Piraux L., Huynen I., Vanhoenacker D., Vander Vorst A.
Microwave properties of metallic nanowires
Appl. Physics Lett., Vol. 75, n° 12, 20 Sept. 1999, pp. 1769-1771

88. Huynen I., Stockbroeckx B., Vander Vorst A.
Variational principles are efficient CAD tools for planar tunable MICs involving lossy gyrotropic layers
Int. J. Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields, Vol. 12, n°5, Sept.-Oct. 1999, pp. 417-440

89. Huynen I., Goglio G., Vanhoenacker D., Vander Vorst A.
A novel nanostructured microstrip device for tunable stopband filtering applications at microwaves
IEEE Microwave and Guided Wave Lett., Vol. 9, n° 10, Oct. 1999, pp. 401-403

90. Vander Vorst A.
MTT-10 Biological Effects and Medical Applications
IEEE MTT-S Newsletter, Fall 1999, n°153, p. 15

91. Vander Vorst A.
Wiley Encyclopedia Electrical and Electronics Eng., Vol. 23, 1999, pp. 503-516

92. Azrar A., Aksas R., Vander Vorst A.
Spectral-domain integral-equation analysis of microstrip antenna working around 24 GHz
Microwave and Optical Technology Lett., Vol. 24, n° 1, Jan. 5, 2000, pp. 37-40

93. Azrar A., Aksas R., Vander Vorst A.
Full-wave analysis of the broadband circular polarization microstrip patch antenna
Microwave and Optical Technology Lett., Vol. 24, n° 2, Jan. 20, 2000, pp. 99-102

94. Stockbroeckx B., Vander Vorst A.
Copolar and cross-polar radiation of Vivaldi antenna on dielectric substrate
IEEE Trans. Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 48, n° 1, Jan. 2000, pp. 19-25

95. Stockbroeckx B., Vander Vorst A.
Electromagnetic modes in conical transmission lines with application to the linearly tapered slot antenna
IEEE Trans. Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 48, n° 3, Mar. 2000, pp. 447-455

96. Torrese G., Huynen I., Vander Vorst A.
Design criteria for increasing the bandwidth-efficiency product of GaAs p-i-n photodetectors
Microwave and Optical Technology Lett., vol. 29, n° 3, May 5, 2001, pp. 150-155

97. Huynen I., Platteborze R., Vanhoenacker D., Vander Vorst A.
Short-Term project on microwave planar circuits at U.C.L.: an educational approach
IEEE Trans. Education, vol. 43, n° 2, May 2000, pp. 227-236

98. Huynen I., Vander Vorst A.
A four-port scattering matrix formalism for p-i-n traveling-wave photodetectors
IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., Vol. 48, n° 6, Jun. 2000, pp. 1007-1016

99. Huynen I., Vander Vorst A.
A 4-port scattering matrix formalism for p-i-n traveling wave photodetectors
IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., vol. 48, no. 6, Jun. 2000, pp. 1007-1016

100. Stockbroeckx B., Huynen I, Vander Vorst A.
Effect of surface wave diffraction on radiation pattern of slot antenna etched in finite ground plane
Electronic Lett., Vol. 36, n° 17, Aug. 2000, pp. 1444-1446

101. Vander Vorst A.
Champs radiofréquences et micro-ondes: quels risques ?
PreventActua, De Greef, Novembre 2000, pp. 6-8

102. Gérin André, Stockbroeckx Benoît, Vander Vorst André
Champs micro-ondes et santé
Louvain-la-Neuve: Hyperfréquences UCL, 1999.

103. Vander Vorst André, Taurisano Maria Daria, Stockbroeckx Benoît
Cellular telephones: hazards or not?
Proceedings IMS 2000, Boston, Jun. 2000, pp. 937-940 (invited paper)

104. Taurisano Maria Daria, Vander Vorst André
Measurements of thermal effects induced on a human head exposed to 900 MHz mobile phone
Proceedings IMS 2000, Boston, Jun. 2000, pp. 1017-1020.

105. Rosen Arye, Vander Vorst André, Youri Kotsuka
Editorial Mini-Special Issue on RF/Microwave Applications in Medecine
IEEE Trans. Microwave Th. and Tech., vol. 48, no 11, Nov. 2000, pp. 1781-1782

106. Rosen Arye, Vander Vorst André, Youri Kotsuka
Editorial Special Issue on Medical Application and Biological Effects of RF/Microwaves
IEEE Trans. Microwave Th. and Tech., vol. 48, no 11, Nov. 2000, pp. 1977-1978

107. Taurisano Maria, Vander Vorst André
Experimental thermographic analysis of thermal effects induced on a human head exposed to 900 MHz fields of mobile phones
IEEE Trans. Microwave Th. and Tech., Special Issue, vol. 48, no 11, Nov. 2000, pp. 2022-2032

108. Vander Vorst André, Sorrentino Roberto
The European Microwave Association
IEEE Microwave Magazine, vol. 2, no 3, Sept. 2001, pp. 92-100.

109. Torrese Guido, Huynen Isabelle, Vander Vorst André
Design criteria for increasing the bandwidth-efficiency product of GaAs p-I-n photodetectors
Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, no. 3, vol. 29, May 5, 2001, pp. 150-155

110. Torrese Guido, Salamone Alberto, Huynen Isabelle, Vander Vorst André
"A fully-analytical model to describe the high-frequency behavior of p-i-n photodiodes"
Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, no. 5, vol. 31, Dec. 5, 2001, pp. 329-333

111. Stockbroeckx Benoît, Vander Vorst André
Microwave antennas at 4CL: a design point of view
Revue HF, no. 2002-1, May 2002, pp. 68-70

112. Rosen Arye, Stuchly Maria, Vander Vorst André
Applications of RF/Microwaves in medicine
IEEE Trans. Microwave Th. and Tech., 50th Anniversary Special Issue, vol. 50, no 3, Mar. 2002, pp. 963-974 (invited paper)

113. Sorrentino Roberto et al., Vander Vorst André
Microwaves in Europe
IEEE Trans. Microwave Th. and Tech., Special Issue, vol. 50, no 3, Mar. 2002, pp. 1056-1072 (invited paper)

114. Torrese Guido, Huynen Isabelle, Raskin Jean-Pierre, Vander Vorst André
Numerical simulation of high-speed p-I-n photodiodes under large illumination power
Revue HF, no. 2002-2, May 2002, pp. 68-70

115. Torrese Guido, Huynen Isabelle, Serres Marc et al., Vander Vorst André
An analytical bias-dependent non-uniform model for p-i-n Travelling Wave Photodetectors
Special Issue IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech./IEEE Journal on Lightwave Technology, vol. 50, no. 11, Nov. 2002, pp. 2553-2557

116. Vander Vorst André
RF/Microwave Radiation Protection
Newsl. Europ. Trade Union Tech. Bureau Health and Safety, N° 21, June 2003, pp. 12-16 (invited paper) French Translation: La protection contre les rayonnements des radiofréquences et des micro-ondes
Bull. Info. Bureau Technique Syndical européen pour la santé et la sécurité, N° 21, juin 2003, pp. 12-17 (invited paper)

117. Vanderstraeten Jacques, Vander Vorst André
Theoretical evaluation of dielectric absorption of microwave energy at the scale of nucleic acids
Bioelectromagnetics, 25: 380-389 (2004)

118. Vander Vorst André
Wiley Encyclopedia of RF and Microwave Engineering, Vol. 6, 2005, pp. 5569-5587

119. Torrese Guido, Huynen Isabelle, Vander Vorst André
An analytical small-signal model for submicron n+-i-n+ traveling-wave photodetectors
IEEE Trans. Microwave Th. and Tech., vol. 53, No. 10, Oct. 2005, pp. 3238-3243

120. Vander Vorst André
Microthermal and isothermal biological effects under microwave exposure
Microwave Review, Vol. 11, No. 2, Nov. 2005, pp. 2-12 (invited paper)

121. Vander Vorst André
Biological effects and medical applications – MTT Technical Committee 10
IEEE Microwave Magazine, Dec. 2005, pp. 110-113

122. Vander Vorst André
Des lapins aux GSM…
Louvain Ingénieurs, n° 2, avril 2006, pp. 12-13

123. Vander Vorst André, Sorrentino Roberto
The European Microwave association
IEEE Microwave Magazine, Feb. 2006, pp. 54-56

124. Vander Vorst André, Clarricoats P. J. B.
The early days of the European Microwave Conference
Proc Eur. Microwave Assoc., Vol. 2, no. 1, Mar. 2006, pp. 107-109

125. Vincent Destoop
Entretien avec André Vander Vorst
Des lapins aux GSM…
Louvain Ingénieurs, avril 2006, no 2, pp. 12-13

126. Sorrentino Roberto, Vander Vorst André
Microwaves in Europe Overview
in Microwaves in Europe: Historical Milestones and Industry Update, Part I
Microwave Journal, Sept. 2008, pp. 28-34

127. Sorrentino Roberto, Vander Vorst André
The History and Evolution of European Microwave Week
Microwave Journal, Sept. 2008, pp. 104-110

128. G. Torrese, C. Wei, M. J. Frank, I. Huynen, A. Vander Vorst, P. Mégret
Embedded Grating N+-in+ Traveling-Wave Photodetectors
IEEE Trans. Microwave Th. and Tech., vol. 57, No. 5, May 2009, pp. 1244-1249

129. Adang Dirk, Remacle Claude, Vander Vorst André
Results of a Long-Term Low-Level Microwave Exposure of Rats
IEEE Trans. Microwave Th. and Tech., vol. 57, No. 10, Oct. 2009, pp. 2488-2497
Special issue on RF and Microwave Techniques in Wireless Implants and Biomedical Applications

130. André Vander Vorst, Thomas J. Brazil, Peter J. B. Clarricoats, Fred E. Gardiol, Leo P. Ligthart, Roger Marriott, Roberto Sorrentino, Andrew F. Wilson
40 Years of European Microwaves. What about the future?
International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies (invited paper)

Refereed and Published Conference Presentations

1. Vander Vorst A., Laloux A.
An improved Rayleigh-Ritz procedure for the determination of striplines parameters
Proc. 1969 Eur. Microwave Conf., London, September 1969, pp. 109-113

2. Vander Vorst A., Govaerts R.
Application of the variation-iteration method to inhomogeneously loaded waveguides
Proc. 1969 Eur. Microwave Conf., London, September 1969, pp. 105-109

3. Vander Vorst A., Govaerts R.
Rectangular waveguides partially filled with dielectric inserts
Proc. 4th Coll. Microwave Comm., Budapest, April 1970, ET-28, pp. 1-9

4. Laloux A., Vander Vorst A., Pierart M.
Dispersion characteristics of microstrip lines
Proc. 4th Coll. Microwave Comm., Budapest, April 1970, ET-16, pp. 1-9

5. Laloux A., Vander Vorst A.
The dispersive character of microstrip lines
Proc. 1971 Eur. Microwave Conf., Stockholm, September 1971, Vol. 2, C 3/6, pp. 1-4

6. Govaerts R., Vander Vorst A.
Propagation in rectangular waveguides loaded with dielectric inserts
Proc. 1971 Eur. Microwave Conf., Stockholm, September 1971, Vol. 2, p. D 2/1

7. Vander Vorst A.
Present trends in the theory of microwave transmission-line circuits
Proc. Summer Sch. Circuit Th., Tàle, 1971, pp. 17/1-9 (invited paper)

8. Vander Vorst A., Laloux A.
Optimisation d'un isolateur à résonance
Actes 1er Sém. Int. Disp. hyperfréquences à ferrite,Toulouse, mars 1972, A1-IIII, pp. 1-7

9. Vander Vorst A., Laloux A.
Two propagation boundary-value problems
Actes XVIIème Ass. Gén. URSI, Varsovie, août 1972, pp. 28-30 (invited paper)

10. Vander Vorst A.
Survey on electrical engineering curricula
Proc. EUROCON 71, IEEE Region 8, Lausanne, October 18, 1971, pp. 1-17

11. Vander Vorst A., Gaudissart E.
Effects due to precipition on horizontal links
Proc. Symp. AGARD, Gausdal, September 1972, pp. 14/1-6

12. Vander Vorst A., Gaudissart E., Defalque E.
Data handling for the atmospheric attenuation at 12 and 35 GHz
Proc. IEE Conf. Propagation of Radio Waves at Frequencies above 10 GHz, London, April 1973, pp. 52-55

13. Laloux A., Lepere C., Vander Vorst A.
Numerical solution for waveguides with inhomogeneous lossy loads
Proc. 3rd Eur. Microwave Conf., Brussels, September 1973, p. B.8.3

14. Delogne P., Gaudissart E., Schayes G., Sobieski P., Vander Vorst A., Van Vyve J.
A report of the Belgian activities in the field of atmospheric effects at frequencies above 10 GHz
Proc. Coll. IUCRM n the fine scale of precipitation and EM propagation, Nice, October 1973, Tome 2, III-13, pp. 1-7

15. Vander Vorst A.
Some particular problems in microwave radiometry
Proc. 5th Coll. Microwave Comm., Budapest, June 1974, vol. V, ME-11, pp. 102-111 (invited paper)

16. Van Vyve J., Vander Vorst A.
A complete study of the accuracy of the computed atmospheric attenuation by radiometric measurements
Proc. 4th Eur. Microwave Conf., Montreux, September 1974, pp. 217-221

17. Vander Vorst A.
Pour une politique scientifique nouvelle
Introduction 3ème Journée d'Etudes ACAUF, Louvain-la-Neuve, décembre 1974, pp. 11-14 (invited paper)

18. Vander Vorst A.
A survey of atmospheric propagation research experiments on slant paths in the band 15-40 GHz
Proc. AGARD CP-245, Millimeter and submillimeter wave propagation and circuits, February 1979, pp. 41.1-17 (invited paper)

19. Vander Vorst A.
An integrated collective work in the engineer curriculum
Proc. Coll. SEFI, August 1979, pp. 294-297

20. Laloux A., Lobelle M., Sobieski P., Vanhoenacker D., Vander Vorst A.
Processing and preliminary conclusions on OTS-propagation data in Belgium
Proc. Telecom 79, September 1979, pp.

21. Vander Vorst A.
The O.T.S. program in Belgium
Proc. OTS and Satellite Comm. Symp., Louvain-la-Neuve, January 1980, pp. II-1-17

22. Sobieski P., Jespers S., Vanhoenacker D., Vander Vorst A.
Progress Report of propagation measurements performed on OTS beacons by the Belgian earth stations
Proc. 5th OTS Prop. Exp. Meeting, Louvain-la-Neuve, April 1980, pp. 113-137

23. Vander Vorst A., Sobieski P.
1979-1980 data processing and results from the OTS beacons B0/B1 and TM, and radiometry at 11.4 and 35 GHz
Proc. AGARD CP-284, Propagation Effects in Space/Earth Paths, May 1980, pp. 25.1-14

24. Jespers S., Vanhoenacker D., Sobieski P., Vander Vorst A.
Comparison of radiometric measurements at 11.4 and 35 GHz with propagation data on the OTS space-earth path at 11.6 GHz
Proc. IEE CP-195, Antennas and Propagation, Part 2: Propagation, April 1981, pp. 36-40

25. Vander Vorst A.
New results in microwave propagation above 10 GHz
Proc. MELECON 81, Tel-Aviv, May 1981, pp.

26. Adant J.M., Delogne P., Vander Vorst A.
Very high precision cold loads
Proc. Conf. Microwave Radiometry and Remote Sensing Appl., Rome, March 1983, pp. 163-170

27. Vanhoenacker D., Vander Vorst A.
Fluctuations on the OTS-link, correlated with two-frequency radiometry
Proc. IEE Conf., ICAP 83, CP-219, Norwich 1983, Part 2, pp. 162-165

28. Laloux A., Vanhoenacker D., Vander Vorst A.
Propagation experiments with the OTS satellite
Proc. MELECON 83, Athens, May 1983, pp. B4.01, 1-2

29. Vanhoenacker D., Vinois Th., Meganck J., Jespers S., Vander Vorst A.
Correlation between various radioelectrical data at 11.4, 11.6, and 35 GHz
Proc. URSI Comm. F, Wave Propagation and Remote Sensing, Louvain-la-Neuve, June 1983, pp. 135-139

30. Laloux A., Vander Vorst A.
Acquisition et traitement de données atmosphériques
Actes Journée Etudes F.N.R.S. Acquisition et Traitement des signaux d'observation, Liège, novembre 1983, pp. 18-27

31. Vanhoenacker D., Vander Vorst A.
Correlation between fluctuation events on a 11.6 GHz earth-space link and radiometry at 11.4 and 35 GHz, and spectral analysis
Proc. EuMC 84, Liège, September 1984, pp. 123-128

32. Vanhoenacker D., Vander Vorst A.
Atmospheric fluctuation spectra and radio system implications
Proc. IEE Conf., ICAP 85, Antennas and Propagation, April 1985, pp. 67-71

33. Vander Vorst A., Vanhoenacker D.
A radioelectrical model for slant-path atmospheric scintillations
Proc. MELECON 85, Madrid, October 1985, Vol. III: Radiocommunications, pp. 295-299

34. Vander Vorst A.
Atmospheric effects and measurements in the millimeter range
Proc. Int. Workshop Millimeter Waves, Rome, April 1986, pp. 231-239 (invited paper)

35. Vander Vorst A.
Atmospheric effects and measurements in the millimeter range
Proc. Supp. Int. Workshop on Millimeter Waves, Rome, April 1986, pp. 117-145 (invited paper)

36. Demal J., Doutreloux A., Haumont F., Hennebert G., Mabardi J.-F., Norro M., Vander Vorst A.
Expériences d'appropriation de l'activité pédagogique à l'Université Catholique de Louvain, en fonction du contexte social, économique et culturel
Actes Coll. Echange et pratiques pédagogiques, A.U.P.E.L.F., Dakar 1986, Vol. 6.2, pp. 41-45

38. Vander Vorst A.
Millimeter-wave atmospheric propagation and system implications
Proc. EuMC 86, Dublin, September 1986, pp. 19-30 (invited paper)

39. Vander Vorst A., collectif
COST 210 Activities to model transhorizon cochannel interference paths in Europe
Proc. IEE Conf.ICAP 87, Antennas and Propagation, April 1987, Part 2, Propagation, pp. 351-354

40. Vanhoenacker D., Vander Vorst A.
The calculation of atmospheric microwave fluctuations by a dielectric equivalent
Proc. MELECON 87, Rome, March 1987, pp. 31-34

41. Vander Vorst A.
Microwaves and millimeter wave atmospheric propagation
Proc. Int. Microwave Symp. SBMO, Rio, July 1987, pp. 1263-1270 (invited paper)

42. Vanhoenacker D., Vander Vorst A.
Influence of refractive index fluctuations on communication systems
Proc. EuMC 87, Rome, September 1987, pp. 517-522

43. Vander Vorst A.
Continuing Education in Region 8
Proc. IEEE Sections Congress, October 1987, pp. 125-135 (invited paper)

44. Vander Vorst A., Sobieski P.
Les hyperfréquences - Moyen de repérage et transmission à courte distance
Actes Journées IBRA, Bruxelles, avril 1989, pp. 1-7 (invited paper)

45. Teng J., Vanhoenacker D., Vander Vorst A.
Effet biologique des micro-ondes et leur application en acupuncture
Actes Génie Biomédical, Louvain-en-Woluwe, janvier 1989, p. 24

46. Vanhoenacker D., Vander Vorst A.
Olympus experiment in Belgium
Proc. 12th Meeting Olympus Prop. Exp., April 1989, Vienna, pp. 153-167

47. Vander Vorst A., Vanhoenacker D.
Broadband characterization of the propagation channel in the frequency band 10-100 GHz
Proc. Olympus Utilisation Conf., April 1989, Vienna, pp. 213-218 (invited paper)

48. Vander Vorst A., collectif
Studies of transhorizon cochannel interference in Europe
Proc. URSI Comm. F Symposium, September 1989, La-Londe-les-Maures, pp. 5.2.1-4

49. Vander Vorst A.
Continuing education in IEEE Region 8
Proc. SEFI '88, Leuven, June 1989, pp. 59-65 (invited paper)

50. Teng J., Vanhoenacker D., Vander Vorst A.
Biological effects in acupuncture
Proc. EuMC 1989, September 1989, London, pp. 918-923

51. Vyncke C., Vanhoenacker D., Vander Vorst A.
Data summary of the two Belgian earth stations receiving the Olympus propagation beacons
Proc. 13th OPEX meeting, ESTEC Noordwijk, March 1990, pp. 110-119

52. Vanhoenacker D., Matagne J., Vyncke C., Vander Vorst A.
Preliminary results of the Belgian Olumpus experiment
Proc. 13th OPEX Meeting, ESTEC Noordwijk, March 1990, pp. 105-109

53. Vander Vorst A., Vanhoenacker D., Vyncke C., Matagne J., Maes J.M., De Nolf D.
Belgian Olympus experiment and first results
Proc. EuMC 90, Budapest, September 1990, pp. 644-649

54. Vanhoenacker D., Sakalis T., Delhaise P., Baudhuin A., Huynen I., Vander Vorst A.
Penelope : a micro- and near mm-waves CAD/CAM program designed as an educational tool
Proc. EuMC 90, Budapest, September 1990, pp. 723-728

55. Teng J., Vanhoenacker D., Vander Vorst A.
Analgesic effects by microwave acupuncture stimulation in rabbits
Proc. EuMC 90, Budapest, September 1990, pp. 973-978

56. Vander Vorst A.
Optimizing resources for combinig technical and educational purposes in Region 8
IEEE Sections Congress 90, Toronto, October 1990, pp. C.1-25 (invited paper)

57. Vanhoenacker D., Matagne J., Vander Vorst A.
First scintillation results of the Belgian Olympus project
Proc. 14 th OPEX meeting, Felixtowe, October 1990, pp. 67-70

58. Vander Vorst A. Atmospheric propagation at microwave and mm-wave frequency
IEEE Benelux Meeting, Leuven, February 1991, pp.1-43 (invited paper)

59. Halbach L., Vander Vorst A.
In search of valid mixture equations according to the structure of dielectric-magnetic absorber composites
Proc. 9th Int. Symp. Electromagnetic Compatibility, Zürich, March 1991, pp. 563-568

60. Huynen I., Vanhoenacker D., Vander Vorst A.
Caractérisation hyperfréquence d'interconnexions à haut débit binaire
Actes 7èmes J. Nat. Micro-ondes, Grenoble, mars 1991, pp. 229-230

61. Vander Vorst A.
Les télécommunications spatiales en Belgique depuis 1966
Colloque La Belgique et l’Espace, SRBII-SPPS, mars 1991, pp. 1-13 (invited paper)

62. Vander Vorst A., Teng J., Vanhoenacker D.
Microwave acupuncture as a stimulus for the interaction between electromagnetic fields and the nervous system
Proc.Microwaves in Medicine, Belgrade, April 1991, pp. 12-22

63. Vanhoenacker D., Matagne J., Vasseur H., Vander Vorst A.
First analysis of the effects of atmospheric fluctuations on the 12.5, 20 and 30 GHz Olympus beacons
Proc. 1st OPEX Workshop, ESTEC Noordwijk, April 1991, pp. 4.2.1-7 (invited paper)

64. Vander Vorst A., Teng J., Vanhoenacker D.
The interaction of electromagnetic fields with the nervous system, using microwave acupuncture as a stimulus
Proc. MIKON 91, Rydzyna, May 1991, vol 2, pp. 152-162 (invited paper)

65. Teng J., Yan H., Vanhoenacker D., Vander Vorst A.
Variation of pain threshold and norepinephrine release in rabbits due to microwave stimulation
Proc. IEEE-MTT Symposium, Boston, June 1991, pp. 801-804

66. Teng J., Yan H., Vanhoenacker D., Vander Vorst A.
Variation of pain threshold and norepinephrine release in rabbits due to microwave stimulation
World Cong. Medical Physics and Biomedical Eng., Kyoto, July 1991, Jl. Int. Fed. Medical and Biological Eng., 1991, vol. 29 suppl. part 2, p. 1204

67. Teng J., Yan H., Vanhoenacker D., Vander Vorst A.
Inhibition of the nociceptive response of the parafascicular nucleus, due to microwave irradiation on the spinal cord in rabbits
Proc. EuMC 91, Stuttgart, September 1991, pp. 1438-1443

68. Vanhoenacker D., Matagne J., Vasseur H., Vander Vorst A.
Scintillation and depolarisation results from the Belgian Olympus experiment
Proc. EuMC 91, Stuttgart, September 1991, pp. 961-967

69. Vanhoenacker D., Huynen I., Platteborze R., Sciuto R., Vander Vorst A.
Designing and making planar circuits: a thorough study of the global accuracy achieved by students
Proc. EuMC 91, Stuttgart, September 1991, pp. 413-419

70. Vanhoenacker D., Vasseur H., Vander Vorst A.
Les phénomènes atmosphériques, limites de la largeur de bande, de 10 à 300 GHz
Actes J. Et. Propagation électromagnétique dans l'atmosphère, du décamétrique à l'angtröm, Rennes, octobre 1991, pp. IIa 4.1-4

71. Vander Vorst A.
Quelle politique régionale en matière de Télécommunications?
Coll. "Quelles politiques régionales pour les télécommunications?", Grand-Hornu, octobre 1991, pp. I.1-4 (invited paper)

72. Mignon M., Vasseur H., Vander Vorst A.
La télédistribution en Belgique : un exemple de réussite dans la gestion locale d'un réseau
Coll. "Quelles politiques régionales pour les télécommunications?", Grand-Hornu, octobre 1991, pp. I.44-50

73. Mignon M., Vasseur H., Vander Vorst A.
Les télécommunications comme outil du développement économique local : les téléports
Coll. "Quelles politiques régionales pour les télécommunications?", Grand-Hornu, octobre 1991, pp. I.51-61

74. Vasseur H., Mignon M., Vander Vorst A.
Caractéristiques régionales des entreprises du secteur des télécommunications
Coll. "Quelles politiques régionales pour les télécommunications?", Grand-Hornu, octobre 1991, pp. I.62-69

75. Vanhoenacker D., Matagne J., Vasseur H., Vander Vorst A.
Spectral analysis of scintillation events from belgian Olympus experiment
Proc. 16th OPEX Meeting Proc., Aveiro, October 1991, pp. 32-40

76. Halbach L., Vander Vorst A.
Modélisation de lignes de transmission à plusieurs diélectriques éventuellement absorbants.
Proc. 6ème Coll. Compatibilité Electromagnétique, Lyon, juin 1992, pp. 312-317

77. Vanhoenacker D., Vasseur H., Vander Vorst A.
The effects of atmospheric turbulences on broadband communication channels above 10 GHz
Int. Conf. Communications, Chicago, June 1992, vol. 2, pp. 1064-1068

78. Fossion M., Huynen I., Vanhoenacker D., Vander Vorst A.
A new and simple calibration method for measuring planar lines parameters up to 40 GHz
Proc. EuMC 92, Helsinki, September 1992, vol. I, pp. 180-186

79. Teng J., Yan H., Vanhoenacker D., Vander Vorst A.
The near field and SAR pattern of an insulated asymmetrical dipole applicator in a dissipative inhomogeneous medium
Proc. EuMC 92, Helsinki, September 1992, vol. I, pp. 287-292

80. Vander Vorst A., Teng J., Vanhoenacker D.
Microwave bioelectromagnetic research on the nervous system
Proc. IX RiNEm, Assisi, October 1992, pp. XXXV-XLV (invited paper)

81. Huynen I., Vanhoenacker D., Vander Vorst A.
Nouvelle méthode de détermination des paramètres électriques ou magnétiques de substrats planaires (théorie et expérimentation)
Actes J. Caractérisation des Matériaux Micro-ondes, JCMM'92, Arcachon, octobre 1992, pp. II.010.1-6

82. Vyncke C., Vander Vorst A.
Evaluation de l'effet d'écran sur une antenne au sol en fonction de la fréquence
Actes J. Int. Nice Antennes, JINA'92, Nice, novembre 1992, pp. 649-652

83. Vander Vorst A., Teng J., Vanhoenacker D.
The action of microwave electromagnetic fields on the nervous system
Actes J. Int. Nice Antennes, JINA'92, Nice, novembre 1992, pp. 111-119 (invited paper)

84. Vander Vorst A.
Rayonnement électromagnétique hyperfréquence
Sém. Belgian Society Occupational Hygiene, February 1993, p. 1-12 (invited paper)

85. Vyncke C., Vander Vorst A.
Effect of obstacles on interference between slant paths and terrestrial links as a function of frequency
Proc. IEE Conf. ICAP 93, CP-370, Edinburgh, April 1993, Part II, pp. 1003-1006

86. Vander Vorst A., collectif
Cost Project 235 Activities on radiowave propagation effects on next-generation field-service terrestrial telecommunication systems
Proc. IEE Conf. ICAP 93, CP-370, Edinburgh, April 1993, Part II, pp. 655-659

87. Kezaï T., Sciuto R., Vander Vorst A.
Méthode d'étalonnage et de mesure pour des lignes à ailettes
Actes J. Nat. Micro-ondes, JNM'93, Brest, mai 1993, pp. 6.D.6-7

88. Huynen I., Faik C., Vanhoenacker D., Vander Vorst A.
Rayonnement sur circuits planaires: Théorie et expérimentation
Actes J. Nat. Micro-ondes, JNM'93, Brest, mai 1993, pp. 2.A.2-3

89. Vander Vorst A.
Microwave bioelectromagnetics in Europe
Proc. IEEE-MTT, Atlanta, June 1993, pp. 1137-1140 (invited paper)

90. Teng J., Vander Vorst A.
Microwave field in rabbit spinal cord and its influence over the Pf nociceptive discharges evoked by noxious stimulation on SPN
Proc. Microwaves in Medicine, Rome, October 1993, pp. 173-176

92. Vander Vorst A.
Bioélectromagnétisme micro-onde et applications
MTT Workshop, Chapitre de France, La Baule, novembre 1993, pp. I.1-14 (invited paper)

93. Kezaï T., Vander Vorst A.
Rigorous computation of finline higher order modes by using singular value decomposition
Proc.Int. Conf Millimeter and Submillimeter Waves, San Diego, January 1994, pp. 254-256

94. Piette M., Schweicher E., Vander Vorst A.
Banc de mesure en régime transitoire de la signature radar de cibles 3D à échelle réduite : développement de l'antenne d'émission
Actes. Coll. Int. Radar, Paris, mai 1994, pp. 518-522

95. Piette M., Schweicher E., Vander Vorst A.
Impulse Radar Signatures of 3D-Targets: Development of a TD-Measurement System
Proc. URSI Meeting, Radio Science, Seattle, June 1994, p. 245

96. Vander Vorst A., Huynen I., Vanhoenacker D.
Variational principles can be extremely efficient in the calculation of transmission line parameters
Abst. Book, PIERS'94 Symp., ESTEC Noordwijk, July 1994, p. 399

97. Vander Vorst A., Huynen I., Vanhoenacker D.
Variational principles can be extremely efficient in the calculation of transmission line parameters
Proc. PIERS'94 Symp., ESTEC Noordwijk, July 1994, pp. 4 A 4.6.1-4

98. Huynen I., Stockbroeckx B., Verstraeten G., Vanhoenacker D., Vander Vorst A.
Planar Gyrotropic Devices Analyzed by Using a Variational Principle
Proc. 24th EuMC Conf., Cannes, September 1994, vol. 1, pp. 309-314

99. Kezaï T., Vander Vorst A.
Accélération de la convergence dans l'analyse des lignes à ailettes
Actes J. Nat. Micro-ondes, JNM'95, Paris, avril 1995, pp. 2D3.1-2

100. Devos A., Vyncke C., Vander Vorst A.
Simulation of the effect of site shielding on digital communication systems : from the diffraction problem to the global link
Proc. IEE Conf. Antennas and Propagation, ICAP'95, CP n° 407, Eindhoven, April 1995, vol. 2, pp. 190-194

101. Piette M., Schweicher E., Vander Vorst A.
High frequency effect of the junction between cone trip, coaxial feeder and ground plane on the input impedance of a long monocone antenna on ground plane
Proc. IEE Conf. Antennas and Propagation, ICAP'95, CP n° 407, Eindhoven, April 1995, vol. 1, pp. 465-469

102. Teng J., Carton de Tournai D., Duhamel F., Vander Vorst A.
Variations of the somatosensory evoked potentials due to microwave fields in rabbit spinal cord
Proc. IEEE-MTT Int. Microwave Symp., Orlando, May 1995, vol. 1, pp. 295-298

103. Piette M., Schweicher E., Vander Vorst A.
Calibration of an impulse radar scattering range with conducting and dielectric canonical targets
Proc. Joint IEEE Antennas and Propagation Soc. and URSI Symp., Newport Beach, June 1995, p. 268

104. Piette M., Schweicher E., Vander Vorst A.
A new method for the wideband protection of ultra-fast pulse generators against reflections from unmatched antennas
Proc. Joint IEEE Antennas and Propagation Soc. and URSI Symp., Newport Beach, June 1995, p. 19

105. Kezaï T., Vander Vorst A.
Fast location and accurate computation of complex propagation constants of shielded multilayered structures
Proc. Int. Conf. Millimeter and Submillimeter Waves, San Diego, July 1995, pp. 12.1-4

106. Vanhoenacker D., Huynen I., Lee I., Platteborze R., Vander Vorst A.
Microwave education at UCL, Belgium: from planar passive components to wide-band tuned devices
Proc. 25th EuMC, Bologna, September 1995, vol. 1, pp. 798-803

107. Nouhi N., Carton de Tournai D., Genin M., Limage P., Vander Vorst A., Veraart C., Maréchal G., Berquin A., Lebacq J.
A telestimulation system for chronic stimulation of the sciatic nerve in cage mice
Actes Société Belge de Physiologie et de Pharmacologie Fondamentales et Cliniques, Mons, novembre 1995, p. 1

108. Vander Vorst A., Devos A., Prieels C.
European research on diffractor, scatter, and terrain issues in urban areas
Proc. IEEE-MTT Workshop Propagation, San Francisco, June 1996, pp. 1-13 (invited paper)

109. Zhu Z., Huynen I., Vander Vorst A.
An efficient microwave characterization of PIN photodiodes
Proc. 26th EuMC, Prague, September 1996, vol. 2, pp. 1010-1014

110. Vander Vorst A.
Antenna considerations and system aspects
Proc. Int. Symp. Broadband Millimeter Propagation Effects on Terrestrial Radio, Guernsey, October 1996, p.1-12

111. Wu T., Vander Vorst A.
Study of nonlinearities in GaInAs/InP PIN photodiodes in view of making optoelectronic
Proc. 1996 Symp. IEEE-LEOS Benelux, Enschede, November 1996, pp. 195-198

112. Vander Vorst A.
Recent advances in the interaction of microwave fields with the nervous system, with in mind mobilophony
Proc. Asia Pacific Microwave Conf., Dehli, December 1996, vol. I, pp. 35-38 (invited paper)

113. Duhamel F., Huynen I., Vander Vorst A.
Measurements of complex permittivity of biological and organic liquids up to 110 GHz
IEEE-MTT-S Int. Microwave Symposium Digest, Denver, June 1997, Vol. I, pp. 107-110

114. Cocherova Elena, Fabienne Duhamel, Vander Vorst André
Simulation of the microwave influence on the nerve fibre action potential
Biological systems and electromagnetic field Conf., Prague, 1997, Proc. pp. 1-3

115. Rosen H.D., Rosen A., Vander Vorst A.
Biological effects and medical applications
Proc. European Microwave Conf., Jerusalem, September 1997, Vol. II, pp. 984-991 (invited paper)

116. Serres M., Huynen I., Vander Vorst A.
Wideband analytical model of an open-ended microstrip line under illumination
Proc. European Microwave Conf., Jerusalem, September 1997, Vol. I, pp. 303-308

117. Vander Vorst A.
Biological effects
Proc. Workshop II, European Microwave Conf., Jerusalem, September 1997, pp. 1-3

118. Vander Vorst A. , M.A. Stuchly
Impact of mobilophony
Proc. Workshop II, European Microwave Conf., Jerusalem, September 1997, p. 97

119. Vasseur H., Oestges C., Vander Vorst A.
Tropospheric effects on millimetre and optical wireless communications links: a review
Actes 3èmes J. Etudes Propagation électromagnétique du décamétrique à l'angström, S.E.E., Rennes, octobre 1997, pp. 58-63.

120. Storme M., Huynen I., Platteborze R., Vander Vorst A.
Caractérisation hyperfréquence de la dispersion des sols. Application à la détection des mines antipersonnel par radar de subsurface
Actes 5èmes J. Car. Microonde et Matériaux, Le Touquet, mai 1998, France, pp. P1-10.1 à .4

121. Vander Vorst A., Duhamel F.
Mobile Telephony: Recommendations vs. Biology
Proc. Int. Conf. Telecommunications ICT '98
IEE, Aristotle U. Thessaloniki, June 1998, Vol. III, pp. 356-360

122. Scheers B., Piette M., Vander Vorst A.
The detection of AP mines using UWB GPR
Proc. 2nd Conf. Detection of abandoned land mines
IEE CP N°478, October 1998, pp. 50-54

123. Storme M., Huynen I., Vander Vorst A.
Microwave characterization of wet soils applied to humanitarian demining
Workshop 28th Eur. Microwave Conf., Amsterdam, October 1998, pp. 114-119

124. Salamone A., Torrese G., Serres M., Vander Vorst A.
Investigation and comparison on the bandwidth of P-I-N photodetectors in Silicon and in Gallium Arsenide
Proc. Symp. IEEE/LEOS Benelux Chapter, Gent, Belgium, November 1998, pp. 205-208

125. Storme M., Huynen I., Vander Vorst A
Characterization of wet soils from 2 to 18 GHz, Experimental results
Proc. CLAWAR '98 Symp., IEE, Brussels, November 1998, pp. 237-239

126. Vander Vorst André
What about safety when using mobile telephony?
Proc. MICROCOLL’99, Budapest, March 1999, pp. 35-39 (invited paper)

127. Serres M., Bucyana C., Huynen I., Vander Vorst A.
Influence of polarisation on bistatic radar measurements of buried objects
Proc. "HUDEM" Symp., Royal Military Academy, Brussels, Apr. 1999, pp. MS-1-MS-6

128. Vander Vorst A.
Mobilophonie: comparaison entre normes et effets biologiques
Bull. Trim.Assoc. Univ. pour l'Environnement, Bruxelles, n°65, juin 1999, pp. 41-46

129. Huynen I., Goglio G., Pignard S., Radulescu A., Piraux L., Vanhoenacker D., Vander Vorst A.
A novel nanostructured magnetic planar substrate for wideband tunable microwave applications
Proc. 29th Eur. Microwave Conf., Munich, Oct. 1999, Vol. 3, pp. 367-371

130. Vander Vorst A., Serres M., Stockbroeckx B., Huynen I.
A circuit point of view on microwave photonic devices
Proc. 29th Eur. Microwave Conf., Workshop M-FR-W2/Optical technologies for microwave systems, Munich, Oct. 1999, pp. 12.1-9

131. Salamone A., Torrese G., Crahay A., Vander Vorst A.
Fabrication and Investigation of Mono-Modal Optical Waveguides for SOI Traveling Wave Photodetectors
Proc. Symp. IEEE/LEOS Benelux Chapter, 1999, Mons, Belgium, Nov. 1999, pp. 151-154

132. Torrese G., Salamone A., Serres M., Huynen I., Vander Vorst A.
Receiver design for optical communication system
Proc. IUAP13 Photonic Technologies for Advanced Information Systems, Dec. 1999, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, 14 p.

133. Scheers B., Piette M., Vander Vorst A.
Development of dielectric-filled TEM horn antennas for UWB GPR
Proceedings of the Millenium Conference on Antennas and Propagation (AP 2000), Davos, Switzerland, Apr. 2000, Vol. 2, p. 187

134. Scheers B., Piette M., Vander Vorst A.
Development of dielectric-filled TEM horn antennas for UWB GPR
Proceedings of the Millenium Conference on Antennas and Propagation (AP 2000), Davos, Switzerland, Apr. 2000, Vol. 2, 4p. on CD-Rom

135. Vander Vorst A.
Microwaves, including GSM-Fields, and Health
Derde Lentecyclus "Troeven en risico's van de wetenschap", Brussel, April 26, 2000, Kon. Vlaamse Academie van België voor Wetenschappen en Kunsten, April 2000, 1p.

136. Taurisano D.M. , Vander Vorst A.
Measurements of thermal effects induced on a human head exposed to 900 MHz mobile phones
Proc. 2000 IEEE MTT-S Int. Microwave Symp. Dig., Boston, Jun. 2000, Vol. 2, pp. 1017-1020

137. Vander Vorst A., Taurisano D.M., Stockbroeckx B.
Cellular telephones: hazards or not ?
Proc. 2000 IEEE MTT-S Int. Microwave Symp. Dig., Boston, Jun. 2000, Vol. 2, pp. 937-940

138. Huynen I., Piraux L., Vanhoenacker D., Vander Vorst A.
Ferromagnetic resonance in metallic nanowires for tunable microwave planar applications
Proc. Piers 2000, Boston, USA, Jul. 2000, p. 320

139. Torrese G., Ajram S., Rolland P.-A., Vander Vorst A.
Trans-impedance two stages OEIC receiver using PIN photodetector
Fifth Annual Symp. IEEE/LEOS Benelux Chapter, Delft, The Netherlands, Oct. 2000, pp. 47-50

140. Vander Vorst André
What about safety when using mobile telephony?
Proc. MICROCOLL’99, Budapest, March 1999, pp. 35-39 (invited paper)

141. Vander Vorst André, Taurisano Maria Daria, Stockbroeckx Benoît
Cellular telephones: hazards or not?
Proc. IMS 2000, Boston, Jun. 2000, pp. 937-940 (invited paper)

142. Taurisano Maria Daria, Vander Vorst André
Measurements of thermal effects induced on a human head exposed to 900 MHz mobile phone
Proc. IMS 2000, Boston, Jun. 2000, pp. 1017-1020

143. Lederer D., Azanza M.I., Calvo A.C., Pérez Bruzon R.N., del Moral A., Vander Vorst A.
Effects associated with the ELF of GSM signals on the spontaneous biolectric activity of neurons
Proc. EBEA 2001, Helsinki, Finland, Sept. 2001, pp. 194-195

144. van den Bosch Ides, Huynen Isabelle, Vander Vorst André
HuDem 1997-2001: combining radar and radiometry for mine detection at UCL
Proc. VR-MECH’01, Nov. 2001, pp. 91-95

145. Torrese Guido, Raskin Jean-Pierre, Haese Nicole, Vander Vorst André
Wideband low-noise HEMT preamplifier for high-speed optical transmission systems
Proc. 6th Ann. Symp. IEEE/LEOS Benelux Ch., Dec. 2001, pp. 85-88

146. Torrese Guido, Clerckx Bruno, Raskin Jean-Pierre, Vander Vorst André
Analytical models for the analysis of high bit-rate lightwave systems
Proc. 6th Ann. Symp. IEEE/LEOS Benelux Ch., Dec. 2001, pp. 89-92

147. Torrese Guido, Huynen Isabelle, Raskin Jean-Pierre, Vander Vorst André
Analysis and design of p-i-n traveling-wave photodetectors for high power and wide-bandwidth applications
Proc. 6th Ann. Symp. IEEE/LEOS Benelux Ch., Dec. 2001, pp. 03-96

148. Stockbroeckx Benoît, Moreau Benoît, Vander Vorst André
Measured ELF components of radio-communication systems
Proc. 2nd Intl. Workshop Biol. Eff. Electrom. Fields, Rhodes, Oct. 2002, pp. 260-265

149. Azanza Maria, Pérez Bruzon R., Lederer Dimitri, Calvo Ana, del Moral L., Vander Vorst André
Reversibility of the effects induced on the spontaneous bioelectric activity of neurons under exposure to 8.3 and 217.0 Hz low intensity magnetic fields
Proc. 2nd Intl. Workshop Biol. Eff. Electrom. Fields, Rhodes, Oct. 2002, pp. 651-659

150. Vander Vorst André
New trends in biological effects and their evaluation
Seminar Emerging Technologies, Microwave Th. and Tech., Philadelphia, Jan. 2003 (invited paper)

151. Vander Vorst André
Etat de l’art européen sur les technologies optiques/RF/microondes en vue d’applications médicales
Proc. Journées Nationales des Micro-ondes, Lille, mai 2003, pp. INV-4/1-4 (invited paper)

152. Vander Vorst André
European Activities in Optical-RF-Microwave Technologies in view of Medical Applications
Workshop on Optical/RF/Microwave Technologies for Medical Applications
International Microwave Symposium, Philadelphia, Jun. 2003, pp.13.1-6 (invited paper)

153. Vander Vorst André
RF/Microwave Radiation Protection
TUTB Newsletter, June 2003, no 24, pp. 12-16
(La protection contre les rayonnements des radiofréquences et des micro-ondes
BTS Newsletter, June 2003, no 21, pp. 12-18)

154. van den Bosch Idesbald, Lambot Sébastien, Vander Vorst André
A Unified Method for Modeling Radar and Radiometer Measurements
Int. Conf. Requirements and Technologies for Detection, Removal and Neutralization of Landmines and UXO, Brussels, Sept. 2003, pp. 523-528.

155. Adang Dirk, Vander Vorst André, Zizi Martin
A long-term study on the athermal biological effects of microwaves
Proc. 6th Int. Congress European Bioelectromagnetics Association, Budapest, Nov. 2003, p. 204

156. van den Bosch Ides, Lambot Sébastien, Vander Vorst André
Buried Target Signature Extraction from Ground Penetrating Radar Signal Based on the Equivalence Principle
Proc. 10th Int. Conf. Ground Penetrating radar, Delft, 21-24 June, 2004

157. Vanderstraeten Jacques, Vander Vorst André
Theoretical Evaluiation of Dielectric Absorption of Microwave Energy at the Scale of Nucleic Acids
Bioelectromagnetics 25:380-389 (2004)

158. Adang Dirk, Vander Vorst André
The possible influence of microwaves on leucocytes: an in vivo method
Proc. BEMS, Washington DC, June 2004

159. Adang Dirk, Vander Vorst André
Long-Term Epidemiological Study on Low-Level Microwave Exposure of Rats
Proc. 34th European Microwave Conference, Amsterdam, Oct. 2004, pp. 665-668

160. Adang Dirk, Remacle Claude, Vander Vorst André
Long-term and low-thermal biological effects of microwaves
Environmental Health Risk 2005, Bologna, Sept. 2005, p. 397-404

161. Adang Dirk, Vander Vorst André
First Results of a Long-Term Epidemiological Study on Low-Level Microwave Exposure of Rats
International Microwave Symposium, San Francisco, Jun. 2006, pp. 1742-1745

162. Adang Dirk, Campo Bert, Vander Vorst André
Has a 970 MHz pulsed exposure an effect on the memory related behaviour of rats
Proc. European Conf. Wireless Technology, Manchester, Sep. 2006, pp. 135-138

163. Halheit Houda, Vander Vorst André
A Simple Wideband Antenna for Mobile Hanset
3rd European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Berlin, Germany, 23-27 March 2009.

164. Vander Vorst André
Introduction to the Special Session on 40 Years of European Microwave Conference
Proc. 39th European Microwave Conference, Rome, Sept-Oct. 2009, pp. 653-654

165. Clarricoats Peter, Vander Vorst
Early Days of the European Microwave Conference: How Did It Start?
Proc. 39th European Microwave Conference, Rome, Sept-Oct. 2009, pp. 655-656

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