Ardi Roelofs - Curriculum Vitae#
Full CV
- 1984 Bachelor's degree in Psychology, University of Nijmegen (cum laude).
- 1988 Master's degree in Experimental Psychology, Mathematical Psychology, and Philosophy of Language, University of Nijmegen (cum laude).
- 1992 PhD degree in Social Sciences, University of Nijmegen (cum laude).
- Dissertation "Lemma retrieval in speaking: A theory, computer simulations, and empirical data". Advisors: W.J.M. Levelt and G.A.M. Kempen.
- 2004 NWO VICI "Goal-referenced control of verbal and nonverbal actions"
- 2009 NWO Open Competition MaGW project "Semantic context effects in spoken word production: Role of attentional control"
- 2012: DCC PhD project "Genetics and training of attentional control in typical and developmentally impaired speakers"
- 2013: DCC PhD project "Relating brain potentials and oscillations to the time it takes to produce spoken words".
- 2013: NWO Gravitation Consortium "Language in Interaction" PhD project "Basal ganglia thalamocortical mechanisms of cognitive control in speaking"
- 2015: NWO "Language in Interaction" PhD project "Contributions of dorsal and ventral neural pathways to speaking in health and disease"
- 2016: DCC PhD project "The lexical interface in the brain: Linking spoken language comprehension and production"
- 2016: NWO "Language in Interaction" project to implement "SIMPTELL: Semi-independent Interactive Multimodal Production Training of ELLipses (in Broca’s aphasia)"
- 2017: NWO "Language in Interaction" PhD project "The role of subcortical structures in language"
- 2018: IMPRS PhD project "Top-down control in language production"
Teaching: Multiple bachelor and master courses at Radboud U. on psycholinguistics and cognitive psychology, especially word production, attention and theoretical psychology; multiple other lectures/courses on these topics (at e.g. summer schools)