
Hannu K. Riikonen - Publications#

Monographs in congress languages:

Die Antike im historischen Roman des 19. Jahrhunderts. Eine literatur- und kulturgeschichtliche Untersuchung, Helsinki 1978.

Ad nubes – the Horatian ode of Torquato Tasso, Turku 1982.

Menippean Satire as a Literary Genre with special reference to Seneca’s Apocolocyntosis, Helsinki 1987.

Im Dienste von Sprache und Literatur. Der Neuphilologische Verein in Helsinki 1887-2012, Helsinki 2013.

Some articles in congress languages:

The attitude of Roman poets and orators to the countryside as a place for creative work: Arctos 10, 1976, 75-85.
City and country in Horace’s Epistle 1,7: Arctos 11, 1977, 87-101.

Die Rezeption der Kulturgeschichte Egon Friedells inf des österreichischen historischen Romans in Finnland 1930-1968: Weder - noch. Tangenten zu den finnisch-österreichischen Kulturbeziehungen, Helsinki 1986, 254-263.

Professorentypen. Werner Söderhjelms Schilderungen deutscher Wissenschalftler des ausgehenden 19. Jahrhunderts: Jahrbuch für finnisch-deutsche Literaturbeziehungen 19, 1987, 29-38.

Petronius and modern fiction. Some comparative notes: Arctos 21, 1987, 87-103.

The lure of etymology in the poetry and prose of Pentti Saarikoski: Acta Semiotica Fennica VII, 1999, 303-313.

"In the Gloom of the Hall". Chronotopic motifs in Dubliners: GRAAT, Publication du Groupe de Recherches Anglo-Américaines de Tours No 23, 2001, 117-123.

Halls, corridors and staircases. Chronotopic motifs in A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man: English and Nordic Modernisms, Norwich 2002, 239-252.

Peer Gynt in Finland. The Finnish translations of Ibsen's play and their use in the theatre: Literary Sinews. Essays in Honour of Björn Tysdahl, Oslo 2003, 81-94.

Blooms in the North. The translations of Ulysses in Finland and Sweden: The Reception of British Authors in Europe: The Reception of James Joyce in Europe, London 2004, 129-139.

L'Etoile du Nord de Meyerbeer et Scribe et son accueil: Image du Nord chez Stendhal et les Romantiques I, Humanistica Oerebroensia, Artes et linguae 10, 2004, 106-117.

The scholars and translators. The reception of Henry James in the Nordic countries, with special reference to Finland: The Reception of British and Irish Authors in Europe: The Reception of Henry James in Europe, London 2006, 235-249.

On Reading Brodsky's "Letter to Horace": Varietas et concordia. Essays in Honour of Pekka Pesonen. Slavica Helsingiensia 31, 2007, 124-135.

Ezra Pound and the Greek Anthology: Ezra Pound, language and persona, Genova 2008, 161-194.

Andreas Divus, Ezra Pound and the fate of Elpenor: Interlitteraria VII, 2008, 138-147.

The notion of moderation and Ibsen's criticism of the average man: Acta Ibseniana VII, 2010, 122-138.

Dickens reception in Finland: The Reception of British and Irish Authors in Europe: The reception of Charles Dickens in Europe, London 2013, 388-398.

Translating into Swedish in Finland: Nordic Responses, Oslo 2014, 99-118.

Several reviews on works of Roman literature in Arctos.

Co-editor of books in congress languages:

(& al.) Joyce by Lamplight. Finnish readings of Dubliners, Turku 1989.

(& al.) Joyce-tick. Finnish readings of Joyce’s major works, Turku 1991.

(& al.) Editor of Henrici Gabrielis Porthan Opera Omnia X, Turku 1998.

(& al.) European and Nordic Modernisms, Norwich 2004.

(& al.) Approaches to comparative and Nordic modernisms, Helsinki 2008.

Riikonen has written some 17 monographs in Finnish (a few of them with other authors). Many of them are fundamental contributions to Finnish literary research. He is also editor-in-chief of the Suomennoskirjallisuuden historia (A history of translations into Finnish), published in two volumes in 2007, and co-editor of Suomennetun tietokirjallisuuden historia (A history of the translations of non-fiction into Finnish), published in 2013.
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