
Chris Peers - Curriculum vitae#

Academic qualifications:
  • Ph.D Pharmacology University of London 1988
  • B.Sc. (Hons) II(i) Physiology University of London 1984

Current posts
  • Professor of Cellular Physiology 2002-present
  • Head of Division of Cardiovascular and Neuronal Remodelling 2008-present

Previous posts
  • Reader in Cellular Physiology, Faculty of Medicine and Health, University of Leeds 2000-2002
  • Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Medicine and Health, University of Leeds 1998-2000
  • Lecturer, Faculty of Medicine and Health, University of Leeds 1994-1998
  • University Lecturer, Department of Pharmacology, University of Leeds 1990 1994
  • Wellcome Postdoctoral Researcher, University Laboratory of Physiology, Oxford 1987 1990
  • Research Assistant, Department of Pharmacology, Royal Free Medical School, London 1984 1988

  • The I.S.A.C. Heymans De Castro Neil Young Scientist Prize 1988
  • The G.L. Brown Prize Lectureship of The Physiological Society 2001


A 24yr record in the field of oxygen sensing which has led to major discoveries in the fields of carotid body chemoreception, the association of hypoxia with Alzheimer’s disease and more recently the physiological and pathological effects of other gases (carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulphide) in the brain and cardiovascular systems. Publications include papers in Science, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, FASEB J. and Circ. Res.

Funding: Over £8M in research grant awards over the past 20 years, including Programme grants from the British Heart Foundation and Wellcome Trust.

International Activities:
  • I have organised, chaired and spoken at International meetings of the Physiological Society, Experimental Biology, IUPHAR and Keystone.
  • I am President-elect of The International Society for Arterial Chemoreception.

Research profile
  • I have published 149 original papers in peer-reviewed journals, along with 27 invited reviews and 34 chapters in books. I have also edited 3 books (one as sole editor) more recently.
  • I have received over £8M in research grant awards over the past 20 years, including Programme grants from the British Heart Foundation and Wellcome Trust.
  • My current H index is 40 and my work has been cited over 4,400 times.

Scientific Societies
  • The Physiological Society: Council member (2003-2005), Society magazine editorial committee (4 years), chaired oral sessions and poster evaluations at its meetings, co-organized symposia together the Spanish Physiological Society (1998 and 2003), and co-organised a national teaching symposium (2000).
  • The British Pharmacological Society: Chairman for oral sessions at meetings, and as poster presentation referee, chaired a symposium at the IUPHAR (International Union of Pharmacology) meeting in San Francisco, 2002.
  • The International Society for Arterial Chemoreception: plenary lecture at the Dublin meeting (1993) and I am currently President-elect of the Society.
  • The American Physiological Society: Co-chair and organizer of a symposium session at the FASEB (Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology) meeting in 2000 (San Diego, USA), and 2011 meeting (Washington DC). and the
  • Society for Neuroscience: ordinary member.

Scientific Referee
  • I have acted as expert referee for 38 different journals, including Nature, Science, Nature Cell Biology and Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. I am currently an editor for the Journal of Physiology.
  • I act regularly as an expert referee for numerous major UK funding bodies: MRC, BBSRC, Cancer Research UK, The Wellcome Trust, British Heart Foundation, the Alzheimer’s Research UK and the Alzheimer’s Society.
  • I am a panel member for grant awards for the Alzheimer’s Society.
  • From 2002-2006 I was a member of the project grant panel for the British Heart Foundation.
  • Internationally, I have acted as referee for funding bodies in the USA, Canada, Austria, Ireland, Spain, Israel and New Zealand.
  • Presented 110 invited lectures
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