Luciano Mecacci - Selected Publications#

2021 Dante on mind and brain. Cortex, 138, 816-822.

2019 Besprizornye. Bambini randagi nella Russia sovietica, 1917-1935. Milano: Adelphi (German translation in progress, Hanser, Berlin).

2019 Storia della psicologia. Dal Novecento a oggi. Roma-Bari: Laterza.

2018 Lev Vygotskij. Evoluzione, educazione e patologia della mente. Firenze: Giunti.

2016 A possibile source of the final piece of Vygotsky’s Thinking and Speech. European Yearbook of the History of Psychology, 2, 71-77.

2015 Vygotsky’s reception in the West: The Italian case between Communism and marxism. History of the Human Sciences, 28, 173-184.

2014 La Ghirlanda fiorentina e la morte di Giovanni Gentile. Milano: Adelphi
(Prize Acqui Storia 2014 devoted the best Italian book in the history – Prize Viareggio 2014 devoted to the best Italian non-fiction book).

2013 Solomon S. Shereshevsky: the great Russian mnemonist. Cortex, 49, 2260-2263.

2005 A.R. Luria: A unitary view of human brain and mind. Cortex, 41, 816-822.

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