Hugh McKenna#

Hugh McKenna
Membership Number:4912
Membership type:ORDINARY
Main Country of Residence:IRELAND

Present and Previous Positions

  • 2024 Professor Emeritus
  • 2016 08 - 2024 Dean of Medical School Developments, Ulster University, UK
  • 2011 08 - 2016 08 Pro Vice Chancellor Research and Innovation, (Deputy VC for Research) Ulster University, UK
  • 2004 06 - 2011 08 Executive Dean, Faculty of Life and Health Sciences, Ulster University, UK
  • 2001 01 - 2004 06 Head of School of Nursing, Ulster University, UK
  • 1999 09 - 2001 01 Head of School of Health Sciences, Ulster university, UK
  • 1996 10 - 1999 09 Director, Nursing Research Institute, Ulster University, UK
  • 1994 03 - 1996 10 Senior Lecturer, Director Post Graduate Studies, School of Nursing, Ulster University, UK
  • 1988 10 - 1994 03 Lecturer in Nursing, School of Nursing, Ulster University, UK
  • 1986 10 - 1988 10 Department of Health Research Fellow. Northern Ireland, UK

Fields of Scholarship
  • Research methodology
  • Suicide and self harm
  • Interdisciplinary research
  • Research impact
  • Research assessment
  • Workforce planning and skill mix in health
  • Mental health care
  • Nursing research
  • Evidence based practice
  • Doctoral education

Honours and Awards
  • 2019 Awarded Honorary Doctorate, University of Maribor, Sovenia
  • 2019 Appointed as a member of Academia Europaea
  • 2018 One of 70 Most Influential Nurses since the founding of the NHS in 1948
  • 2017 Appointed Distinguished Scholar, Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • 2016 Honorary Doctoral Degree, Napier University, Edinburgh
  • 2014 - 2017 Invited Member of Lancet Commission on Nursing
  • 2014 Highest cited paper ever in Journal of Advanced Nursing (since 1970s)
  • 2014 JPMHN. Lifetime achievement Award. Institute of Psychiatry, London
  • 2014 Highest cited paper ever in International Journal of Nursing Studies
  • 2013 Outstanding Achievement Award, Royal College of Nursing
  • 2013 Member International Research Advisory Board, Sweden
  • 2013 - present Adjunct Professor, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia
  • 2013 - present Adjunct Professor, University of Moribor, Slovenia
  • 2012 - 2018 Visiting Professor, Trinity College Dublin
  • 2012 Research Assessor, Karolinska Institute Stockholm, Sweden
  • 2010 - present QS Academic Peer for Asian university rankings
  • 2009 - 2014 Visiting Scholar, University of Texas, United States of America
  • 2009 Senior Distinguished Research Fellowship; University of Ulster
  • 2009 International Fellowship of the American Academy of Nursing (1st nurse in UK)
  • 2008 Commander of the British Empire (CBE) appointed by HM The Queen
  • 2007 EU Leader. The International Honor Society of Nursing, Sigma Theta Tau
  • 2007 Identified as ‘World Class Speaker’ by the British Council
  • 2007 Honorary Colonel, 253 GS Medical Regiment (V), by HM the Queen
  • 2003 Fellow of the Royal College of Nursing (Research Contribution)
  • 2003 Fellow of the European Academy of Nursing Science
  • 2003 Appointed Visiting Professor, University of Wales, Bangor
  • 2003 Appointed Visiting Professor, University of Northumbria
  • 2002 Honorary Member. Sigma Theta Tau International 108 Delta Xi
  • 1999 Fellow of the Faculty of Nursing Royal College of Surgeons, Ireland
  • 1998 Joint Founder and leader: International Nurse Doctoral Forum, USA

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