Partial list of publications of Hermann Maurer#

(Full list of some 780 publications of Hermann Maurer as of June 2022.)

Major publications (journal publications and books)

226. Digital Libraries of the Future (Invited talk at Internationaler Kongress "Rationalität und Emotionalität in unsicheren Zeiten - Wie sollen wir in Zukunft leben")
225. Large Websites have to become more interactive (Invited Keynote presentation at EuroSPI 2022 in Salzburg, Austria): A good and easy to read description of most aspects of NID that concern a user)
224. Web Sites Need Much More User-Driven Interactivity (with ZAKA, Bilal), IPSI Transactions on Internet Research, vol 18, no. 2 (June 2022), 63-68
223. Passively Acquiring Information Must End: H. Maurer, B. Zaka, S. Eisenberger in: Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021, M. Yilmaz et al. (Eds.): EuroSPI 2021, CCIS 1442, pp. 151–163, 2021.
222. Rezension „Gotik und Informatik/Intelligenter Entwurf damals und heute“ H.Maurer, [HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik
221: New Applications of a System Supporting Interactive Documents, Eisenerberger Sonja, Maurer Hermann in: Band 10, IAFeS Edition,, pp. 63-72
220. Twenty-five Years of Journal of Universal Computer Science: A Bibliometric Overview (with Nelson Baloian, José A. Pino, Gustavo Zurita, Valeria Lobos-Ossandón), JUCS vol.27, No.1,2021 pp.3-39
219. Supercomputing applied to digital libraries. In: Handbook of Research on Methodologies and Applications of Supercomputing, by Veljko Milutinovic and Milos Kotlar IGI Global 2021, 331-332
218. Passively Acquiring Information Must End: H. Maurer, B. Zaka, S. Eisenberger in: Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021, M. Yilmaz et al. (Eds.): EuroSPI 2021, CCIS 1442, pp. 151–163, 2021.
217. Twenty-five Years of Journal of Universal Computer Science: A Bibliometric Overview (with Nelson Baloian, José A. Pino, Gustavo Zurita, Valeria Lobos-Ossandón), JUCS vol.27, No.1, 3-39 (2021)
216. Producing Unifying Reports on Topics of General Insterest; In: IPSI Transactions on Advanced Research, Vol.21, No. 1, 43-48 (2021) (with N. Delilovic)
215. Um die Welt mit Zwischenfällen und mehr: Stücke einer Biographie (Book) Verlag Johannes Martinek, Perchtoldsdorf bei Wien, 509 pages(2020)
214. Um die Welt mit Zwischenfällen und mehr: Stücke einer Biographie (NID-Buch:, 853 pages(2020)
213: Ein kritischer Spaziergangg durchs Internet (mit N. Deliovic),, Proc. Enlightenment Today (D. Camhy, Ed.), Academia Verlag (2020), 221-250.
212: Investigating the interaction activities in digital libraries: The Networked Interactive Digital Books Project. (with B. Zaka and N. Deliliovic), IPSI Transactions on Internet Research, vol. 16, no. 1 (Jan. 2020), 75- 82
211: Experiences Based on a Major Information Server (with N. Delilovic, M. Ebner, B. Zaka); IPSI Transactions on Internet Research, vol 16, no. 1 (Jan. 2020), 68 -74
210: An Introduction to Interactive Books (Libraries of Interactive Books as Powerful Tool for Information Communication (with Namik Delilovic and Bilal Zaka); Proceedings of ED-Media 2019, AACE (2019), 1353- 1359
209: A Critical Discussion of Some Current and Future Developments of IT (with N. Delilovic). In: Proceedings of EuroSPI Edinburgh; Springer Conference Publication, (2019), 3- 14
208: A Note Concerning Feedback and Queries for Web pages (with N. Delilovic), Journal of Universal Computer Science, 25, 7 (2019), 733-739
206: Libraries of Interactive Books as Powerful Tool for Information Communication (with N. Delilovic, B. Zaka), Proc. ED-Media 2019, Amsterdam June 24-28, 1353-1359
205: Comprehensive Evaluation of h-index and its Extensions in the Domain of Mathematics (with Rizwan Ghani, Faiza Qayyum and Tanvir Azfal);(March 2019), Scientometrics March 2019, (Springer Nature SharedIt initiative), 2019 (
204: Impact analysis of adverbs for sentiment classification on Twitter product reviews (with S. Haider, M.T. Afzal, M. Asif, A. Ahmad, A. Abuarqoub), Concurrency and Computation- Practice and Experience, Wiley 2018 , e4956.
203: Finding Reliable Information on the Web Should and Can Still Be Improved (with Mathias Glatz, and Afzal Tanvir), CIT- Journal of Computing and Information Technolgoy vol.2 6., no. 1 (2018), 1-6.
202: Semi-automatic Story Generation for a Geographic Server (with R. Mehmood), Journal of the Croatian Cartographic Society, vol.16, no. 27, 12-25 (2017)
201: To My Friend Bolgani. Liber Amicorum, Univ. Turku Pub.(2017), 23-25
200: Problems and solutions for using computer (networks) for education; Journal of Research in Innovative Teaching & Learning (JRIT), vol.10, no.1, 63-78 (2017), online
199: The Next Quantum Jump of the Internet (with Jelisavcic, V.); IPSI Transactions on Advanced Research vol. 12., no. 1 (2016), 3-9
198: A New Look at Geography of the World (with Mehmood, R., Kualthuramaiyer, N.); IPSI Transactions on Internet Research vol 12., no. 1 (2016), 21-30
197: New Developments on the Web; IPSI Transactions on Internet Research vol 12., no. 1 (2016), 1-2
196: Computing and Thinking about the Future; in: The Human Face of Computing (Ed. C. Calude), Imperial College Press, London (2015), 399-408
195: A Survey of Communications and Collaborative Web Technologies (with Nara Kulathuramaiyer), CIT: Journal of Computing and Information Technology, vol. 23, no.1 (2015) 1-18
194: Merging image databases as an example for information integration (with Rizwan Mehmood),Central European Journal of Operations Research, vol. 23, No. 2. (2015) 441-458
193: Does the Inernet Make us Stupid? Communications of the ACM, vol. 58, No. 1. (2015), 48- 51
192: Wider das Informationsmonopol; OCG Journal No. 2, 27-28, 2014
191: Some Aspects of the Reliability of Information on the Web (with N. Kulathguramaiyer und R. Mehmood), Journal of Universal Computer Science, vol. 20, no. 9 (2014), 1284-1303
189: Theoretical and Applied Computer Science; In: Human 'face' computation; World Scientific Book 2014 , p. 255 – 260
190: Politik ignoriert die Forschung: Genmais 1507 (with P. Blanz), Furche, Austria, May 25, 8-9
188: Are large Regional or Special Topic Servers Necessary? IPSI BgD Journal, Transactions on Internet Research (Preface); July 2014, Vol 10, Number 2 (ISSN 1820-4503), pp 1-3
187: Austria-Forum and Beyond; IPSI BgD Journal, Transactions on Internet Research; July 2014, Vol 10, Number 2 (ISSN 1820-4503), pp 3-8
186 :Heritage Portals and Heritage Mining: Synergizing Data and Image Mining Under Uncertainty Constraints (with V. Milutinovic, J. Salom, V. Jelisavcic, V. Filipovci, A. Mihajlovic, Z. Ognjanovic, Z. Markovic, A. Kos, S. Tomazic) IPSI BgD Journal, Transactions on Internet Research; July 2014, Vol 10, Number 2 (ISSN 1820-4503), pp 53-56
185: Wider das Informationsmonopol; OCG Journal 2014, no.2 , 27-28
184. Überwacht, verroht, bedroht und verdummt uns das Internet? Informatik Spektrum, vol.36, no.6 (2013), 536-547
183. How dangerous is the Web for creative work? (with Meemood, R., Korica-Pehserl, P.),Journal of Computing and Information Technology - CIT 21, 2013, 2, 59-69
182. Can the Web turn into a Digital Library? (with Müller, H.), International Journal of Digital Libraries vol. 13, no. 2 (2013), 65-75
181. Weaving Scholarly Legacy Data into Web of Data (with A. Latif, M.T. Afzal), JOurnal of Universal Computer Science vol. 18, no. 16 (2012), 2301-2318
180. A linear ordering of a multi-parameter universe is usually nonsense, Theoretical Computer Science 429 (2012), 222-226
179. How to Carry Over Historic Books into Social Networks (with H. Müller), Proceedings of the 4th ACM workshop on Online books, complementary social media and crowdsourcing (2011), 25-35 178. Implementation of a Wiki-based Information and Communication System for Academia Europaea (with I. Hasani-Mavriqi, H. Leitner, D. Helic), Journal of Computing and Information Technology- CIT 19, 2011, 231-238
177. Expertise Recommender System for Scientific Community (with Afzal M.T.), Journal of Universal Computer Science, Vol. 17, No. 11 (2011), 1529-1549
176. Unforseen Effects of the WWW, Journal of IT in Asia, 3 (1),2010, 3-11
175. Rule based Autonomous Citation Mining with TIERL (with M.T. Afzal, W.-T. Balke, N. Kulathuramaiyer), JDIM (Journal of Digital Information Management) 8 (1), 2010, 196-204
174. Research trends in the field of e-learning from 2003 to 2008: A scientometric and content analysis for selected journals and conferences using visualization; (with M. S. Khan); ITSE (Interactive Technology and Smart Education, 7 (1), 82-91, 2010
173. Rule based Autonomous Citation Mining With TIERL (with M. T. Afzal, W. T. Balke, N. Kulathuramaiyer) Journal of Digital Information Management 2009, 3 (3), 138-149
172. Can Weblogs and Microblogs Change Traditional Scientific Writing?(with M. Ebner), Future Internet 1 (1),2009, 47-58
171. Learning Ecosystems for Dealing with the Copy-Paste Syndrome; (with N. Kulathuramaiyer); Journal for Research in Innovative Teaching, Vol. 1, No. 1 (2008), 1-25
170. Fighting plagiarism and IPR violation: why is it so important?(with N. Kulathuramaiyer); Information Services & Use, vol. 27, no. 4 (2007), IOS Press, 185-191
169. The Growing Importance of e-Communities on the Web;(with J. Kolbitsch); Web Information Systems and Technologies (Eds: J. Filipe, J. Cordeiro, V. Pedrosa); LNBIP 1, Springer Verlag (2007), 19-37
168. Google - Freund oder Feind?; Informatik Spektrum, Springer Verlag, Vol. 30, Nr. 4 (2007), 273-278
167. Fighting plagiarism and IPR violation: why is it so important? (with N. Kulathuramaiyer); Learned Publishing, 20, no. 4, (Oct. 2007) 252-258
166. Community Building around Encyclopaedic Knowledge (with Josef Kolbitsch); Journal of Computing and Information Technology (CIT), Vol. 14, No.3, Sept. 2006, 175-190
165. Plagiarism - A Survey; (with F. Kappe, B. Zaka); J.UCS 12,8 (2006)
164. New Features for eLearning in Higher Education for Civil Engineering; (with Martin Ebner, Nick Scerbakov); Journal of Universal Science and Technology of Learning (JUSTL), vol. 0, no. 0 (2006), 93-106
163. Multi Media e-Learning Software TRIANGLE Case-Study: Experimental Results and Lessons Learned; (with Holzinger Andreas, Pichler Arnold); J.USTL (Journal of Universal Computer Science and Technology of Learning) vol. 0, no. 0 (2006), 61 - 92
162. Transclusions in an HTML-Based Environment (with Josef Kolbitsch); Journal of Computing and Information Technology (CIT), Volume 14, Issue 2, June 2006, 161-174
161. The Transformation of the Web: How Emerging Communities Shape the Information we Consume (with Josef Kolbitsch); J.UCS 12, 2 (2006), 187-214
160. Enabling Project-Based Learning in WBT Systems (with D. Helic, H. Krottmaier, N. Scerbakov); International Journal on E-Learning (IJEL), Vol. 4, No. 4, 445-461, 2005
159. A Didactics Aware Approach to Knowledge Transfer in Web-based Education (with D. Helic, N. Scerbakov); Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing, Springer Verlag GmbH, Volume 178 / 2005, 233-260
158. Globalisierung und der Zusammenbruch der Computernetze; Informatik-Spektrum, Springer Verlag, Volume 28, Number 1, 24 - 33
157. Knowledge Transfer processes in a modern WBT system (with D. Helic, N. Scerbakov); J.NCA, vol. 27, 3 (2004), 163-190
156. Discussion Forums as Learning Resources in Web-based Education (with D. Helic, N. Scerbakov); Acta Press, Anaheim, Advanced Technology for Learning, Vol., 1, No. 1, 2004, 8-15
155. What we Expect from Digital Libraries (with H. Dreher, H. Krottmaier); J.UCS 10, 9 (2004), 1110-1122
154. Delivering Relevant Training Objects to Personal Desktop with Modern WBT-Systems (with D. Helic, N. Scerbakov); International Journal on E-learning, Vol.3, No.4, (2004) 42-50
153. Der PC in zehn Jahren; Informatik Spektrum 27, 1 (February 2004), 44-50
152. Der PC in zehn Jahren und seine Auswirkungen auf die Gesellschaft; e&i, Heft 11, November 2003, 411-413
151. Applications of MIRACLE: Working With Dynamic Visual Information (with R. Stubenrauch R., D.G. Camhy, J.A. Lennon); JUCS 9, 4 (2003), 349-368
150. Foundations of MIRACLE: Multimedia Information Repository, A Computer-supported Language Effort (with R. Stubenrauch, D.G. Camhy); JUCS 9, 4 (2003), 309-348
149. The Future of PCs and Implications on Society (with R. Oliver); JUCS 9, 4 (2003), 300-308
148. Wissensmanagement - Ein Schritt nach vorne oder nur ein neues Schlagwort?; Informatik Spektrum 17, February 2003, 26-33
147. HWOES: A Hyperwave Online Employment Service (with J. Lennon, H. Liu); JUCS 8, 4 (2002), 409-422
146. Is Democracy Possible in the Internet? (with J. Shearer); JUCS 8, 3 (2002), 396-407
145. On a New Powerful Model for Knowledge Management and its Applications (with K. Tochtermann); JUCS 8, 1 (2002), 85-96
144. Transclusions in the 21st Century (with H. Krottmaier); JUCS 7, 12 (2001), 1125-1136
143. Augmenting text and voice conversations with dynamic, interactive abstractions using P2P networking (with J.A. Lennon); JNCA Vol 24, 4 (2001), 293-306
142. MUSLI: A hypermedia interface for dynamic, interactive and symbolic communication (with J.A. Lennon); JNCA Vol 24, 4 (2001), 273-292
141. Die (Informatik) Welt in 100 Jahren; Informatik Spektrum (April 2001), 65-70
140. Can Knowledge Management Help in Poverty-stricken Countries and Crisis Situations (with J. Lennon); J.UCS 7, 4 (2001), 327 - 334
139. Active Documents: Concept, Implementation and Applications (with E. Heinrich); J.UCS 6, 12 (2000), 1197-1202
138. Prognosen und Thesen . . . nicht nur zum Schmunzeln; Informatik-Spektrum 23 (2000) 1, 51-59
137. Introducing Hypermedia Composites to WWW (with D. Helic, N. Scherbakov); JNCA vol. 22, 1 (1999), 19-32
Modern WISs; C.ACM, July 1998, 41, 7 (special section), 114-115
136. Using the WWW System Hyperwave as the Basis of a General Networked Teaching and Learning Environment; CIT, Vol. 6, 1 (1998)
135. Der Einsatz von modernen WWW-Systemen als multimediale Datenspeicher (with A. Grim, C. Fessl); Österr. Zeitschrift für Vermessung & Geoinformation, No.3, 1997, 190-197
134. On two Aspects of Improving Web-Based Training; J.UCS 3, 10 (1997), 1126-1132
133. Glimpses at the Future of Networked Hypermedia Systems (with M. Klemme, Achim Schneider); J.Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia, 5, 3/4 (1996), 225-238.
132. LATE: A Unified Concept for a Learning And Teaching Environment; J.UCS 2, 8 (1996), 580-595.
131. The Graz Digital Library Effort; ACM SIGLINK Newsletter, Vol IV, No.2 (Sept. 1995), 10.
130. Digital Libraries as Learning and Teaching Support (with J. Lennon); J.UCS vol. 1, no.11 (1995), 719-727
129. The Hyper-G Network Information System (with K. Andrews, F. Kappe); J.UCS 1,4 (1995), 206-220.
128. Serving Information to the Web with Hyper-G; (with K. Andrews, F. Kappe); Computer Networks and ISDN Systems 27 (1995), 919-926.
127. Applications of Hypermedia Systems (with J. Lennon); Programming 1995, no. 3 (1995), 17-34 (in Russian)
126. Hypermedia Systems: An Introduction (with J. Lennon); Programming 1995, no. 2 (1995), 48-60 (in Russian)
125. New Ways of Using Old Media (with J. Lennon); NZ Science Monthly (August 1995), 10-11
124. The roles of digital libraries in teaching and learning (with G. Marchionini); C.ACM 38, 4 (April 1995), 67-75
123. HM-Card: A New Hypermedia Authoring System (with N. Scherbakov, A. Schneider); Multimedia Tools and Applications 1, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston (1995), 305-326.
122. Levels of Anonymity (with B. Flinn) JUCS 1, 1 (1995), 35-47.
121. On Second Generation Hypermedia Systems (with K. Andrews, F. Kappe, K. Schmaranz); J.UCS 0,0 (1995), 127-136
120. J.UCS- The Next Generation in Electronic Journal Publishing (with K. Schmaranz); Computer Networks and ISDN Systems 26 (1994), 563-569
119. Applications and Impact of Hypermedia Systems: An Overview (with J. Lennon); J.UCS 0, 0 (1994), 54 -108
118. Extending Electronic Eyes; NZ SCIENCE Monthly (July 1994), 3
117. Object-Oriented Modeling of Hyperstructure: Overcoming the Static Link Deficiency (with N. Scherbakov, K. Andrews, P. Srinivasan); Information and Software Technology (IST) 36, 6 (1994), 315-322
116. Harmony on an Expanding Net (with B. Fenn); Interactions (October 1994), 26-38
115. Theory as Basis for Advances in Hypermedia (with F. Kappe); RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications 28, 3-4 (1994), 201-211
114. They Just Sold New Zealand (with L. Rajasingham, J. Tiffin); NZ SCIENCE Monthly (March 1994), 6-7
113. Forecasting - an Impossible Necessity (with J. Lennon); NZ SCIENCE Monthly (February 1994), 12-13
112. Hypermedia in the Making (with J. Lennon); Datamation (October 1994), 84-85
111. Hypermedia Systems Without Links (with A. Philpott, N. Scherbakov); J.MCA. 17, 4 (1994), 321-332
110. From Hypertext to Active Communication/Information Systems (with F. Kappe); J.MCA. 17 (1994) 333-344
109. Hyper-G: ein großes universelles Hypermediasystem und einige Spinoffs (with F. Kappe); it + ti (Informationstechnik und Technische Informatik) 35, 2, (April 1993), 39-46
108. Hyper-G - A Universal Hypermedia System (with F. Kappe, N. Sherbakov); J. Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia vol.2, no.11 (1993), 39-66
107. Helping the User to Select a Link (with I. Tomek); Hypermedia 4, 2 (1992), 111-122
106. Computer Visualization, a Missing Organ and a Cyber-Equivalency (with P. Carlson); Collegiate Microcomputer X, 2 (1992), 110-116
105. Pro und Contra Hypermedia (with W. Rauch); Computerwoche 43 (1991), 73-76
104. Computervisualisierung: die Krücke für ein fehlendes Organ? (with P. Carlson); technolgie & management 41, 1 (1992), 22-26
103. The Analyst as a Starting Point for a Hypermedia System (with I. Tomek); J.MCA 14 (1991), 139-160
102. Hypermedia Systems and Other Computer Support as Infrastructure for Museums (with M.R. Williams); J.MCA 14 (1991), 117-137
101. Hypermedia Bibliography (with I. Tomek); J. MCA 14 (1991), 161-216
100. Bounded Delay L Codes (with A. Salomaa, D. Wood); Theoretical Computer Science 84 (1991), 265-279
99. Broadening the scope of hypermedia principles (with I. Tomek); Hypermedia 2, 3 (1990), 201-221
98. Presentation metaphors for very large hypermedia systems (with G. Davies, J. Preece); J.MCA 14 (1991), 105-116
97. From Hypertexts to Hyperenvironments (with I. Tomek); e & i, Special Zemanek-Issue (1990), 614-616
96. Some aspects of Hypermedia Systems and their treatment in Hyper-G (with I. Tomek); Wirtschaftsinformatik 32 (1990), 187-196
95. Tiny CAI Tools –Giving Students "the Works" (with P. Gillard); J.MCA 13 (1990), 337-345
94. A Note on Colour-Table Programming (with P. Gillard); J.MCA 13 (1990), 97-104
93. Hyper-COSTOC: A Comprehensive Computer-Based Teaching Support System (with F. Huber, F. Makedon); J.MCA 12 (1989), 293-317
92. On Editors for Presentation Type CAI (Editoren für Präsentations-CUU)with F. Huber); Angewandte Informatik 11 (1987), 449-457
91. Presentation Type CAI in Computer Science Education at University Level (with F. Makedon, Th. Ottmann); J.MCA 10 (1987), 283-295
90. Führungskraft und Informationslawine; WdF (1984), 13-14
89. GASC: A low-cost, no-nonsense Graphic and Software Communication System (with H. Cheng, P. Lipp); Electronic Publishing Review 5 (1985), 141-155
88. An innovative project in telematics (with I. Sebéstyén); IFIP Information Bulletin 18 (1984), 6-7
87. Halbautomatisches Erstellen von Bildschirmtextgrafik (with H. Cheng); Angewandte Informatik 8 (1984), 333-339
86. Finding extreme points in 3-space and solving the post-office problem in the plane (with H. Edelsbrunner); Information Processing Letters 21 (1985), 39-47
85. Report on Videotex development in Austria (with I. Sebéstyén); Electronic Publishing Review 4 (1984), 45-57
84. Videotex without Big Brother (with N. Rozsenich, I. Sebéstyén); Electronic Publishing Review 4 (1984), 201-214
83. Using string languages to describe picture languages (with G. Rozenberg, E. Welzl); Information and Control 54 (1982), 155-185
82. Bildschirmtext –omnipräsente Computerterminals? Elektronische Rechenanlagen 25 (1983), 177-183
81. Some aspects of the market penetration of 1 W and 2 W videotext (with I. Sebestyen); Electronic Publishing Review 3 (1983), 55-77
80. On some beneficial implications of videotex on society; Computer Compacts 1 (1983), 132-135
79. New developments of Videotex and their implications on computer aided instruction; Information Services & Use 3 (1983), 319-324
78. Lokale Intelligenz zur Unterstützung von Bildschirmtext; Nachrichten für Dokumentation 34 (1983), 8-13
77. Finitary and infinitary Interpretations of Languages (with A. Salomaa, D. Wood); Mathematical System Theory 15 (1982), 251-265
76. Inhouse versus public videotex systems (with I. Sebestyen); Computer Networks 7 (1983), 329-342
75. Some remarks on energy and resource consumption of new information – and communication technologies (with W. Rauch, I. Sebestyen); Information Services and Use 2 (1982), 73-80
74. One way versus two way videotext (with I. Sebestyen); Electronic Publishing Review 2 (1982), 279-295
73. Stabbing line segments (with H. Edelsbrunner, F.P. Preparata, A.L. Rosenberg, E. Welzl, D. Wood); BIT 22 (1982), 274-281
72. Picture description languages (with G. Rozenberg, E. Welzl); Information and Control 54 (1982), 155-185
71. Printing without paper (with J. Charles and I. Sebestyen); Electronic Publishing Review 2 (1982), 151-159
70. Polygonal intersection searching (with H. Edelsbrunner, D.G. Kirkpatrick); Information Processing Letters 14 (1982), 74-79
69. On the intersection of orthogonal objects (with H. Edelsbrunner); Information Processing Letters 13 (1982), 177-81
68. Dense hierarchies of grammatical families (with A. Salomaa, D. Wood); J.ACM 29 (1982), 118-126
67. On sub-regular OL forms (with J. Albert, Th. Ottmann); Fundamenta Informaticae IV.1 (1981), 135-149
66. A space optimal solution of general region location (with H. Edelsbrunner); Theoretical Computer Science 16 (1981), 329-336
65. L codes and number systems (with A. Salomaa, D. Wood); Theoretical Computer Science 22 (1983), 331-346
64. "Unorthodox"' Videotex Applications (with I. Sebestyen); Information Services and Use 2 (1982), 19-34
63. Videotex message service systems (with W. Rauch, I. Sebestyen); Electronic Publishing Review 1 (1981), 267-296
62. On alphabetic searching in Videotex systems (with I. Sebestyen, W. Rauch); Electronic Publishing Review 1 (1981)
61. On the complexity of the general coloring problem (with I.H. Sudborough, E. Welzl); Information and Control 51 (1981), 128-145
60. Dense intervals of linguistical families (with A. Salomaa, E. Welzl, D. Wood); Information and Control 51 (1981), 128-145
59. Context-free complexity of finite languages (with W. Bucher, K. Culik II); Theoretical Computer Science 28 (1984), 277-285
58. Completeness of context-free grammar forms (with A. Salomaa, D. Wood); Journal Computer and System Sciences 23 (1981), 1-10
57. Colorings and interpretations – a connection between graphs and grammar forms (with A. Salomaa, D. Wood); Discrete Applied Mathematics 3 (1981), 119-135
56. Decidability and Density in Two-Symbol Grammar Forms (with A. Salomaa, D. Wood); Discrete Applied Mathematics 3 (1981), 289-299
55. Synchronized EOL forms under uniform interpretation (with A. Salomaa, D. Wood); Theoretcial Computer Science 15 (1981), 337-353
54. Concise description of finite languages (with W. Bucher, K. Culik II, D. Wotschke); Theoretical Computer Science 14 (1981), 227-246
53. Uniform interpretations of grammar forms (with A. Salomaa, D. Wood); SIAM J. Comput. 10 (1981), 483-502
52. Sub context-free L forms (with G. Rozenberg); Computer Math. 9 (1981), 25-41
51. A super normal form theorem for context-free grammars (with A. Salomaa, D. Wood); J. ACM vol. 30, no. 1 (1983), 95-102
50. On predecessors of finite languages (with A. Salomaa, D. Wood); Information and Control 50 (1981), 259-275
49. On finite grammar forms (with A. Salomaa, D. Wood); International Journal of Computer Maths. 12 (1983), 227-240
48. Generators and generative capacity of L forms (with A. Salomaa, D. Wood); Acta Informatica 13 (1980), 87-107
47. Derivation Languages of Grammar Forms (with A. Salomaa, D. Wood); International Journal Computer Maths. 9 (1980), 117-130
46. Continuous Grammars (with A. Ehrenfeucht, G. Rozenberg); Information and Control 46 (1980), 71-91
45. MSW Spaces (with A. Salomaa, D. Wood); Information and Control 46 (1980), 200-218
44. Rational bijection of rational sets (with M. Nivat); Acta Informatica 13 (1980), 365-378
43. Synchronized EOL Forms (with A. Salomaa, D. Wood); Theoretical Computer Science 12 (1980), 135-159
42. Pure Grammars (with A. Salomaa, D. Wood); Information and Control 44 (1980), 47-72
41. Context-free grammar forms with strict interpretations (with A. Salomaa, D. Wood); Journal of Computer and System Sciences 21 (1980), 110-135
40. Efficient worst-case data structure for range searching (with J.L. Bentley); Acta Informatica 13 (1980), 155-168
39. Simple EOL forms under uniform interpretation generating CF languages (with J. Albert, G. Rozenberg); Fundamenta Informaticae 3 (1980), 141-156
38. Pure interpretations of EOL forms (with G. Rozenberg, A. Salomaa, D. Wood); R.A.I.R.O. Theoretical Informatics 13 (1979), 347-362
37. On simple representations of language families (with K. Culik II); R.A.I.R.O. Theoretical Informatics 13 (1979), 241-250
36. On e-productions for terminals in EOL forms (with W. Ainhirn); Discrete Applied Mathematics 1 (1979), 155-166
35. On non context-free grammar forms (with A. Salomaa, D. Wood); Mathematical Systems Theory 12 (1979), 297-324
34. Context dependent L-forms (with A. Salomaa, D. Wood); Information and Control 42 (1979), 97-118
33. Secure information storage and retrieval using new results in cryptography (with K. Culik II); Information Processing Letters 8 (1979), 181-186
32. A note on Euclidean near neighbor searching in the plane (with J. L. Bentley); Information Processing Letters 8 (1979), 133-136
31. Relative Goodness of EOL forms (with A. Salomaa, D. Wood); R.A.I.R.O. Theoretical Computer Science 12 (1978), 291-304
30. Increasing the Similarity of EOL Form Interpretations (with G. Rozenberg); Information and Control 38 (1978), 308-342
29. String Representations of Graphs (with K. Culik II); Intern. J. Computer Math. 6 (1978), 273-301
28. ETOL Forms (with A. Salomaa, D. Wood); J. Computer and Systems Science 16 (June 1978), 345-361
27. Good OL Forms (with H. Hule, Th. Ottmann); Acta Informatica 9 (1978), 345-353
26. On good EOL forms (with A. Salomaa, D. Wood); SIAM J. Computing 7, no. 2 (1978), 158-166
25. Propagating chain-free normal forms for EOL systems (with K. Culik II); Information and Control 36 (1978), 309-319
24. Uniform interpretations of L-forms (with A. Salomaa, D. Wood); Information and Control 36 (1978), 157-173
23. Isomorphism, form equivalence and sequence equivalence of PDOL forms (with K. Culik II, Th. Ottmann, K. Ruohonen, A. Salomaa); Theoretical Computer Science 6 (1978), 143-173
22. On two-symbol complete EOL forms (with K. Culik II, Th. Ottmann); Theoretical Computer Science 7 (1978), 69-83
21. The Class of CF Languages is not an EOL Family (with J. Albert); Information Processing Letters 6 (1977), 190-195
20. Linearizing Selector-Graphs and Applications thereof (with K. Culik II); Angewandte Informatik 9 (1977), 386-394
19. On the Form Equivalence of L-Forms (with Th. Ottmann, A. Salomaa); Theoretical Computer Science 4 (1977), 199-226
18. Tree Controlled Grammars (with K. Culik II); Computing 19 (1977), 129-139. 17. On Quasi-Interpretations of Grammar Forms (with S. Ginsburg); Computing 19 (1977), 141-147
16. EOL Forms (with A. Salomaa, D. Wood); Acta Informatica 8 (1977), 75-96
15. Eine Einführung in das Programmieren mit Hilfe von Videogeräten (with H.W. Six); Ingenieurpädagogik 7, Heyn, Klagenfurt (1977), 139-145
14. Ein Vorschlag für die Verwendung syntaxorientierter Methoden in höheren Programmiersprachen (with W. Stucky); Angewandte Informatik (1976), 189-196
13. Implementing Dictionairies Using Binary Trees of Very Small Height (with Th. Ottmann, H.W. Six); Information Processing Letters 5 (1976), 11-14
12. Zur Manipulation von Zahlenmengen (with D. Wood); Angewandte Informatik (1976), 143-149
11. On Grammar Forms with Terminal Context (with D. Wood); Acta Informatica 6 (1976), 397-402
10. On Strongly Equivalent Context-Free Grammar Forms (with S. Ginsburg); Computing 16 (1976), 281-290
9. On Formal Translations and the Containment Problem for Szilard Languages (with H.P. Kriegel); Information and Control 30 (1976), 187-198
8. A Note on Leftmost Restricted Random Context Grammar (with A.B. Cremers, O. Mayer) ; Information Processing Letters 2 (1973), 31-33
7. Simple Matrix Languages with a Leftmost Restriction; Information and Control 23 (1973), 128-139. 6. On Undecidable Probles; Physikalische Blätter 28 (1972), 311-318
5. The Structure Generating Function and Entropy of Tuple Languages (with W. Kuich); Information and Control 19 (1971), 195-203
4. On the Inherent Ambiguity of Tuple Languages (with W. Kuich); Computing 7 (1971), 194-203
3. The Solution of a Problem by Ginsburg; Information Processing Letters 1 (1971), 7-10
2. A Note on the Complement of Inherently Ambiguous Context-Free Languages; C. ACM 13 (1970), 194
1. A Direct Proof of the Inherent Ambiguity of a Simple Context-Free Language; J.ACM 16 (1969), 256-260

Scientific Books#

9. Learning Support Systems for Organizational Learning (with J. Hasebrook); World Scienctific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. Singapore (2004)
8. From Databases to Hypermedia (with N. Scherbakov, Z. Halim, Z. Razak), Springer Pub. Heidelberg (1998)
7. HyperWave: The Next Generation Web Solution; Addison-Wesley Longman, London (1996)
6. Multimedia Authoring for Presentation and Education - The Official Guide to HM Card (with N. Scherbakov), Addison-Wesley, Bonn (1996)
5. Theoretische Grundlagen der Informationsverarbeitung (with W. Bucher); BI Mannheim (1984)
4. Data Structures and Programming Techniques (transl. by C. Price); Prentice-Hall (1977) (Translation and extended Version of Item 3. into English and Chinese)
3. Datenstrukturen und Programmierverfahren; Teubner, Stuttgart (1974)
2. A Collection of Programming Problems and Techniques (with M.R. Williams); Prentice Hall, Englewood-Cliffs (1972)
1. Theoretische Grundlagen der Programmiersprachen; BI, Mannheim (1969)

Cover pages of scientific books

Other Scientific Publications#

Some 600 further contributions to conference proceedings, chapters of books, and as editor of books and special issues, patents, a series of 44 lectures as movies, some CDs etc.

Other books (partial list)#

Ende des Traumes; freya Linz (2014)
XPERTEN: Friede oder Zerstörung, freya Linz (2012)
XPERTEN: Im Banne des Wissens; freya Linz (2009)
XPERTEN: Kampf dem großen Bruder; freya Linz (2006)
XPERTEN: Das Paranetz; freya Linz (2004) (Also translated into English
XPERTEN: Die Parakämpfer; freya Linz (2004) (Also translated into English)
XPERTEN: Der Paradoppalgänger; freya Linz (2003) (Also translated into English)
XPERTEN: Der Telekinet; freya Linz (2002) (Also translated into English)
XPERTEN: Der Anfang; freya Linz (hc:2003 sc:2004)
Der Tod als Hilfe?; OVG Vienna(1995)
Gras auf dem Mond?; Fric Vienna(1992)
Bildschirmtextführer; Postgendion Vienna (1987,1988, 1989, 1990) (Seven Editions)
Sklaverei in Österreich? Fric Vienna (1989)
Sorting Techniques; Hyper COSTOC vol. 7 Alcatel- Hofbauer (1988)

Cover pages of the science fiction books XPERTEN and their English Versions XPERTS
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