
Olga Katsiardi-Hering - Selcted Publications#

Artisans and cotton-yarn dying methods. From Thessaly to central Europe (18th to the beginning of the 19th century). Addendum: The «Company» of Ampelakia (1805), Athens 2003, pp. 383, in Greek.

Harald Heppner/ Olga Katsiardi-Hering (eds.) Die Griechen und Europa. Außen- und Innensichten im Wandel der Zeit. Seir΅ Zur Kunde Südosteuropas, Band ΙΙ/ 25, Vienna, Böhlau, 1998.

Victor N. Zakharov, Gelina Harlaftis, Olga Katsiardi-Hering (eds.), Merchant Colonies in the Early Modern Period, London, Vermont: Pickering & Chatto, 2012, pp. 245.

Olga Katsiardi-Hering, Maria Stassinopoulou (eds.), From the Southeast to the Northeast across the Danube: Migrations of the ‘Other Europeans’ and Travelling Identities from the 17th to the 19th centuries, in Print Leiden, Brill.

“Christian and Jewish Ottoman subjects: family, inheritance and commercial networks between East and West (17th-18th c.)”, in: La famiglia nell’economia eruropea secc. XIII-XVIII /The economic role of the family in the European economy from the 13th to the 18th centuries, Atti della «Quarantesima Settimana di Studi» , 6-10 Aprile 2008, Istituto Internazionale di Storia Economica «F. Datini», Serie II, Atti delle « Settimane di Studi’, Firenze: University Press, 2009, vol. 40, p. 409-440.

„Grenz-, Staats-, Gemeindekonskriptionen in der Habsburgermonarchie: Identitätendiskurs bei den Menschen aus dem Süden“, in: Maria Oikonomou, Maria A. Stassinopoulou, Ioannis Zelepos (eds), Griechische Dimensionen südosteuropäischer Kultur seit dem 18. Jahrhundert: Verortung, Bewegung, Grenzüberschreitung“, Peter Lang, Vienna, Köln et al. 2011, 231-252.

‘City-ports in the Eastern and Central Mediterranean from the Mid-sixteenth to the Nineteenth Century: Urban and Social Aspects’, Mediterranean Historical Review, 26:2 (2011), 151-170.

«L’area balcanica nei secoli XVI-XVIII sotto l’Impero Ottomano», in: Europa e il Mediterraneo , Vol. XII. Popoli, stati, equilibri del potere, a cura di Roberto Bizzocchi, Salerno Editrice, Roma 2013, 613-648.

«Commerce and Merchants in Southeastern Europe, 17-18th Centuries: ‘Micro-districts’ and Regions”, Études Balkaniques, LI:1 (Sofia 2015), 19-35.

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