Vivette Glover - Curriculum Vitae#

Professional Activities
  • 2007 Co-Founder of the UK and Ireland Marcé Society.
  • 2007 - 2010 Expert advisor to the Department of Health-Planning for Pregnancy Birth and Beyond.
  • 2010 Treasurer of the Marcé Society (International Society for the Study of Mental Illness associated with Childbirth).
  • 2013 Expert advisor to the Early Intervention Foundation, Best Beginnings, Maternal Mental Health Alliance, NSPCC, All Party Parliamentary Group on the First 1001 Days,
  • 2017 Founder member of Global Alliance for Maternal Mental Health
  • 2023 President of Association for Postnatal Illness (APNI)


I have supervised over 30 PhD students, and many Masters students and have examined doctoral theses from the UK , Canada and Europe.


Research funding has been awarded by the Medical Research Council, The Wellcome Trust, NIH, and many others.


The Marce Society medal, The John Cox medal and the PIPUK award.


I have studied the effects of stress,anxiety and depression in the mother, both on the developing fetus and on the neonate, together with underlying biological mechanisms. Recently the effects of music in reducing prenatal stress have also been investigated. We have had research collaborations with groups in USA, Canada, Australia, Belgium, Holland, Finland, Sweden, and The Gambia, as well as others in the UK.

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