
Erol Gelenbe awarded Medal of Chevalier dans l'Ordre National de la Legion d'Honneur#

On June 25, 2014, at 19h in the Pavillon Boncourt of the Ministere de la Recherche (21 rue Descartes 75005) the Research Minister will confer upon Prof. Gelenbe the medal of Chevalier dans l'Ordre National de la Legion d'Honneur. Invitation(info)

IEEE ComSoc Member Erol Gelenbe Wins the In Memoriam Dennis Gabor Award#

IEEE Fellow and Communications Society member Erol Gelenbe has received the prestigious "In Memoriam Dennis Gabor Award "for outstanding research with important impact in innovation.

Read more here

Erol Gelenbe elected Foreign Member of the Polish Academy of Sciences#

On May 23, 2013, the General Assembly of the Polish Academy of Sciences elected Erol Gelenbe as a foreign member.

The Academy writes:

"The intention was to underline our deep appreciation of your leading position in science as well as of your significant contribution to the development of cooperation with Poland."

Letter of election(info)

Oliver Lodge Medal for Achievement in Information Technology for Erol Gelenbe, 2010#

Invitation to the award ceremony:#

Dear Professor Gelenbe,

May I take this opportunity to congratulate you on your award of the Oliver Lodge Medal for Achievement in Information Technology. It gives me great pleasure to extend an invitation from Dr Nigel Burton, incoming President of the Institution of Engineering and Technology, for you and a guest to attend the IET 2010 Awards Ceremony at The Brewery, London, on Wednesday 24 November 2010. The certificate and medal associated with your award will be presented during the Awards Ceremony.

The IET Ambition and Achievement Awards recognise excellence at all levels of the engineering profession, so the ceremony will include the Young Professionals presentation competition and the award of the undergraduate scholarships as well as the achievement medals. Registration will be held from 1.00pm, and the ceremony will commence at 1.30pm, finishing at approximately 4.00pm. Dress for the afternoon ceremony is lounge suits. You and your guest are also invited to join us for a formal Celebration Dinner that evening from 7.30pm (pre-dinner drinks from 6.30pm). Dress for the Celebration Dinner is Black Tie, and will finish at approximately 10.00pm.

Erol Gelenbe appointed to Hungarian Academy of Sciences, May 2010#

Professor Erol Gelenbe, member of the Informatics Section of the Academia Europaea has just been appointed member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.

We have just been informed of Erol Gelenbe's election as foreign member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Their elections take place every three years, and they elect one to three foreign members in each section.

In Mathematics this year they elected as foreign members Gromov (Abel Prize winner), Varadhan (large deviations, Courant Institute) and Zoltan Szabo from Princeton who is actually Hungarian.

Erol Gelenbe have been elected in the Engineering Sciences section where the two other new members are Michael Thompson (Cambridge Theoretical Physics and Applied Math, nonlinear dynamics & chaos) and Marian Kazmierkowski (Warsaw, power electronics).

For anyone, this is indeed a great honour because of the pioneering breakthroughs of Hungarians such as von Neumann, Erdos (graph theory and combinatorics), Gabor, Renyi (probability), Kalman (of the filter ... and system theory), Gabor (filter theory, holograms, Nobel laureate), Bollobas (graphs), Barabasi (statistical mechanics and random graphs), and engineers such as Simonyi (who designed the much maligned Word text processing system that we all use), Takacs (queueing theory), Belady (implementation of virtual memory that we all unknowingly use on a daily basis), and several others. Kalman, Barabasi, Bollobas, Simonyi and Belady are still members of this academy; Karl Astrom and Rudy Kalman serve on its “quality committee”.

AE and the Informatics Section congratulate Erol Gelenbe to this outstanding appointment.

Hermann Maurer, May 4, 2010, Chair of Informatics Section

Brief report on some current projects#

Prof Erol Gelenbe’s research lab at Imperial College includes the following researchers: Dr Omer Abdelrahman, Dr Gokce Gorbil, Dr Boris Oklander, Dr Erivelton Nepucemeno, Dr Ricardo Lent, Huibo Bi, Antoine Desmet, and Lan Wang. For our publications see http://san.ee.ic.ac.uk and http://sa.ee.ic.ac.uk.

Current Research Projects Include:#

  1. The EU FP7 Project (2012-2015) that aims at improving the security of mobile networks. Prof Gelenbe coordinates this project that includes ITI CERTH (Greece), industry partners Telecom Italia IT, HISPASEC SA, COSMOTE, and the TU Berlin.
  2. The ERANET Project ECROPS (2013-2016) that investigates methods that combine energy harvesting and energy optimization to increase the sustainability of computing and communication devices.
  3. The EU FP7 Project PANACEA (2013-2016) that will develop self-organising frameworks for Cloud Computing, with LAAS CNRS, IRIANC, IBM and other partners.
  4. A MoD DSTL Project (2012-2016) on energy efficiency in Digital Cities.
  5. An EIT Project with Telecom Italia and Alcatel on “Smart Networks at the Edge”.

Previous Projects Include:#

  1. The EU FP7 Fit4Green Project (2010-2012), which investigated methods that will reduce very significantly the energy expenditures of Cloud Computing. Erol’s team in particular examines methods based on active adaptation and on-line control through self-awareness and measurement, to actively dispatch so as to reduce overall energy consumption without compromising Quality of Service. http://www.fit4green.eu
  2. The UK Technology Strategy Board’s SATURN Project (2009-2012) on Self-organising Adaptive Technology underlying Resilient Networks, is a partnership between British Telecommunications plc, Northrop Grumman Mission Systems Europe, Imperial College, Warwick University, Said Business School Oxford. In this programme, Erol’s team develops methods to enhance the security of computer-communications and of the Internet in general through active self-aware observation of network state and adaptive response to threats. http://www.innovateuk.org/_assets/pdf/press-releases/press%20release%20nsip%20-%20iip%2025nov09%20final.pdf
  3. The UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council and BAE Systems Ltd funded Aladdin Project (2006-2010) that developed methods for fast and near optimal distributed decisions in critical environments such as emergency management. Erol’s team has developed fast and distributed decision methods based on the Random Neural Network, they have invented a new approach to modelling auction based decision mechanisms, and they have developed a Distributed Building Evacuation Simulator to enhance the security of built environments. http://www.aladdinproject.org

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