Peter Frankopan - Selected Publications#

(1) The Earth Transformed: An Untold History

(2) The Silk Roads: A New History of the World

(3) The Silk Roads: An Illustrated New History of the World

(4) The New Silk Roads: The Present and Future of the World

(5) The First Crusade: The Call from the East

(5) The Alexiad, revised translation

(6) Croatia through Travellers’ Eyes (ed.), with F. Gooding and S. Lavington

(7) ‘Kaiserkritik in 12th century Byzantium: understanding the significance of the Epitome historiôn of John Zonaras’, Travaux et Mémoires 26 (2022), 655-676.

(8)'Aristocratic family narratives in 12th century Byzantium’, in I. Toth and T. Shawcross (eds.), Reading in the Byzantine Empire and Beyond (Cambridge, 2018), 317-35. ‘

(9) Reconsidering the family in Komnenian Byzantium: where blood is not thicker than water’, in M. Lauxtermann and M. Whittow (eds.), Byzantium in the Eleventh Century. Being in Between (London, 2017), pp. 281-96.

(10) ‘Les Routes de la soie. Entre réalités et imaginaires’, Cahiers d’Histoire 122 (2022), 99-113.

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