
Ursel Fantz - Selected Publications#

Scopus data (April 2018): 206 publications with more than 50 as first author, 3148 citations, h-index: 32

U. Fantz et al.: Technology developments for a beam source of an NNBI system for DEMO, Fusion Engineering and Design (2018), Article in Press, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fusengdes.2018.02.025

U. Fantz et al.: Towards powerful negative ion beams at the test facility ELISE for the ITER and DEMO NBI systems, Nuclear Fusion 57, 116007(12pp) (2017)

S. Briefi, ..., U. Fantz: Experimental Benchmark of the NINJA Code for Application to the Linac4 H− Ion Source Plasma, New J. Phys. 19 (2017) 105006 (16pp)

A. Revel, ..., U. Fantz: Massive parallel 3D PIC simulation of negative ion extraction using ONIX code, Journal of Applied Physics 122 (2017) 103302–1-11

U. Kurutz, R. Friedl, U. Fantz: Investigations on Cs-free alternatives for negative ion formation in a low pressure hydrogen discharge at ion source relevant parameters, Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 59 (2017) 075008 (11pp)

B. Heinemann, U. Fantz, et al.: Towards large and powerful radio frequency driven negative ion sources for fusion, New J. Phys. 19 (2017) 015001 (23pp)

R. Maurizio, U. Fantz, F. Bonomo, G. Serianni: Characterisation of the properties of a negative hydrogen ion beam by several beam diagnostic techniques, Nucl. Fusion 56 (2016) 066012 (11pp)

U. Fantz et al., Plasma expansion across a transverse magnetic field in a negative hydrogen ion source for fusion, Plasma Sources Science and Technology 23, 044002 (2014)

S. Mochalskyy, ..., U. Fantz, ...: On the meniscus formation and the negative hydrogen ion extraction from ITER Neutral Beam Injection relevant ion source, Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 56 (2014) 105001 (11pp)

U. Fantz, Basics of plasma spectroscopy, Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 15 (2006) S137- S147

2016-2018: Guest Editor of the Focus on Series entitled "Focus on Sources of Negatively Charged Ions", New Journal of Physics

More than 120 invited talks in Conferences, Seminars, Colloquia, and for Public Outreach.

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