
Jingyun Fang - Publications#

To date, Prof. Fang has published over 440 peer-reviewed papers, including 17 papers in Science, Nature and PNAS, with a total of >42700 citations and h-index of 97.


Fang JY & Liu LL (eds). 2021. Ecosystem Ecology: Reviews and Perspectives, Higher Education Press, Beijing, pp 457.

Fang JY, Zhu JX (eds). 2021. Carbon Budgets of Forest Ecosystems in China, Science Press, Beijing, pp 223.

Fang JY, Zhu JL, Yue C, Wang XP, Zheng TL. 2018. Carbon emissions from China and major countries of the world. Science Press, Beijing, pp 240.

Fang JY, Wang ZH, Tang ZY. 2011. Atlas of Woody Plants in China: Distribution and Climate. Springer-Verlag, Berlin (2 volumes with 1972 pages and 11219 illustrations; Jointly published with Higher Education Press, Beijing)

Fang JY, Zhao SQ, Tang ZY. 2006. Ecological basis for regional biodiversity conservation of wetlands in the central Yangtze. Beijing: Higher Education Press, pp. 289.

Fang JY (ed.). 2000. Global Ecology. Beijing-Heidelberg: Higher Education Press–Springer, pp 319.

Selected papers

Feng YH, Schmid B, Loreau M……Wang SP, Fang JY. 2022. Multispecies forest plantations outyield monocultures across a broad range of conditions. Science, 376: 865–868 (co-corresponding author).

Xing A, Du E, Shen H, Xu L, Zhao M, Liu X, Fang JY. 2022. High-level nitrogen additions accelerate soil respiration reduction over time in a boreal forest. Ecology Letters 25: 1869–1878 (co-corresponding author).

Sun YF, Feng YH, Wang YP, Zhao X, Yang YH, … Fang JY. 2021. Field-based Estimation of Net Primary Productivity and Its Above- and Below-ground Partitioning in Global Grasslands. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences (corresponding author).

Xing AJ, Du EZ, Shen HH, Xu LC, de Vries W, Zhao MY, Liu XY, Fang JY. 2021. Nonlinear responses of ecosystem carbon fluxes to nitrogen deposition in an old-growth boreal forest. Ecology Letters, doi: 10.1111/ele.13906 (co-corresponding author).

Liu S, Zhou L, Li H, Zhao X, … Fang J. 2020. Shrub encroachment decreases soil inorganic carbon stocks in Mongolian grasslands. Journal of Ecology, 108: 678-686 (corresponding author).

Tao S, Fang J, Ma S, Cai Q, Xiong X et al. 2020. Changes in China’s lakes: Climate and human impacts. National Science Review, 7: 132-140 (corresponding author).

Zhou L, Liu S, Shen H, Zhao M, Xu L, Xing A, Fang JY. 2020. Soil extracellular enzyme activity and stoichiometry in China's forests. Functional Ecology, 34: 1461-1471 (corresponding author).

Chen G, Ma S, Tian D, Xiao W, Jiang L, …Fang JY. 2020. Patterns and determinants of soil microbial residues from tropical to boreal forests. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 151 (corresponding author).

Feng YH, Zhu JX, Zhao X, Tang ZY, Zhu JL, Fang JY. 2019. Changes in the trends of vegetation net primary productivity in China between 1982 and 2015. Environment Research Letters, 14: 124009 (corresponding author).

Fang JY, Yu GR, Liu LL, Hu SJ, Chapin FS. 2018. Climate change, human impacts, and carbon sequestration in China. PNAS, 115: 4015-4020 [Note: This is an introductory paper published in the PNAS special feature with 7 papers, entitled “Carbon Sequestration in China”].

Tang XL, Zhao X, Bai YF, Tang ZY, Wang WT, … Fang JY, Zhou GY. 2018. Carbon pools in China’s terrestrial ecosystems: New estimates based on an intensive field survey. PNAS, 115: 4021-4026 (co-corresponding author)

Tang ZY, Xu WT, Zhou GY, Bai YF, Li JX, … Fang JY, Xie ZQ. 2018. Patterns of plant carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus concentration in relation to productivity in China’s terrestrial ecosystems. PNAS, 115: 4033-4038 (co-corresponding author).

Tian D, Yan ZB, Niklas KJ, Han WX, … Fang JY. 2018. Global leaf nitrogen and phosphorus stoichiometry and the scaling exponents. National Science Review, 5: 728–739 (corresponding author)

Zhu JX, Hu HF, Tao SL, ..., Birdsey RA, He XH, Fang JY. 2017. Carbon stocks and changes of dead organic matter in China's forests. Nature Communications, 8: 151 (corresponding author).

Tao SL, Guo QH, Li C, Wang ZH, Fang JY. 2016. Global patterns and determinants of forest canopy height. Ecology, 97: 3265-3270 (corresponding author).

Tao SL, Fang JY, Zhao X, Zhao SQ, Shen HH, Hu HF, Tang ZY, Wang ZH, Guo QH. 2015. Rapid loss of lakes on the Mongolian Plateau. PNAS, 112: 2281-2286 (corresponding author).

Fang JY, Guo ZD, Hu HF, Kato T, Muraoka H, Son YW. 2014. Forest biomass carbon sinks in East Asia, with special reference to the relative contributions of forest expansion and forest growth. Global Change Biology, 20: 2019-2030 (corresponding author).

Fang JY, Kato T, Guo ZD, ..., Tang YH, Houghtonf RA. 2014. Evidence for environmentally enhanced forest growth. PNAS, 111: 9527-9532 (corresponding author).

Fang JY, Shen ZH, Tang ZY, Wang XP, Wang ZH, Feng JM, Liu YN, Qiao XJ, Wu XP, Zheng CY. 2012 Forest community survey and the structural characteristics of forests in China. Ecography, 35: 1059–1071 (corresponding author)

Pan YD, Birdsey RA, Fang JY, et al. 2011. A large and persistent carbon sink in the world’s forests. Science, 333: 988-993 (one of the leading authors and organizers of this synthesis paper).

Han WX, Fang JY, Reich PB, Woodward FI, Wang ZH. 2011. Biogeography and variability of eleven mineral elements in plant leaves across gradients of climate, soil and plant functional type in China. Ecology Letters, 14: 788-796 (corresponding author).

Wang ZH, Fang JY, Tang ZY, Lin X. 2011. Patterns, determinants and models of woody plant diversity in China. Proceeding of the Royal Society B, 278: 2122–2132 (corresponding author).

Piao SL, Ciais P, Huang Y, Shen ZH, Peng SH, Li JS, Zhou LP, Liu HY, Ma YC, Ding YH, Friedlingstein P, Liu CZ, Tan K, Yu YQ, Zhang TY, Fang JY. 2010. The impacts of climate change on water resources and agriculture in China. Nature, 467: 43-51.

Yang YH, Fang JY, Ma WH, Smith P, Mohammat A, Wang SP, Wang W. 2010.Soil carbon stock and its changes in northern China’s grasslands from 1980s to 2000s. Global Change Biology, 16: 3036-3047 (corresponding author).

Yang YH, Fang JY, Ma WH, Smith P, Tang YH, Chen AP, Ji CJ, Hu HF, Rao S, Tan K, He JS. 2009. Changes in topsoil carbon stock in the Tibetan grasslands between the 1980s and 2004. Global Change Biology, 15: 2723-2729 (corresponding author).

Piao SL, Fang JY, Ciais P, Peylin P, Huang Y, Sitch S, Wang T. 2009. The carbon balance of terrestrial ecosystems in China. Nature, 458: 1009-1013 (Co-corresponding author).

Wang ZH, Brown J, Tang ZY, Fang JY. 2009. Temperature dependence, spatial scale, and tree species diversity in eastern Asia and North America. PNAS, 106: 13388–13392 (Co-corresponding author).

Fang JY, Wang SP, Yue C, et al. 2009, Scenario analysis on the global carbon emissions reduction goal proposed in the declaration of the 2009 G8 Summit. Science in China: Earth Sciences, 52: 1694-1702 (corresponding author).

Yang YH, Fang JY, Tang YH, Zhu B. 2008. Storage, patterns and controls of soil organic carbon in the Tibetan grasslands. Global Change Biology, 14: 1592–1599 (corresponding author).

Fang JY, Guo ZD, Piao SL, Chen AP. 2007. Terrestrial vegetation carbon sinks in China, 1981-2000. Science in China: Earth Sciences, 50: 1341-1350 (corresponding author).

Kauppi PE, Ausubel JH, Fang JY, Mather A, Sedjo RA, Waggoner PE. 2006. Returning forests analyzed with the forest identity. PNAS, 103: 17574-17579.

Fang JY, Lechowicz ML. 2006. Climatic limits for the present distribution of beech (Fagus L.) species in the world. Journal of Biogeography, 33: 1804-1819 (corresponding author).

Fang JY, Wang ZH, Zhao S, et al. 2006. Biodiversity changes in the lakes of the Central Yangtze. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 4: 369-377 (corresponding author). Piao SL, Fang JY, Zhou LM, Ciais P, Zhu B. 2006.Variations in satellite-derived phenology in China’s temperate vegetation. Global Change Biology, 12: 672–685 (corresponding author).

Fang JY, Piao SL, Zhou L, He JS, Wei FY, Myneni R, Tucker CJ, Tan K. 2005. Precipitation patterns alter growth of temperate vegetation. Geophysical Research Letters, 32: L21411 (corresponding author).

Fang JY, Oikawa T, Kato T, Mo WH, Wang ZH. 2005. Biomass carbon accumulation by Japan’s forests from 1947-1995. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 19: GB2004 (corresponding author).

Han WX, Fang JY, Guo DL, Zhang Y. 2005. Leaf N and P stoichiometry across 753 terrestrial plant species in China. New Phytologist, 168: 377-385 (corresponding author).

Fang JY, Rao S, Zhao SQ. 2005. Human-induced long-term changes in the lakes of the Jianghan Plain, Central Yangtze. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 3: 186-192 (corresponding author).

Fang JY, Piao SL, He JS, Ma WH. 2004. Increasing terrestrial vegetation activity in China, 1982-1999. Science in China: Life Sciences, 47: 229-240 (corresponding author).

Fang JY, Piao SL, Field CB, Pan YD, Guo QH, Zhou LM, Peng CH, Tao S. 2003. Increasing net primary production in China from 1982 to 1999. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 1: 293-297 (corresponding author).

Piao SL, Fang JY, Zhou LM, Guo QH, Henderson M, Ji W, Li Y, Tao S. 2003. Interannual variations of monthly and seasonal normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) in China from 1982 to 1999. Journal of Geophysical Research, 108: 4401 (corresponding author).

Fang JY, Chen AP, Peng CH, Zhao SQ, Ci LJ. 2001. Changes in forest biomass carbon storage in China between 1949 and 1998. Science, 292: 2320-2322 (corresponding author).

Fang JY, Piao SL, Tang ZY, Peng CH, Ji W. 2001. Interannual variability in net primary production and precipitation. Science, 293: 1723a (corresponding author).

Fang JY, Wang GG, Liu GH, Xu SL. 1998. Forest biomass of China: an estimate based on the biomass-volume relationship. Ecological Applications, 8: 1084-1091 (corresponding author).

Fang JY, Ohsawa M, Kira T. 1996. Vertical vegetation zones along 30-degree N latitude in humid east Asia. Vegetatio, 126: 135-149.

Fang JY, Liu GH, Xu SL. 1996. Soil carbon pool in China and its global significance. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 8: 249-254.

Fang JY, Yoda K. 1991. Effects of climate factors on the upper limit of distribution of evergreen broadleaf forest (Climate and vegetation of China, V). Ecological Research, 6: 113-125.

Fang JY, Yoda K. 1990. Distribution of tree species along the thermal gradient (Climate and vegetation of China, IV). Ecological Research, 5:291-302.

Fang JY, Yoda K. 1990. Water balance and distribution of vegetation (Climate and vegetation of China, III). Ecological Research, 5: 9-23.

Fang JY, Yoda K. 1989. Distribution of main vegetation types and thermal climate (Climate and vegetation of China, II). Ecological Research, 4: 71-83.

Fang JY, Yoda K. 1988. Change in the altitudinal lapse rate of temperature and distribution of sea level temperature (Climate and vegetation in China, I). Ecological Research, 3: 37-51.

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