
Julian Reiss - Selected Publications#

Causation, Evidence, and Inference, New York (NY): Routledge (2015)

The Philosophy of Economics: A Contemporary Introduction, New York (NY): Routledge (2013)

“What Are the Drivers of Induction? Towards a Material Theory+”, Studies in History and Philosophy of Science (2020)

“Causal Explanation Is All There Is to Causation”, Teorema 38(3): 25-52 (2019)

“Expertise, Agreement, and the Nature of Social Scientific Facts Or: Against Epistocracy”, Social Epistemology 33(2): 183-92 (2019)

“Against External Validity”, Synthese 196: 3103–21(2019)

“Capitalism and Democracy: Allies, Rivals, or Strangers?”, Oxford Handbook of Ethics and Economics (ed. by Mark D. White), Oxford: Oxford University Press (2019)

“Fact-Value Entanglement in Positive Economics”, Journal of Economic Methodology 24(2): 134-49 (2017)

“Are There Social Scientific Laws?”, The Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Social Science (ed. by Lee McIntyre and Alex Rosenberg), New York (NY): Routledge, 295-309 (2017)

“A Pragmatist Theory of Evidence”, Philosophy of Science 82(3): 341-62 (2015)

Google scholar: 1821 citations as of 21/03/2020, h-index 21.

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