
Manfred Droste#

Short laudatio by Hermann Maurer#

Manfred Droste is one of the leaders of research in dealing with automata-theoretic problems using methods from algebra and mathematical logic. He has managed to be a founder of a school of followers with distinguished Ph.D. students such as Kuske, Meinecke, Fichtner, Mathissen, Quaas, Kirsten and others.

He is founder of the high-quality conference series "Weighted Automata: Theory and Aplications" and was involved in over a dozen projects with institutions all over Europe.

Manfred Droste's guest professorships and invited research stays include two guest professorships at Universite Paris 6 and 7 (each 1 month) and research stays at Oxford University (3 months), Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (4 months), Hebrew University (2 months, Minerva-prize), Vancouver University, Wesleyan University, Bowling Green State University (each 1 month), University at Bern and ETH Zürich (2 weeks). Member of the "International PhD School in Formal Languages and Applications", Tarragona, Spain (2003-2007). Invited lecture series at I.-Kant University Kaliningrad in 2009, 2010, 2011.

He has chaired over 20 major conferences, and organized six Dagstuhl meetings, and indication of his reputation as top researcher. He has edited numerours books and is editor or co-editor of a nubmer of journals.

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