William Osmond Charles Cookson - Selected Publications#

1. Cookson WO, Sharp PA, Faux JA, Hopkin JM. Linkage between immunoglobulin E responses underlying asthma and rhinitis and chromosome 11q. Lancet. 1989;1:1292-5. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/2566826

2. Daniels SE, Bhattacharrya S, James A, Leaves NI, Young A, Hill MR, Faux JA, Ryan GF, le Söuef PN, Lathrop GM, Musk AW, Cookson WO. A genome-wide search for quantitative trait loci underlying asthma. Nature. 1996;383:247-50. https://www.nature.com/articles/383247a0

3. Zhang Y, Leaves NI, Anderson GG, Ponting CP, Broxholme J, Holt R, Edser P, Bhattacharyya S, Dunham A, Adcock IM, Pulleyn L, Barnes PJ, Harper JI, Abecasis G, Cardon L, White M, Burton J, Matthews L, Mott R, Ross M, Cox R, Moffatt MF, Cookson WO. Positional cloning of a quantitative trait locus on chromosome 13q14 that influences immunoglobulin E levels and asthma. Nat Genet. 2003;34:181-6. https://www.nature.com/articles/ng1166

4. Allen M, Heinzmann A, Noguchi E, Abecasis G, Broxholme J, Ponting CP, Bhattacharyya S, Tinsley J, Zhang Y, Holt R, Jones EY, Lench N, Carey A, Jones H, Dickens NJ, Dimon C, Nicholls R, Baker C, Xue L, Townsend E, Kabesch M, Weiland SK, Carr D, von Mutius E, Adcock IM, Barnes PJ, Lathrop GM, Edwards M, Moffatt MF, Cookson WO. Positional cloning of a novel gene influencing asthma from chromosome 2q14. Nat Genet. 2003;35:258-63. https://www.nature.com/articles/ng1256

5. Moffatt MF, Kabesch M, Liang L, Dixon AL, Strachan D, Heath S, Depner M, von Berg A, Bufe A, Rietschel E, Heinzmann A, Simma B, Frischer T, Willis-Owen SA, Wong KC, Illig T, Vogelberg C, Weiland SK, von Mutius E, Abecasis GR, Farrall M, Gut IG, Lathrop GM, Cookson WO. Genetic variants regulating ORMDL3 expression contribute to the risk of childhood asthma. Nature. 2007:26;448:470-3. https://www.nature.com/articles/nature06014

6. Dixon AL, Liang L, Moffatt MF, Chen W, Heath S, Wong KC, Taylor J, Burnett E, Gut I, Farrall M, Lathrop GM, Abecasis GR, Cookson WO. A genome-wide association study of global gene expression. Nat Genet. 2007;39:1202-7. https://www.nature.com/articles/ng2109

7. Zhang Y, Willis-Owen SAG, Spiegel S, Lloyd CM, Moffatt MF, Cookson WOCM. The ORMDL3 Asthma Gene Regulates ICAM1 and Has Multiple Effects on Cellular Inflammation. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2019 Feb 15;199(4):478-488. doi: 10.1164/rccm.201803-0438OC. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30339462

8. Moffatt MF, Gut IG, Demenais F, Strachan DP, Bouzigon E, Heath S, von Mutius E, Farrall M, Lathrop M, Cookson WO; GABRIEL Consortium. A large-scale, consortium-based genomewide association study of asthma. N Engl J Med. 2010;363:1211-21. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20860503

9. Liang L, Willis-Owen SA, Laprise C, Wong KC, Davies GA, Hudson TJ, Binia A, Hopkin JM, Yang IV, Grundberg E, Busche S, Hudson M, Rönnblom L, Pastinen TM, Schwartz DA, Lathrop GM, Moffatt MF, Cookson WO. An epigenome-wide association study of total serum immunoglobulin E concentration. Nature. 2015 Apr 30;520(7549):670-4. (https://www.nature.com/articles/nature14125)

10. Hilty M, Burke C, Pedro H, Cardenas P, Bush A, Bossley C, Davies J, Ervine A, Poulter L, Pachter L, Moffatt MF, Cookson WO. Disordered microbial communities in asthmatic airways. PLoS One. 2010;5:e8578. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20052417 (1677 citations)

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