Gui-Qiang George Chen - Biography#
Gui-Qiang George Chen is Statutory Professor in the Analysis of Partial Differential Equations (PDE Chair), Director of the Oxford Centre for Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations (OxPDE), and Director of the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Partial Differential Equations at the Mathematical Institute, and Professorial Fellow of Keble College, University of Oxford. Before this, he was Full Professor of Mathematics (1996 - 2009) and Associate Professor (1994 - 1996) at Northwestern University, and Assistant Professor (1989 - 1994) at the University of Chicago. He took an undergraduate degree (B.Sc) in Mathematics at Fudan University (Shanghai), received a Ph.D in 1987 at the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Beijing), and then moved to the Courant Institute (NYU, New York) as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow under the direction of Peter D. Lax (1987 - 1989).
He was Senior Fellow, Centre for Advanced Study (Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters) and Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics (UCLA); Member, Institute for Advanced Study (Princeton), Mathematical Sciences Research Institute (Berkeley), Isaac Newton Institute (Cambridge), and Mittag-Leffler Institute of Mathematics (Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences); Visiting Professor, University of Heidelberg (Germany) and University of Nice (France), among many others. He has served as Editors-in-Chief, Editorial Advisory Boards, and Editorial Boards for more than 15 leading scientific journals.
Among many honours/awards/fellowships he has received include: Fellow of the European Academy of Sciences (EurASC Fellow) (elected, 2020), Fellow of the American Mathematical Society (AMS Fellow) (elected, 2017), Fellow of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications (FIMA) (elected, 2014), Turner-Kirk Fellow of the Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge (2013 - 2014), Fellow of the Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM Fellow) (elected, 2012), The 2011 SIAG/Analysis of Partial Differential Equations Prize (SIAM 2011), Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Award (2009), Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Fellow (2003), Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Fellow (1991), State Natural Science Award (1989), the University of Chicago-Argonne Fellowship in Mathematics (1989–90), Chinese Academy of Sciences Award in Mathematics (First Place, 1988), and Best Paper Award by Beijing Mathematical Society (1988).
Chen's main research areas lie in nonlinear PDEs, nonlinear analysis, and their applications to other areas of Mathematics and Science. His recent research interests include nonlinear hyperbolic systems of conservation laws, nonlinear waves, nonlinear PDEs of mixed type, free boundary problems, geometric problems, and stochastic PDEs. His research interests also include measure-theoretical analysis, weak convergence methods, entropy analysis, statistical physics, and numerical analysis. He has published more than 200 original research papers and more than 10 research books, and has advised more than 30 PhD/DPhil students and 25 postdoctors. Since 2000, he has delivered more than 300 plenary/invited talks around the world. He has been a Chair/Organizer or a Member of the Scientific/Organizing Committees of more than 200 International Conferences since 1990 in more than 15 countries.
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