Jan Carlstedt-Duke - Selected Publications#

H-index: 39, Publications > 100, Citations > 6000, Average citation per item > 60.

Sakai DD, Helms S, Carlstedt-Duke J, Gustafsson JA, Rottman FM, Yamamoto KR. Hormone-mediated repression: a negative glucocorticoid response element from the bovine prolactin gene. Genes Dev. 2(1998):1144-1154. (Cited > 390 times)

Dahlman-Wright K, Wright A, Gustafsson JA, Carlstedt-Duke J. Interaction of the glucocorticoid receptor DNA-binding domain with DNA as a dimer is mediated by a short segment of five amino acids. J Biol Chem. 266(1991):3107-3112. (Cited > 150 times)

Strömstedt PE, Poellinger L, Gustafsson JA, Carlstedt-Duke J. The glucocorticoid receptor binds to a sequence overlapping the TATA box of the human osteocalcin promoter: a potential mechanism for negative regulation. Mol Cell Biol. 11(1991):3379-3383. (Cited > 130 times)

Härd T, Kellenbach E, Boelens R, Maler BA, Dahlman K, Freedman LP, Carlstedt-Duke J, Yamamoto KR, Gustafsson JA, Kaptein R. Solution structure of the glucocorticoid receptor DNA-binding domain. Science. 249(1990):157-160. (Cited > 460 times)

Carlstedt-Duke J, Strömstedt PE, Persson B, Cederlund E, Gustafsson JA, Jörnvall H. Identification of hormone-interacting amino acid residues within the steroid-binding domain of the glucocorticoid receptor in relation to other steroid hormone receptors. J Biol Chem. 263(1988):6842-6846. (Cited > 110 times)

Tsai SY, Carlstedt-Duke J, Weigel NL, Dahlman K, Gustafsson JA, Tsai MJ, O'Malley BW. Molecular interactions of steroid hormone receptor with its enhancer element: evidence for receptor dimer formation. Cell 55(1988):361-369. (Cited > 500 times)

Gustafsson JA, Carlstedt-Duke J, Poellinger L, Okret S, Wikström AC, Brönnegård M, Gillner M, Dong Y, Fuxe K, Cintra A. Biochemistry, molecular biology, and physiology of the glucocorticoid receptor. Endocr Rev. 8(1987):185-234. (Cited > 400 times)

Carlstedt-Duke J, Brönnegård M, Strandvik B. Pathological regulation of arachidonic acid release in cystic fibrosis: the putative basic defect. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 83(1986):9202-9206. (Cited > 100 times)

Carlstedt-Duke J, Okret S, Wrange O, Gustafsson JA. Immunochemical analysis of the glucocorticoid receptor: identification of a third domain separate from the steroid-binding and DNA-binding domains. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 79(1982):4260-4264. (Cited > 160 times)

Payvar F, Wrange O, Carlstedt-Duke J, Okret S, Gustafsson JA, Yamamoto KR. Purified glucocorticoid receptors bind selectively in vitro to a cloned DNA fragment whose transcription is regulated by glucocorticoids in vivo. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 78(1981):6628-6632. (Cited > 310 times)
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