
David Campbell - Selected Publications#

1. Large Tokamaks
D J Campbell (with contributions from A Herrmann, J A Wesson)
Chapter 12, pp633-760 in 'Tokamaks', 4th Edition, J A Wesson, Oxford University Press (2011)
- updated version of monograph chapter reviewing major experimental results of the major tokamak experiments previously published in the 2nd (1997) and 3rd (2003) editions

2. Magnetic confinement fusion: tokamak
D J Campbell
Chapter 6, pp369-417 of Landolt-Börnstein-Handbook on Energy Technologies,
Vol VIII/3B, ed K Heinloth, Springer Verlag (2005)
- monograph chapter reviewing key physics concepts for the study of fusion plasmas in tokamaks

3. Stabilization of Sawteeth with Additional Heating in the JET Tokamak
D J Campbell et al (28 authors)
Phys Rev Lett 60 pp2148-2151 (1988)
- first report of the experimental observation of the stabilization of the sawtooth instability in tokamaks by a population of energetic particles

4. Confinement and Stability in JET: Recent Results
The JET Team (282 authors) presented by D J Campbell
Plasma Phys Control Fusion 32 pp949-964 (1990)
- Overview of key elements of JET experiments in which Dr Campbell played a leading role

5. Fusion Energy Production from a Deuterium-Tritium Plasma in the JET Tokamak
The JET Team (344 authors)
Nucl Fusion 32 pp187-203 (1992)
- Co-ordinated the definition and implementation of the experimental program reported in this paper presenting first results from deuterium-tritium experiments in magnetically confined fusion plasmas

6. Plasma Detachment in JET Mark I Divertor Experiments
A Loarte et al (26 authors)
Nucl Fusion 38 pp331-371 (1998)
- Report of major experimental results from plasma research program at JET carried out under Dr Campbell's leadership

7.(i) ITER Physics Basis
ITER Physics Expert Groups, ITER Physics Basis Editors, ITER Joint Central Team and Physics Integration Unit
Nucl Fusion 39 pp2137-2638 (1999)
(ii) Progress in the ITER Physics Basis
ITPA Topical Physics Groups, Progress in the ITER Physics Basis Editors, ITER International Team
Nucl Fusion 47 ppS1-S413 (2007)
- Dr Campbell played a major role in the assembly of these two comprehensive reviews of the development of the physics basis for the ITER tokamak design, making significant contributions to the overall coordination of the reviews, editing several chapters and drafting sections of several chapters

8.. The Physics of the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor FEAT
D J Campbell
Phys Plasmas 8 pp2041-2049 (2001)
- short review of the physics basis underpinning the engineering design of the ITER device

9. Principal physics developments evaluated in the ITER design review
R J Hawryluk et al (94 authors)
Nucl Fusion 49 065012 (2009)
- report of physics analysis performed during the ITER design review in which Dr Campbell played a leading role

10. Challenges in Burning Plasma Physics: the ITER Research Plan
D J Campbell for the ITER Organization, ITER Domestic Agencies and ITER collaborators
Fusion Energy 2012 (Proceedings 24th International Conference, San Diego, 2012) IAEA, Vienna (2013) paper IAEA-F1-CN-197/ITR/P1-18
- report on the key physics challenges associated with the ITER Research Plan for which Dr Campbell has led the development activity

144 publications in the refereed literature (48 as lead or major author) and the 230 publications in conference proceedings (75 as lead or major author), with an h-index of 38 and an i10-index 0f 106 (Google Scholar).

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