Pere Brunet#

Short laudatio by Dieter Fellner#

Pere Brunet founded the first Research Group in Computer Graphics in Spain, and had an indisputable role in the establishment of new research groups in the area throughout Spain. He shaped Computer Graphics in Spain, starting in 1986 when he was the main promoter of the creation of the Spanish Chapter of Eurographics. He has since contributed to its growth and hence to the integration of the Spanish research in the field with the larger European research Community.

Pere Brunet's main area of research is in computer graphics with a focus on geometric and Solid Modelling. His first paper on Computer Graphics was published on 1982. He has pioneered the use of hierarchical representations, discrete and octree models for computer aided geometric design, modelling and virtual reality. In this area he has made several highly significant contributions that have established him as one of the leading researchers worldwide. His many diverse contributions are timely, original and significant, and it is fair to say that his results have helped to shape the field. In addition, his research has led to many application-oriented projects in the areas of computer aided geometric design, surface modelling and modelling of very complex systems and assemblies. His combined understanding of both the practical and theoretical issues involved is truly impressive. The strength of Brunet's research is documented further by an impressive number of excellent publications that have appeared in the best computer graphics journals and conferences worldwide. He has also served in the program committees of countless conferences, and on the editorial committees of prestigious journals.

Among the most relevant scientific contributions of Pere Brunet, we can quote the following:
  • he development of new algorithms and discrete hierarchical data structures for geometry search and processing and for the representation of geometric models. This is a basic research activity that has had a significant international impact, with three papers published in the ACM Transactions on Graphics and many other relevant publications. The proposed algorithms have been used in the geometric kernel of most of the subsequent application projects in areas ranging from medicine to industrial design or urban planning.
  • The derivation of new algorithms for free-form surface design, operation and interrogation. This research area has also produced important results, published in Journals like Computer Aided Geometric Design and Computer-Aided Design. Some of the results have been successfully used in industry-funded projects, mainly in aerospace and ship design. His group maintains stable research cooperation with the ship design industry since 1984.
  • The development of novel geometry processing algorithms for simplification, model repair, topology optimization and occlusion culling. Most of these algorithms combine discrete representations with hierarchical data structures and optimization schemes. They have been successfully included in Medical, Cultural Heritage and Virtual Prototyping applications.
  • The development of new a new class of hybrid multiresolution trees based on sets of relief impostors. This is a promising representation for gigantic models (in urban visualization, cultural heritage and similar applications) that inherits the whole potential of image processing and compression. This representation has been successfully used in applications for urban inspection and visualization.
  • The derivation of new view-dependent visualization algorithms for the interactive navigation and inspection of gigantic geometric models. These algorithms have been successfully implemented and tested in Cultural Heritage applications, like the virtual reconstruction of the entrance of the Ripoll Monastery (National Museum of Art of Catalonia, 2008, see corresponding publications).
  • The design of new affordable Virtual Reality devices that are based on commercial components and which include advanced immersive interaction techniques. Apart from the corresponding publications, a number of patents have been produced. Two companies are presently commercializing these systems.

He was vice-president for research of the Polytechnical University of Catalonia between 1988 and 1992. He has been the chairman of the Eurographics Association in 2001-2002, being now an elected member of its Executive Committee. He is one of the sixty members of the Royal Spanish Academy of Engineering since its foundation in 1993. He is presently serving as vice-president of this Academy. He is a corresponding member (“miembro nao residente”) of the Portuguese Academy of Engineering. He is active in International associations of Academies, like CAETS (the International Council of Academies of Engineering and Technological Sciences) and EuroCASE (the European Consortium of Academies of Science and Engineering). He was a member of the CAETS Board of Directors in 2009. He is presently a member of the EuroCASE Executive Committee and of the CAETS Council.

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