
Dénes Berényi - List of most important publications#

1. Further Gamma/Spectroscopic Investigations on the Decay Scheme of I131, D. Berényi, Gy. Máthé, T. Scharbert, Nucl. Phys. 31, 456 (1962)

2. International Bremsstrahlung in the Super-allowed decay of the Position Emitter C11, D. Berényi, T. Scharbert, E. Vatai, Nucl. Phys A 124, 464 (1969)

3. Concentration Profile Determination by PIXE Analysis Utilizing the Variation of Beam Energy, J. Végh, D. Berényi, E. Koltay, I. Borbély-Kiss, S.A.H. Seif El- Nasr, L. Sarkadi, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. 153, 553 (1978)

4. Auger Electron Spectra in 5.5 MeV/amu Ne+ and Ar+ Ion Impact on Ne, I. Kádár, S. Ricz, V.A. Schegoljev, B. Sulik, D. Varga, J. Végh, D. Berényi, G. Hock, J. Phys. B 18, 275 (1985)

5. Forward Electron Ejection in H+ – He, He+ – He and H2+ – He Collisions, Á. Kövér, Gy. Szabó, D. Berényi, L. Gulyás, I. Cserny, K.O. Groeneveld, D. Hofmann, P. Koschar, M. Burkhard, J. Phys. B 19, 1187 (1986)

6. Observation of Electron Capture into Continuum States of Neutral Atoms, L. Sarkadi, J. Pálinkás, Á. Kövér, D. Berényi, T. Vajnai, Phys. Rev. Letters 62, 527 (1989)

7. High-Resolution Ne K Auger Spectra from Collisions between Ne and H+, Ne3+, Ne10+, Ar6+ and Ar16+ (5.5 MeV/u), I. Kádár, S. Ricz, J. Végh, B. Sulik, D. Varga, D. Berényi, Phys. Rev. A 41, 3518 (1990)

8. Continuous Electron Spectra from 150 keV/u C+ + He, Ne, Ar Collisions at Electron Emission Angles from 0o to 180o, B. Sulik, Cs. Koncz, K. Tökési, Á. Kövér, S. Ricz, Gy. Víkor, J.-Y. Chesnel, N. Stolterfoht, D. Berényi, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. B 154 (1999)

In addition more than 200 further publications. View: http://www.atomki.hu/p2/authors/aut00010.htm#Table

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