
Elisenda Ardèvol Piera - Selected Publications#

PINK, S., & ARDÈVOL, E. (2018) Ethnographic Strategies for Revealing Teens’ Transmedia Skills and Practices. In Carlos A. Scolari (Ed.), Transmedia Literacy, teens and collaborative cultures, 108. (Book chapter)

MÁRQUEZ, I., & ARDÈVOL, E. (2018). Hegemony and contrahegemony in the youtuber phenomena; Hegemonía y contrahegemonía en el fenómeno youtuber. Desacatos. Revista de Ciencias Sociales, (56), 34-49. (Article)

ARDÈVOL, E., & MÁRQUEZ, I. (2018). The Youtuber as a mediàtic celebrity, El youtuber como celebridad mediática: entre la autenticidad y el mercado. Rizoma, 5(2), 72-87. (Article)

AKAMA, Y., PINK, S., LANZENI, D., ARDEVOL, E., MOLINE, K., LIGHT, A., & SUMARTOJO, S. (2018). Strategies for disruption. In Pink, S., Akama, Y., & Sumartojo, S. (2018). Uncertainty and Possibility: New Approaches to Future Making in Design Anthropology. Bloomsbury Publishing. (Book chapter)

ARDÈVOL, E., & LANZENI, D. (2017). The ongoing in digital design. In The Routledge Companion to Digital Ethnography, 448. (Book Chapter)

ROIG, A., SAN CORNELIO, G., & ARDÈVOL, E. (2017). Selfies and Cultural Events: notes for an hybrid methodology for studing selfies in context, Selfies y eventos culturales: metodologías híbridas para el estudio del selfie en contexto. Reality, 45. (Article)

LANZENI, D., & ARDÈVOL, E. (2017). Future in the ethnographic world. Anthropologies and futures techniques for researching an uncertain world, 117.

ARDÈVOL, E. (2016). Big Data and Thick Description, Big data y descripción densa. Virtualis, 7(14), 14-38. (Article)

PINK, S. ARDÈVOL, E. and LANZENI, D. (eds) (2016) Digital Materialities; Design and Anthropology. Bloomsbury Publishing (Book)

ARDÈVOL, E. LANZENI, D. (2014). Digital Visualities and Materialities: paths for an anthropological walk. Visualidades y Materialidades de lo digital: caminos para transitar la diferencia. Anthropologica 32.33. pp. 11-38. (Article)

ISI Web of Science#

Results found: 11
Sum of the Times Cited: 55
Sum of Times Cited without self-citations: 55
Average Citations per Item: 5.00
h-index: 3


Score: 14.00
59 Publications
19,951 Reads
444 Citations

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