
Elisenda Ardèvol Piera - Biography#

Elisenda Ardévol is Full Professor in Social Anthropology at the Department of Arts and Humanities at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC), where she also teaches at the Interdisciplinary PhD Program on Information and Knowledge Society and of Humanities and Communication. Since 2009, she is the director of mediaccions Culture and Digital Communication Research Group, recognized as a consolidated group in 2014 by the University Quality Agency of the Catalan Government (AQU).

Her interests are related to digital communication and culture focusing in the cultural side of everyday technologies including Social Media, Human Computer Interaction, Smart Citizen Technologies, Big Data and Artificial Intelligence.

She has taught courses and seminars in different national and international Master and Phd. Programs in Media, Digital and Visual Anthropology (Universitat de Barcelona, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Universidad de Sevilla, Universidad Miguel Herández, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Universidad de Baja California, Goldsmiths University of London, etc.). Currently she also teaches at the Visual Anthropology Program in Flacso, Ecuador.

Visiting Scholar at
  • Visual Anthropology Centre of the University of Southern California (USC),
  • Lecturer in Visual Ethnography at Anthropology Department at USC, Los Angeles (USA),
  • EU Centre Visiting Fellow at the RMIT, Melbourne in the Digital Ethnography Centre (DERC) and the Design + Ethnography + Futures Program at the Design Research Centre (RMIT)
  • Emeritus professor in the Anthropology Department of FLACSO Ecuador.

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