
Eirik Schrøder Amundsen - Curriculum Vitae#


a) Full professor of Economics, University of Bergen, (1992-) and University of Copenhagen, Denmark (2006-) b) Chairman, Danish Economic Councils (“Økonomisk vismand” )(2007-). c) Nordic Research Professor (1996-2001), d) Research Director, SNF, Norway, f) Scientific Adviser to SNS (2001-2003), Sweden. e) Leader Research School for Applied Economics,(2007-09). f) Member of the Climate Panel, University of Copenhagen, g) Vice chairman, “NORKLIMA”, The Norwegian Research Council, (2008-).


Dr. ès-sc.-économique (Dr. Philos) avec distinction: très honorable et Prix de l’Université, Université de Paris II, Panthéon-Assas, France (1988); Diploma, Economie de l’Energie, Ecole Nationale Supèrieure du Pétrole et des Moteurs, IFP, Paris, France (1984); Ph. D. exams Stanford University, USA (1979/80); Cand. Polit, Economics, University of Bergen (1976); Exams, Statsvidenskabelig studium, University of Copenhagen (1972-74).

Extended research stays:

CEPREMAP, Paris, Stanford University (invited via Prof. A. Sandmo), UC Berkeley (invited by Prof. A. Fisher), University of Munich (invited by Prof. H.-W. Werner Sinn), University of Cologne (invited by Prof. W. Schultz), University of Mannheim (invited by Prof. C. Konrad), Humboldt University (invited by Prof. B.-A. Wickstrøm), Stockholm School of Economics (invited by President and Prof. L. Bergman), Copenhagen University (invited by Prof. J. B. Mortensen), European University Institute (invited by Prof. J.-M. Glachant).

Editorial Boards:

Member of the editorial boards of “Economics of Energy & Environmental Policy”(2012 - ) and of “International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology” (2004 - )


The Review of Economic Studies, European Economic Review, Scandinavian Journal of Economics, Economics Letters, The Energy Journal, Climate Policy, Energy Economics, Environmental and Resource Economics, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, and others.

Research and publications:

Leader and participant of numerous national and EU research council projects as well as public and private research projects. Author of theoretical and applied scientific articles within the fields of energy-, resource-, environmental-, climate- and public economics.
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