Cláudia Álvares - Selected Publications#

2019, C. Alvares, Representacions de gènere als mitjans de comunicació més enllà de la televisió: anàlisi dels estereotips d’abans i d’ara (Gender representations in the media beyond television: analysis of the stereotypes of men and women), Quaderns del CAC (Consell de l'Audiovisual de Catalunya) 45, Vol. XXII: 5-12

2019, C. Alvares, Paying lip service to equality through the media: The Portuguese case' (Women and the Media Comments Paper-Portugal), in The EU Mutual Learning Programme in Gender Equality: Women and the Media,European Commission

2019, C. Alvares, O “femonacionalismo” enquanto violação de categorias de identidade: a face renovada da extrema-direita Europeia ('Femonationalism' as a violation of categories of identity: the renewed face of the extreme right of Europe), Centro de Estudos de Comunicação e Linguagens, Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, pp. 50-60

2018, C. Alvares, On cultural plurality in the public sphere: Choosing between freedom and equality as criteria of judgement, Empedocles: European Journal for the Philosophy of Communication, 9, pp. 25–40

2018, C. Alvares, Online staging of femininity: disciplining through public exposure in Brazilian social media, Feminist Media Studies, 18, pp.1-18

2018, C. Alvares, ‘Book review: Darren Kelsey, Media, Myth and Terrorism: A Discourse-Mythological Analysis of the “Blitz Spirit” in British Newspaper Responses to the July 7th Bombings’, Discourse & Society 29(2): 224-226

2017, C. Alvares, ‘Pós-feminismo, misoginia online e a despolitização do privado’, Revista Media & Jornalismo 17(30): 101-112

2017, C. Alvares, ‘Mediatising the Radical: The Implied Audience in Islamic State Propaganda Videos’, in Digitale Medien und politisch-weltanschaulicher Extremismus im Jugendalter: Erkenntnisse aus Wissenschaft und Praxis, ed. Sally Hohnstein & Maruta Herding. Halle: Deutsches Jugendinstitut e.V.: pp. 39-58.

2017, C. Alvares, ‘As Ciências da Comunicação na Europa. O projeto inacabado do cosmopolitismo’, in Moisés de Lemos Martins (org.) A Internacionalização das Comunidades Lusófonas e Ibero-Americanas de Ciências Sociais e Humanas – O Caso das Ciências da Comunicação. Famalicão: Húmus; CECS ebooks, ISBN: 978-989-755-306-6, pp. 157-167,

2017, Novelli, Edoardo, Rafter, Kevin, Alvares, Claudia, Veríssimo, Iolanda, Poulakidakos, Stamatis, Veneti, Anastasia, Triga, Vicky, Milioni, Dimitra and Sammut, Carmen (2017) ‘Chapter 5 - Representations of the Economic Crisis and Austerity Politics’ in Christina Holz-Bacha, Edoardo Novelli and Kevin Rafter (eds.) Political Advertising in the 2014 European Parliament Elections. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 57-80. ISBN: 978-1-137-56980-6

2016, C. Alvares & I. Veríssimo, ‘Chapter 11: PORTUGAL - Practice What you Preach: Deconstructing Gender Equality in Portuguese media’ in Karen Ross and Claudia Padovani (eds.) Gender Equality and the Media: A Challenge for Europe. London: Routledge, pp.157-170. ISBN: 978-1-138-89268-2

2016, C. Alvares, ‘Whither Culture? On the Predominance of Cognitivism in Media and Communication Studies’, International Communication Gazette 78(7): 663–668

2016, C. Alvares & P. Dahlgren, ‘Populism, Extremism, and Media: Mapping an Uncertain Terrain’, European Journal of Communication 31(1): 46 - 57

2015, C. Alvares, ‘Entre o social e biológico: Repensando a maternidade à luz das novas técnicas de reprodução assistida’, Revista Lusófona de Estudos Culturais 3(1): 83-98 (edição bilingue),

2014, C. Alvares (co-authorship), Media in Europe: New Questions for Research and Policy. Strasbourg: European Science Foundation, pp. 48. 2013, P. Dahlgren & C. Alvares, ‘Political Participation in an Age of Mediatization: Toward A New Research Agenda’, Javnost- The Public 20(2): 47-66

2013, C. Alvares & M. Damásio, ‘Introducing Social Capital into the “Pluralist Polarised” Model: The Different Contexts of Press Politicisation in Portugal and Spain’, International Journal of Iberian Studies 26(3): 133-153

2012, T. Krijnen, S. Van Bauwel & C. Alvares, ‘New Questions and Themes in Studying Gender and Communication’, Interactions: Studies in Communication and Culture 2(3): 171-177

2012, C. Alvares ‘Discursos do exótico nas revistas femininas: uma análise dos ‘outros’ do Pós-Feminismo’, Revista Comunicação & Sociedade 21: 151-164

2010, C. Alvares (co-authorship), Gendered Transformations: Theory and Practices on gender and Media. Intellect/University of Chicago Press, pp. 192. ISBN 9781841503660.

2010, C. Alvares (eds.), Media Theories and Practices: Situating Local in the Global (Teorias e Práticas dos Media: Situando o Local no Global). Lisbon: Edições Universitárias Lusófonas, pp. 300. ISBN. 978-972-8881-85-6.2008, C. Alvares, ‘New World Slavery: Redefining the Human’, in Massimo Lollini (org.) Annali de Italianistica 26. Humanisms, Posthumanisms & Neohumanisms. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, pp. 131-153

2008, C. Alvares (eds.), Representing Culture: Essays on Identity, Visuality and Technology. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 200. ISBN (10): 1-84718-686-6, ISBN (13): 9781847186869.

2006, C. Alvares, Humanism after colonialism. Oxford: Pete Lang, pp. 318. ISBN 3-03910-254-0 / US-ISBN 0-8204-7183-6.

2005, C. Alvares, ‘On White Mythologies: Detotalising the Legacy of Modernity’, in Culture, Theory and Critique 46(2): 93-113

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