
Dmitry Zorov - Selected publications#

  1. Zorov DB. Amelioration of aminoglycoside nephrotoxicity requires protection of renal mitochondria. Kidney Int. 2010 May;77(10):841-843. (Impact Factor of the journal = 6.105)
  2. Zorov DB, Juhaszova M, Yaniv Y, Nuss HB, Wang S, Sollott SJ. Regulation and pharmacology of the mitochondrial permeability transition pore. Cardiovasc Res. 2009 Jul 15;83(2):213-225. (IF=6.051)
  3. Plotnikov EY, Khryapenkova TG, Vasileva AK, Marey MV, Galkina SI, Isaev NK, Sheval EV, Polyakov VY, Sukhikh GT, Zorov DB. Cell-to-cell cross-talk between mesenchymal stem cells and cardiomyocytes in co-culture. J Cell Mol Med. 2008 Sep-Oct;12(5A):1622-1631. (IF=5.114)
  4. Plotnikov EY, Kazachenko AV, Vyssokikh MY, Vasileva AK, Tcvirkun DV, Isaev NK, Kirpatovsky VI, Zorov DB. The role of mitochondria in oxidative and nitrosative stress during ischemia/reperfusion in the rat kidney. Kidney Int. 2007 Dec;72(12):1493-1502. (IF=6.105)
  5. Zorov DB, Kobrinsky E, Juhaszova M, Sollott SJ. Examining intracellular organelle function using fluorescent probes: from animalcules to quantum dots. Circ Res. 2004 Aug 6;95(3):239-252. (IF= 9.504)
  6. Juhaszova M, Zorov DB, Kim SH, Pepe S, Fu Q, Fishbein KW, Ziman BD, Wang S, Ytrehus K, Antos CL, Olson EN, Sollott SJ. Glycogen synthase kinase-3beta mediates convergence of protection signaling to inhibit the mitochondrial permeability transition pore. J Clin Invest. 2004 Jun;113(11):1535-1549. (IF=14.152, total number of citations = 469, Juhaszova and Zorov equally contributed to the work).
  7. Chudakov DM, Belousov VV, Zaraisky AG, Novoselov VV, Staroverov DB, Zorov DB, Lukyanov S, Lukyanov KA. Kindling fluorescent proteins for precise in vivo photolabeling. Nat Biotechnol. 2003 Feb;21(2):191-194. (IF=31.090, total number of citations =183)
  8. Zorov DB, Filburn CR, Klotz LO, Zweier JL, Sollott SJ. Reactive oxygen species (ROS)-induced ROS release: a new phenomenon accompanying induction of the mitochondrial permeability transition in cardiac myocytes. J Exp Med. 2000 Oct 2;192(7):1001-1014. (IF=14.776, total number of citations = 411)
  9. Kinnally KW, Zorov DB, Antonenko YN, Snyder SH, McEnery MW, Tedeschi H. Mitochondrial benzodiazepine receptor linked to inner membrane ion channels by nanomolar actions of ligands. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1993 Feb 15;90(4):1374-1378.(IF=9.771, total number of citations = 131)
  10. Amchenkova AA, Bakeeva LE, Chentsov YS, Skulachev VP, Zorov DB. Coupling membranes as energy-transmitting cables. I. Filamentous mitochondria in fibroblasts and mitochondrial clusters in cardiomyocytes. J Cell Biol. 1988 Aug;107(2):481-495. (IF=9.921, total number of citations = 122)
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