
Michael Wooldridge - Publications#


"An introduction to multiagent systems" by M Wooldridge, published by John Wiley & Sons.
First edition 2002; second edition 2009; Chinese translation 2004; Greek translation 2008.

"Principles of Automated Negotiation" by S Fatima, S Kraus, and M Wooldridge, published by Cambridge University Press, 2014.

"Computational Aspects of Cooperative Game Theory" by G Chalkiadakis, E Elkind, and M. Wooldridge, published by Morgan & Claypool, 2011.

"Programming Multi-Agent Systems with AgentSpeak" by R Bordini, J F Hubner, and M Wooldridge, published by John Wiley & Sons, October 2007.

Reasoning about Rational Agents" by M Wooldridge, published by MIT Press, 2000.


"Intelligent agents: Theory and practice", by M Wooldridge and NR Jennings
Knowledge engineering review 10 (2), 115-152 1995

"The Gaia methodology for agent-oriented analysis and design" by M Wooldridge, NR Jennings, and D Kinny
Autonomous Agents and multi-agent systems 3(3), 285-312, 2000.

"Incentive Engineering for Boolean Games" by M. Wooldridge, U. Endriss, S. Kraus, and J. Lang.
Artificial Intelligence, 195:418–439, 2013.

"Weighted Argument Systems: Basic Definitions, Algorithms, and Complexity Results" by P. E. Dunne, A. Hunter, P. McBurney, S. Parsons, and M. Wooldridge.
Artificial Intelligence, 175:457-486, 2011.

"Reasoning about Coalitional Games" by T.Agotnes, W. van der Hoek, and M. Wooldridge.
Artificial Intelligence, 173(1):45-79, January 2009.

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