Lars Walløe#
Lars Walløe has published bout 150 full scientific papers in international scientific journals on topics in neurophysiology, cardiovascular physiology and instrumentation, reproductive biology, demography, population biology, epidemiology and statistical methodology.
For a list of Walløe’s many articles in history and other fields, and for more information about him and his work, see:

Lars Walløe has also published a widely used text book in statistics and a remarkable series of publications in the humanities and social sciences, including one text book:
Lars Walløe, together with Dagfinn Føllesdal and Jon Elster: Argumentasjonsteori, språk og vitens¬kapsfilosofi. 7. edition, 300 pages, Oslo University Press, 2000 (1. edition 1977). Translated as Rationale Argumentation - Ein Grundkurs in Argumentations- und Wissenschaftstheorie. 371pp, Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, 1986, as Politikens introduktion til moderne filosofi og videnskabsteori. 296pp, Politikens forlag, København, 1992, and as Argumentasjonsteori, språk och vetenskapsfilosofi. 428pp, Bokforlaget Thales, Stockholm, 1993 og 2001.