
Wim Vanduffel - Curriculum Vitae#

  • 1990 M.S. KU Leuven, Belgium (Biology, Zoology: Physiology)
  • 1997 Ph.D. KU Leuven, Belgium, (Medical Sciences)

Research Fellowships:
  • 1997-1998 Postdoctoral Research Fellow, KU Leuven, Department Neuro-and Psychophysiology, Fac. Medicine, Belgium
  • 1999- 2002 Postdoctoral Research Fellow, National Science Foundation (FWO, Belgium), Department Neuro-and Psychophysiology, Fac. Medicine, Belgium

Academic Appointments:
  • 1999- 2002 Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Belgian National Science Foundation (FWO) lab Neuro-and Psychophysiology, Medicine, KU Leuven, Belgium
  • 2000-2004 Instructor in Radiology, Harvard Medical School, Dept. Radiology
  • 2000- Assistant in Neuroscience Massachusetts General Hospital
  • 2004- Assistant Prof. Harvard Medical School, Dept. Radiology
  • 2004-2007 Visiting Assistant Prof. KU Leuven, Fac. Medicine, Belgium
  • 2007-2010 Associate Prof. KU Leuven, Fac. Medicine, Belgium
  • 2010- Full Prof. KU Leuven, Fac. Medicine, Belgium

Other Professional Positions and Major Visiting Appointments:
  • 1992-1994 Visiting Scientist, Department of Neurophysiology
  • Max-Planck Institute for Brain Research, Frankfurt, Germany
  • 1994-1995 Visiting Scientist, Department of anatomy and Neurobiology, Boston University School of Medicine, Boston, MA

Memberships, Offices and Committee Assignments in Professional Societies:
  • 1995-2002 Member, Association for Research in Vision and Ophtalmology
  • 1993- Member, Society for Neuroscience, USA
  • 1997- Member, Society for Neuroscience, Belgium

Leadership Roles (organization of courses, preparation of teaching materials, etc.)#

1. Organizer of 5-week International INCF Workshop (INCF) in Antwerp (2-6/9/2013): “Imaging the brain at different scales: How to integrate multi-scale structural information?”

2. Project leader of a multi-site grant (tot al of 3.5 million Euro) across 9 different research groups in Europe (IUAP, see above).

3. Project leader of multinational team awarded in the Human Brain Project grant (HuMoLogous).

4. Development of a novel functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging research tool for awake behaving non-human primates (NHP).

Wim Vanduffel pioneered a number of groundbreaking new techniques in the last decade that are absolutely critical to further our understanding of 'human' brain function. The development of monkey fMRI has allowed us to study at the whole brain level the functional anatomy of the monkey brain, which has provided for the first time a bridge method to compare it with the human brain. Novel methods of image analysis spurred by the NHP fMRI program is now used for evolutionary comparisons of cortical areas across species that are indispensable to understand the origin of several human developmental (e.g. autism) and psychiatric conditions (e.g. schizophrenia). The technique that we invented for imaging alert primates with MRI and to use MRI to target recordings of individual neurons in functionally identified regions have been directly adopted by many laboratories across the world-at, Caltech, Rockfeller, Yale, Pittsburg, Emory, Brown, NIMH Bethesda, MIT, Riken Tokyo, Neurospin Paris, Arizona, Bremen, Lyon, Toulouse, NIN Amsterdam, Oxford, etc

5. Organisation of scientific symposia (after 2012):

  • 9/5/2012: kick-off meeting IUAP-phaseVII-11 Coordinator
  • 23/5/2013: Annual IUAP meeting Leuven Belgium
  • 2-6 September 2013: International workshop Antwerp (INCF)
  • 12/11/2013 Co-organizer mini-symposium Society for Neuroscience, USA
  • 12/12/2014 IUAP symposium Leuven, Belgium
  • 22/05/2014: Annual IUAP meeting Leuven Belgium
  • 01/07/2014: Co-organizer postdoc Symposium ‘Medical Imaging’, Hasselt, Belgium
  • 21/05/2015: Annual IUAP meeting Leuven Belgium
  • 15/12/2015 IUAP symposium Leuven, Belgium
  • 10/05/2015: Annual IUAP meeting Leuven Belgium
  • 26-27/5/2016: U4-meeting Gent Belgium

6. Invited Key-note speaker at International scientific meetings (after 2012)
  • May 25, 2012: TMS only for humans? TMS meeting University gent, Belgium
  • December 17, 2012 Artificial perturbation of neuronal networks: past, present and future. Keynote lecture LIND, Mechelen Belgium
  • October 05, 2012 Optogenetically-induced changes in network activity and behaviour observed in primates CITA meeting (IMEC), Leuven, Belgium
  • March 12, 2013: Reward processing in visual cortex of the monkey assessed with fMRI. Key note at the German primate meeting. Goettingen, Germany
  • May 1, 2013 Optogenetically induced behavioural and functional network changes in primates. Optogenetics meeting Waltham, MA USA
  • June 14, 2013. Human Brain mapping Invited speaker symposium: Comparison of human and monkey networks reveal conserved and evolutionary novel networks OHBM Seattle, USA
  • November 4, 2013. ‘Optogenetics’ NC3R meeting London, UK
  • February 4, 2014 Dopaminergic reward signals in primate visual cortex, Amsterdam Netherlands
  • October 4, 2014 Perspectives in neuromodulation: Optogenetics. Belgian Brain Counsil (BBC). Gent, Belgium
  • January 30, 2015 Human unique cortical networks. NHP symposium Neurospin, Paris, France
  • September 17, 2015 Ventral midbrain: driver of cortical plasticity in the monkey? Max Planck Symposium Primate Neuroscience Goettingen, Germany
  • March 4, 2016 The ventral tegmental area as engine for cortical plasticity in primates Adaptive Circuit Shift Symposium, Kyoto, Japan
  • May 17, 2016 Ventral midbrain as driver for cortical plasticity. Maastricht Centre for Systems Biology, The Netherlands
  • September 30, 2016, Attention control in macaque monkeys:an opto-electrophysiology- fMRI study. IUI 2016: Viral vectors, optogenetics and pharmacogenetics for research and translational applications in the brain. Leuven, Belgium
  • January 26, 2017 Interrogating cognitive networks: marrying optogenetics with single cell recordings, fMRI and high level behaviour in nonhuman primates. Kick-off symposium SPP 1665, Hamburg, Germany.
  • April 07, 2017 The ventral tegmental area as engine for cortical plasticity in primates EITN Paris, France
  • May 03, 2017 The ventral tegmental area as engine for cortical plasticity in primates Asia-Pacific Symposium on Advances in UHF MRI Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China

Scientific Advisory boards:
  • 2015- Present: Scientific Advisory Board, Oxford imaging group (Oxford, UK)
  • 2016- Present: Scientific Advisory Board, BioMacs (University Maastricht, NL)
  • 2016- Present: Scientific Advisory Board, European Neuroscience Institute Göttingen for the field of Neural Circuits and Cognition
  • 2017- Present: Scientific Advisory Board, Neurospin, Paris, France

9. Handling Editor: Neuroimage

10. Ad-Hoc scientific editor: Plos Biology, PNAS

11. Ad-hoc reviewer for international journals (30-40 papers year):
  • Journal of Neuroscience
  • Journal of Neuroscience Methods
  • Neuroimage
  • Neuron
  • Science
  • Nature
  • Journal of Neurophysiology
  • Neuroscience
  • Experimental Brain Research
  • Cerebral Cortex
  • Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience
  • Trends In Neuroscience
  • European Journal of Neuroscience
  • Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging
  • Neuroreport
  • PloS One
  • PNAS Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA
  • Current Biology
  • ELife
  • Future Medicine
  • Neuroinformatics
  • Human Brain Mapping
  • Journal of Vision
  • Nature Scientific Reports
  • Neurophotonics
  • Neuroscience Letters
  • Neuropsychologia

12. Reviewer for research grant agencies:
  • HFSPO Human Frontier Science Program Organisation
  • Wellcome Trust and MRC (UK),
  • Dutch National Science Foundation
  • Flemish Foundation for scientific research (FWO)
  • National Institute of Health (NIH)
  • French science foundation: ANR and FRM
  • Austrian Science foundation: FWF
  • EU (H2020)

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