
Christophe Thébaud - Selected publications#

Guidot A., W. Jiang, J.B. Ferdy, C. Thébaud, P. Barberis, J. Gouzy & S. Genin. 2014. Multihost experimental evolution of the pathogen Ralstonia solanacearum unveils genes involved in adaptation to plants. Molecular Biology and Evolution (in the press)

Casquet J., R. Gillespie, & C. Thébaud. 2014. Community assembly on remote islands: a comparison of Hawaiian and Mascarene spiders. Journal of Biogeography (in the press)

Bertrand J., Y.X.C. Bourgeois, B. Delahaie, T. Duval, R. Garcia-Jimenez, J. Cornuault, P. Heeb, B. Mila, B. Pujol, & C. Thébaud. 2014. Extremely reduced dispersal and gene flow in an island bird. Heredity 112, 190-196

Cornuault J., B.H. Warren, B. Mila, C. Thébaud, & P. Heeb. 2013. Timing and number of colonizations but not diversification rates affect diversity patterns in haemosporidian lineages on a remote oceanic archipelago. American Naturalist 182, 820-833

Bourgeois Y.X.C., E. Lhuillier, T. Cézard, J. Bertrand, B. Delahaie, J. Cornuault, T. Duval, O. Bouchez, B. Mila, & C. Thébaud. Mass production of SNP markers in a on-model passerine bird through RAD-sequencing and contig mapping to the zebra finch genome. Molecular Ecology Resources 13, 899-907

Warren B.H., E. Bermingham, Y. Bourgeois, L.K. Estep, R.P. Prys‐Jones, D. Strasberg, & C. Thébaud. 2012. Hybridization and barriers to gene flow in an island bird radiation. Evolution 66, 1490-1505

Strijk J.S., R.D. Noyes, D. Strasberg, C. Cruaud, F. Gavory, M.W. Chase, R.J. Abbott, & C. Thébaud. In and out of Madagascar : dispersal to peripheral islands, insular speciation and diversification of Indian Ocean daisy trees (Psiadia, Asteraceae). PLoS ONE 7(8): e42932. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0042932

Renner S.S., J.S. Strijk, D. Strasberg, & C. Thébaud. 2010. Biogeography of the Monimiaceae (Laurales) : a role for East-Gondwana and long-distance dispersal, but not West Gondwana. Journal of Biogeography 37 : 1227-1238

Mila B., B.H. Warren, P. Heeb, and C. Thébaud. 2010. The geographic scale of diversification on islands: genetic and morphological divergence at a very small spatial scale in the Mascarene grey white-eye (Aves: Zosterops borbonicus). BMC Evolutionary Biology 10: 158

Thébaud C, B.H. Warren, A.C. Cheke, D. Strasberg. 2009. Mascarene Islands, Biology. In : R.G. Gillespie & D. Clague, eds. Encyclopedia of Islands. Univ. of California Press, Berkeley, USA.

Gonzalez M.A., C. Baraloto, J. Engel, S.A. Mori, P. Pétronelli, B. Riéra, A. Roger, C. Thébaud, & J. Chave. 2009. Identification of Amazonian trees with DNA barcodes. PLoS ONE 4: e7483. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.000748.
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