Michael Swash#
Membership Number: | 5985 |
Membership type: | ORDINARY |
Affiliated section(s): | PHYSIOLOGY & NEUROSCIENCE |
Elected: | 2022 |
Main Country of Residence: | UNITED KINGDOM |
ORCID: | 0000-0002-8717-8914 |
Present and Previous Positions
- 1986 - present Professor Catedratico Convidado da Discinplina de Neurologia da Faculdade de Medicina de Lisboa, Portugal
- 1994 - 2006 Professor of Neurology, Barts and the London School of Medicine, London (Emeritus from 2006)
- 1973 - 2006 Consultant Neurologist, The Royal London Hospital, London E1 (Emeritus since then)
- 01/72 - 12/72 Senior Registrar (Neurology), The London Hospital, London
- 10/70 - 12/71 MRC Research Fellow (Neuropathology) The London Hospital, London
- 04/70 - 09/70 Senior Registrar (Neurology) The London Hospital, London
- 10/68 - 03/70 Registrar (Neurology) The London Hospital, London
- 01/68 - 07/68 Fellow in Neurophysiology, Department of Neurology, Washington University at St Louis, St Louis MO, USA
- 07/65 - 12/67 Resident (Neurology), Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland OH, USA
- 07/63 - 05/65 House Physician and Senior House Officer (Internal Medicine), Royal United Hospital, Bath, UK
- 12/62 - 06/63 House Surgeon (Neurosurgery) The London Hospital, London
- 1957 - 1962 Medical Student, The London Hospital School of Medicine and Medical School of the University of Virginia, Charlottesville VA, USA.
Fields of Scholarship
- ALS/MND, clinical, neurophysiological, pathological, epidemiological and financial/ethical/care aspectsClinical neurology
- Epilepsy and migraine headache
- Human muscle spindle anatomy and pathology in neuromuscular disease
- Neuromuscular disease
- Dementia
- Pelvic floor disorders
Honours and Awards
- 2018 Lecturer, James Parkinson 200th anniversary celebration
- 2011 Symposium on John Hughlings Jackson 175th anniversary, Lecturer, Queen Square
- 2010 Association of British Neurologist Medallist and Annual lecturer
- Brain Memorial Lecture, introductory speaker, Royal London Hospital
- 2006 Meryon lecturer at Oxford Muscle Symposium
- Visiting Professor and Halseth lecturer, University of Colorado, Denver CO, USA
- 2003 Lou Gehrig centenary symposium lecturer, New York USA
- 2000 Spinoza Visiting Professor, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
- Forbes Norris award, of the World MND Associations
- 1998 WHO consultation in incontinence (Monaco) Lecturer
- 1995 University Medallist & Lecturer, University of Lisbon, Portugal
- 1994 7th Gopalakrishna Gold Medallist and Lecturer, Madras, India
- Silver Jubilee Lecturer, University of Coimbatore, Coimbatore, India
- 1986 Liddle Triennial Prize winner, London Hospital Medical College ‘for the cure and relief of diseases’
- Kugelberg Lecturer, Karolinska Univereity Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden
- AG Robertson Lecturer, Australian Association of Neurologists, Hobart, Tasmania
- GE Rennie Lecturer, Royal Australian College of Physicians, Hobart, Tasmania
- Joseph M Foley Festschrift, (lecturer) Cleveland OH USA
- 1985 Lettsomian Lecturer & Medallist, Medical Society of London
- 1984 Grey Walter Lecturer, Electrophysiological Society of Great Britain